Remote-access Guide

filemaker pro 16 remote access

by Dr. Carson Abbott MD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

To connect to your FileMaker host from outside your network using FileMaker Pro, select File > Open Remote... Choose to View Favorite Hosts and then click the Add... button. Enter the IP address of the network and a host name.

Full Answer

What ports does FileMaker Server use for remote access?

FileMaker Server uses Port 5003 for remote access. For a complete list of FileMaker Server ports, check out FileMaker’s Knowledge Base here. Four things have to line up to allow Remote Access to FileMaker Server when it is behind a network router firewall.

What are the system requirements for FileMaker Server 16?

Use FileMaker Server 16 for increased security options and sharing capability. For Windows, FileMaker Pro and runtime solutions require Microsoft .NET framework version 4.6 or later. Learn more about installing drivers to enable ODBC and JDBC clients to access FileMaker Pro data. FileMaker Pro can Send Mail via an email client application.

How do I open a FileMaker Server from another computer?

Back in FileMaker Pro, when working offsite, select ‘File’ menu and ‘Open Remote’ option. Click the ‘Add’ button to add a new remote FileMaker server. Give the remote address a Nickname and click ‘Save’. If all goes well, the databases on the remote FileMaker Server should show up in the next screen.

How does the admin console work in FileMaker Server?

FileMaker Server delivers Admin Console as a web application that runs in a supported web browser. Where [host] is the IP address or domain name of the master machine in your FileMaker Server deployment.


How do I access FileMaker remotely?

Option 1: Native remote access via port 5003Purchase and install an SSL certificate on the FileMaker server. Open port 5003 on your firewall. ... Firewall Configuration. ... Configure DNS. ... Optional steps.

How do I share a FileMaker Pro database over the Internet?

To publish databases on the web:Open the database files in FileMaker Pro.Choose File menu > Sharing > Configure for FileMaker WebDirect to open the FileMaker WebDirect Settings dialog box.Select the filename to publish on the web from the list of open files.Choose which users can access the file:More items...

How do I connect to FileMaker Server?

Connecting from FileMaker Pro on your desktop computer: From the Start menu select All Programs, then select FileMaker Pro. Select Open an existing file and click OK. Click Remote… then click Add… In the Host's Internet Address: field, enter

How do I access FileMaker server console?

How to access the FileMaker Server Administration ConsoleClick Start Admin Console, and the Admin Console Login page opens..In the Admin Console Login page, enter the user name and password for the Admin Console account. Admin Console starts and displays the Status pane.

What is FileMaker cloud?

Claris FileMaker Cloud is your total toolset to create and share apps in the cloud with your teams, and integrate them with other popular apps and web services. It's part of the Claris Platform that brings powerful technology to everyone, helping problem solvers tackle real-world business challenges.

What is FileMaker WebDirect?

FileMaker WebDirect, available in FileMaker Cloud and FileMaker Server, is innovative web technology that instantly runs FileMaker apps directly in a web browser - no web programming required.

How do I add clients to FileMaker Server?

To specify FileMaker clients settings, click the Database Server > FileMaker Clients tab. Select Limit number of FileMaker Pro client connections and enter a number. FileMaker Server allows an unrestricted number of simultaneous FileMaker Pro client connections for clients that are not using a User Connections License.

How do I start a FileMaker server?

Starting or stopping FileMaker Server without access to the Admin...Open Administrative Tools: • ... In Administrative Tools, open Services.In the Services window, select FileMaker Server in the Name column.Choose Action menu > Start to start the service or Action menu > Stop to stop the service.

How do I add a database to FileMaker Server?

How do I upload a database in FileMaker ServerEnsure that the appropriate accounts and privilege sets are enabled and set on each file.If the database files are open, you MUST close them before you can upload them.Click the Upload Database icon in the toolbar to start the Upload Database assistant:More items...

Who makes FileMaker Pro?

Apple owns FileMaker, an enterprise software company that focuses on making it easy for nonexpert coders to build custom apps without outside expertise. FileMaker is rebranding itself Claris, which is a name that goes back to the 80s.

Does FileMaker server use Log4j?

Even though FileMaker Server 16 and FileMaker Server 17 contain versions of Log4j that are unaffected by the specified vulnerabilities, Log4j version 1.2. 15 is considered end-of-life. All customers should upgrade and update to the latest version of FileMaker Server to ensure the newest components are installed.

What is FileMaker network sharing?

FileMaker Pro Network Sharing supports the sharing of files with up to 5 concurrent users (not including the host). FileMaker Go clients are included in the limit of 5 users. To support more users and web publishing technologies such as XML, PHP, and FileMaker WebDirect, use FileMaker Server.

How do I turn on FileMaker network sharing?

To enable a file for FileMaker Network sharing:Open the FileMaker Pro file. ... Click Share in the status toolbar, then choose Share with FileMaker Clients. ... In the FileMaker Network Settings dialog box, set Network Sharing to On. ... Select the file(s) to be hosted from the list of Currently open files.More items...

How many files can FileMaker Server host?

125 FileMakerSee Event log. Up to 125 FileMaker Pro database files can be hosted on FileMaker Server and automatically opened when FileMaker Server starts.

What port is used for FileMaker Pro?

Next enter the port number and/or port range. For FileMaker Pro clients use 5003. Additionally open port range 16000-16002 for FileMaker Administration access. This range is very useful for remotely administering the database server and should be open whenever possible.

What is the second IP address of FileMaker?

The second address is the LAN address of your server (the FileMaker host computer). This IP addresses is usually something like: 192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x.

How to access router configuration page?

To access the routers configuration page enter the Router address (Default Gateway) into a web browser address bar. This should prompt you for a username and password to log in.

Can FileMaker use both TCP and UDP?

Next is the Protocol, which can be either TCP, UDP or Both. For FileMaker we recommend both. If you don't have a both option then create two open ports for both TCP and UDP.

Why name FileMaker?

Name the Application ‘FileMaker’, so that it will be obvious to anyone who is reviewing the settings.

What is port forwarding in FileMaker?

It allows a computer application to directly address a specific computer within a network and behind a firewall. FileMaker Server uses Port 5003 for remote access. For a complete list of FileMaker Server ports, check out FileMaker’s Knowledge Base here.

How to set up DHCP with manual address?

1) The External IP (WAN) address ( obtained from 2) The computer’s internally assigned (by the router) IP address. 3) Port Forwarding has to be turned on in the Router/Firewall and pointing to the server computer. 4) Setup ‘Using DHCP with manual address’ if available on the server computer.

Where is the Remote Desktop Deployment script for FileMaker Pro?

Download the Apple Remote Desktop Deployment script for FileMaker Pro. The script is in the file on the Product Documentation Center.

How to make FileMaker Pro installable on network?

To make FileMaker Pro installation files available on your network: Create an installer folder on a networked volume for the installation files. Locate the installation files in your software download or on the DVD, then copy them to the folder you created on your networked volume. If you received FileMaker Pro as a.

What is a product name file?

Note: The ProductName .pdf file is a plain text file that conforms to the Microsoft Package Definition File format. This file is required for mass deployment of FileMaker Pro via the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). Don't edit this file unless you are using SCCM for installation. In that case, after creating the installer package, open the ProductName .pdf properties. In the General tab, for Command line, type setup.exe /S/qn, click OK, then perform the installation.

How many characters are in FileMaker Pro?

FileMaker Pro software comes with a unique, 35-character license key. You received an email message with a link to your Electronic Software Download page. Your license key is on that page.

Can you view hosted files without Bonjour?

The Bonjour service must be installed for remote hosts to be discovered. If Bonjour isn't installed or if the Bonjour service isn't running, users won't be able to view hosted files in the Hosts tab in the Launch Center. Without Bonjour, they must manually enter the names or IP addresses for remote hosts.

Do Microsoft installers require Internet access?

Note: The Microsoft installers for these components require Internet access to download the necessary files.

Does FileMaker Pro use the same language?

Note: In macOS, the installer installs FileMaker Pro to use the same language as the current macOS system language. Users who want to install FileMaker Pro with a different language should use System Preferences to change the macOS language before installing FileMaker Pro.

Where is port 16001?

Port 16001 is only available on the local host machine and not from a remote machine. To go directly to the Admin Console Start Page from a remote machine (FileMaker Server 16 and earlier) Open a web browser and enter: https:// [host]:16000. where [host] is the IP address or domain name of an external master machine in your FileMaker Server ...

Is port 16001 available on a remote machine?

Port 16001 only available on the local host machine and not from a remote machine.

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