How do I connect to the Walton College remote computer?
Welcome to the Walton College of Business remote computer access portal! You can connect to your virtual desktop by using the VMware Horizon Client or through your web browser. The VMware Horizon Client offers better performance and features.
How do I start a remote desktop session from W-secinb?
You will use the w-secinb link to start a Remote Desktop session for BannerAdmin, WebFocus, or other web-based application which is behind the WCSU firewall. 1. Choose the w-secinb link from the “HTML5” section: 2. Confirm the Appropriate Use Policy message by selecting OK. a) You may now be presented with choosing an account.
Does WCSU have a good ABA program?
WCSU’s Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) program was ranked No. 1 overall – “Intelligent Pick” and No. 10 for “Most Affordable.” WCSU’s M.F.A. in Creative and Professional Writing was ranked No. 17 and “Most Flexible” in the list of Online Master’s in Creative Writing degree programs. Read more

How to log off from remote desktop?
o Open the Start button in the Remote Desktop, then find and choose Log Off.
How to start a remote desktop session?
To start a Remote Desktop session from a Windows computer: 1. Choose the w-secinb link from the “Terminal Sessions” section: A new window or tab will open to launch the Pulse Secure Application. If you haven’t already installed it, you will be prompted to do so.
How to connect to BannerAdmin?
To connect to BannerAdmin, open the Chrome shortcut labelled “BannerAdmin 9 ”. c. To connect to WebFocus or any other WCSU web-based application is not normally available from off campus, open the Chrome shortcut labelled “Google Chrome”. You will need to enter the URL of the web-based application yourself.
What is w-secinb link?
You will use the w-secinb link to start a Remote Desktop session for BannerAdmin, WebFocus, or other web-based application which is behind the WCSU firewall.
Do you need to enter the URL of the web-based application yourself?
i. You will need to enter the URL of the web-based application yourself.
Who is the faculty member of Western Connecticut State University?
Western Connecticut State University faculty members Dr. Maya Aloni and Dr. Joshua Cordeira have received recognition from the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities Board of Regents as the WCSU recipients of the board’s 2021 teaching and research awards. Read more
What is the degree in human nutrition at Western Connecticut State University?
Western Connecticut State University will offer a master’s degree in Human Nutrition in the fall, an expansion of the fast-growing Health Promotion & Exercise Sciences (HPX) program. The department currently hosts degrees in Health Promotion Studies and Health Education. Dr. Ethan Balk, an HPX associate professor, is coordinating the graduate degree, which can serve students with a background in varying fields, including public and community health, psychology, education and other professions. Read more
Is Western Connecticut State University accredited?
In May, the department received notification that it had been approved. The program is now one of five accredited departments in the state, joining University of Connecticut, University of Bridgeport, Hartford Art School and University of New Haven. And it is the only Connecticut state university to achieve the distinction
Does WCSU have in-state tuition?
WCSU welcomes full-time undergraduate NY and NJ students with in-state tuition. Learn more.
What is a WCSU account?
A WCSU User Account is necessary for students, faculty, and staff to access the University’s network from the computer centers, classrooms, labs, offices, residence halls, and wireless network. Your Western Windows Account consists of a username and password. Your username is your last name followed by your first initial. If you are unsure what your account information is please contact the IT&I Service desk at 203-837-8467
Where can I get help with Western’s Technology?
If you have any questions about technology at Western or experience problems with University equipment, call the IT+I Service Desk at (203) 837-8467, send an email to requestIT@wcsu.edu, or create an incident within the service desk portal by going to wcsu.samanage.com and signing in with your university credentials.
What is Western University's technology committee?
Western has a university-wide technology committee, referred to as the Information Technology Committee, or ITC (comprised of CIO, faculty from each school, students, ITI rep, Media Services rep, and Library Services rep.) and individual school technology committees. Please refer to the ITC website for more information.
Does WCSU have a wireless hotspot?
To use the Wireless Network: To access the wireless network you must have a WCSU User Account. Many areas of both campuses are wireless hotspots for your laptop or other portable device: the Haas Library, New Science Building, Student Center, Westside Campus Center, Centennial Hall, and Westside Classroom Building.