Event Id: 20063: Source: Rasman: Description: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the Point to Point Protocol failed to initialize. The network request is not supported. Event Information: According to Microsoft : CAUSE This problem occurs if both of the following conditions exist:
What are the RemoteAccess 20063 errors on bootup?
The host machine event viewer reports two RemoteAccess 20063 errors on bootup relating to Remote Access Connection Manager, Protocol engine not initiating, rasgreeng.dll and IKEv2. RACM, however, is running and set to auto as are the Remote Access Auto Connection Manager and the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol services.
Why did the remote access connection manager fail to start?
Error: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the Point to Point Protocol failed to initialize. The specified module could not be found. Error: The Remote Access Connection Manager service terminated with the following error: The specified module could not be found.
Why is my Remote Access not working on Windows 2000 SP4?
• You have not configured the Routing and Remote Access service or a remote access dial-up connection on the computer that you upgrade to Windows 2000 SP4. To work around this problem, restart the computer. When you restart the computer, all the remote access binary files are brought up to date.

The regular community answers forum wouldn't accept my post (gave me an error message about the wrong number of characters), so I am visiting here. Hope that's OK.
Thanks so much for the advice. It's fixed. The problem was a combination of two factors. First, the Windows 10 updates were a problem. They were installed the day before this issue appeared. I could only uninstall one of them and that did not work. Fortunately, another update appeared last night.
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I need to supplement this information with the fact that I was able to connect to my Colorado W10 host from Austin, TX on November 6 and had not tried to do so again until November 15, when the attempt failed. I changed nothing in either the laptop or desktop configuration in the interim.