How do I get access to a Floyd computer system?
Download the appropriate Systems Computer Access and Confidentiality Information Agreement to receive access to a Floyd computer system. Systems Computer Access and Confidentiality Agreement for Floyd Workforce (PDF Download) Systems Computer Access and Confidentiality Agreement for Non-Floyd Providers and Their Staff (PDF Download)
What is ADP Floyd's intranet?
Access Floyd's Intranet for employee resources and tools. MyCigna provides 24/7 access to your health benefits and related health tools and resources. The secure ADP portal allows you to access information including pay, benefits, direct deposit and earned time.
Where can I find information about clinical experiences at Floyd?
Visit the Student Opportunities page to learn about the clinical experiences Floyd offers to students . The Medical Staff office of Floyd Healthcare System strives to provide credentialing services to medical providers in a professional and timely manner.
How do I become a medical staff at Floyd healthcare system?
The Medical Staff office of Floyd Healthcare System strives to provide credentialing services to medical providers in a professional and timely manner. Medical Staff Application Request — Submit a pre-application to become an active member of the medical staff at Floyd Medical Center, Polk Medical Center or a part of our Primary Care Network.

Is MD Anderson Cancer Center considered a survivor?
At MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, patients are considered a survivor the moment they are
Can Cooper see patients?
Based upon a reduction of COVID-19 cases, Cooper is now allowing a limited number of visitors in to see or accompany patients.
iRAS - Internet Enabled Remote Access Solution
iRAS is a secured and authenticated site for authorized North Memorial Team Member business use only. If you are a North Memorial Health, Maple Grove Hospital, or Blaze Health customer and have reached this page in error, please go to http://www.northmemorial.com for information prepared to assist you in your health care. If you are an NMH Team Member and do not currently have authorized access and have a business need for it, please contact your manager to submit an IT Service Request. If you are having technical issues that are not related to your own computer or internet access, you can contact the NMH IT Support Desk at 763-581-2580..
First Time Logging In?
If this is your first time using our remote access portal, the following are required before logging in:
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Floyd Family Medicine Residency Program
- The Floyd Family Medicine Residency program is a three-year comprehensive experience that gives residents hands-on opportunities in an environment of camaraderie, teamwork and family. Learn more.
- Visit the Student Opportunitiespage to learn about the clinical experiences Floyd offers to students . Medical Staff Credentialing The Medical Staff office of Floyd Healthcare System strives to provide credentialing services to medical providers in a professional and timely manner. 1. Medical Staff Application Request— Submit a pre-application to become an active member of th…
Network Systems Access Agreement
- Download the appropriate Systems Computer Access and Confidentiality Information Agreement to receive access to a Floyd computer system. 1. Systems Computer Access and Confidentiality Agreement for Floyd Workforce 2. Systems Computer Access and Confidentiality Agreement for Non-Floyd Providers and Their Staff
Electronic Medical Records (Cerner) Resources
- Cerner (EMR) Login: Access Floyd's Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. Install Citrix XenApp Web Client: The Citrix XenApp Web Client must be installed before a connection can be made to Floyd's EMR system. 1. Download for Windows 2. Download for Mac Cerner Access Guide: View resources related to the EMR system including a guide on how to ac...