Remote-access Guide

fidelity web remote access

by Vladimir Fisher Jr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I log into my fidelity desktop remotely?

Select the region closest to you to log into your Fidelity desktop remotely. In the event of being inaccessible, is still available as an alternative solution for remote access. This lets you access your virtual desktop, from your own device. This lets you access Zoom audio and video when connecting remotely.

Why do I need to connect to fidelity remote access?

This lets you access your virtual desktop, from your own device. This lets you access Zoom audio and video when connecting remotely. This is a prerequisite for remote access, and helps to protect your device and keep Fidelity’s data secure. New joiner at Fidelity?

What should I never do to protect my fidelity account?

Never grant remote access to your computer or readback a one-time security password unless you have initiated the service call to a phone number that you have verified to be valid. Fidelity will never contact you to ask for this information or to gain access to your computer. Use a unique username and password for your Fidelity accounts.

Why choose fidelity?

We value your business and the trust that you have placed in Fidelity. Let's work together to keep your assets safe and secure. Fidelity will reimburse you for losses from unauthorized activity in covered accounts occurring through no fault of your own.


How to contact Fidelity about a lost account?

You must immediately contact and report to Fidelity at 800-544-6666 if you suspect any unauthorized account activity, errors, discrepancies, lose the device you normally use to contact us, or if you have not received your account statements.

Does Fidelity have a customer protection guarantee?

The Fidelity Customer Protection Guarantee does not alter any agreements that you have with Fidelity and is offered under the laws of Massachusetts. Check back here for updates, which are effective as of the publication date. © FMR LLC 2015.

Does Fidelity offer customer protection?

Fidelity is proud to offer our Customer Protection Guarantee to give you peace of mind when doing business with us. We value your business and the trust that you have placed in Fidelity. Let's work together to keep your assets safe and secure.

What is is designed to provide customers with a secure, optimal digital experience and is built to support the latest web browsers. We support current releases for the following desktop and mobile devices:

Is Fidelity compatible with older browsers?

Please keep in mind that all older versions of these browsers may not be fully compatible with Using the latest browsers may provide better encryption and privacy support, which can protect you from vulnerability to viruses, spyware, malware, and other security issues.

How to change password on a portal?

If you wish to perform a manual Password Change, at the top right corner of the portal, pull down your User Name and select Change password then follow the wizard.

How to log off from Virtual Desktop?

From within the Virtual Desktop, click the Start button and choose Log off.

What does "log off the virtual desktop" mean?

Log off the Virtual Desktop: This action will close all applications, log off the Virtual Desktop, and will end this one session. If you launched other Virtual Desktops or Virtual Applications, they will remain running and active, so you may have to repeat this step for each session.

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