For simple, safe, and secure remote access to your Unraid system, download My Servers. Introducing My Servers Port 445: Used for SMB (shares). If you forward this port to your server, any public shares can be connected to by any user over the internet.
Full Answer
What port does Unraid use for remote access?
NOTE: When setting up Remote Access in My Servers, we highly recommend you choose a random port over 1000 rather than using the default of 443. For simple, safe, and secure remote access to your Unraid system, download My Servers. Port 445: Used for SMB (shares).
How do I set up Unraid to connect to https?
If you are using Unraid 6.10 your local access url will not change. Set the WAN port you want to use. We highly recommend you choose a random port over 1000 rather than using the default of 443. i.e. something like 13856, 48653, etc Setup your router to port forward the WAN port you specified to the HTTPS port used by the server.
How do I check if my port is forwarded correctly?
Press the Check button. If the port is forwarded correctly you will see a message saying "Your Unraid Server is reachable from the Internet" To access your server using Remote Access, login to the My Servers Dashboard and click the Remote Access link.
Should I forward ports to my server?
Forwarding ports to your server is required for specific services that you want to be Internet-accessible such as Plex, FTP servers, game servers, VoIP servers, etc. However, forwarding the wrong ports can expose your server to significant security risks. Here are just a few ports you should be extra careful with when forwarding:

How do I access Unraid remotely?
To access your server using Remote Access, login to the My Servers Dashboard and click the Remote Access link.
What port does Unraid use?
Make sure that the port you enter is the same as the Unraid's webGUI/Admin UI. By default, this is port 80 (http) or 443 (https), but if you changed it in Unraid, please change it in the app accordingly.
How do you get Unraid secure?
Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. If particular users don't need write access, make them read-only. Users can be created under the 'Users' tab and Share and SMB security settings can be accessed by clicking on each user share under the 'Shares' tab.
How do I add a docker to Unraid?
To add them to your system, perform the following steps:Click Add Container on the Docker tab in the webGui.Click the Template drop-down and select an application.Read the description and instructions for using this application.Click Create to begin downloading the application to your system as a Docker container.
What port does Plex use?
In your routers Port Forwarding section you will need to forward port 32400 TCP to device for incoming connections. This is all Plex needs for web access, all those other ports I'm guessing are for Docker to talk to the host and the container.
Is NAS connected to PIA?
Nope, the NAS is just attached to the network directly. (I don't even know how to connect it to PIA)
Can a user access all storage shares?
Well, all storage shares are locked behind user accounts. They should only be able to access it by knowing those accounts and no user account is able to access all of the storage.
Does Plex work with UPnP?
Plex remote access already works via UPnP, I want to get remote access to the filesystem to work. For this I tried using Nextcloud before but that creates a new filesystem, and it ignores current user accounts made in the Unraid menu.
What is Teamviewer's port?
Teamviewer's port is 7 or 9 for WOL access from outside the LAN, is there another way?
Is NextCloud secure?
Have you looked at nextcloud? should be easy to setup and fairly secure. Normaly network connections methods like cifs/smb and nfs aren't very secure and will be failry slow over wan.
Can you portforward Unraid?
You can portforward the unraid webgui, but you should really use a vpn here, and the webgui probably isn't that secure.
Can I share my smb files with NextCloud?
Just a word of warning on nextcloud, once your files are in it, you can only access them from within the nextcloud system. i.e. you can't have a smb share with your files and have them available in nextcloud.
Is Wireguard better than OpenVPN?
Forget OpenVPN. Wireguard is officially included in latest unRAID and performance-wise is much better than OpenVPN. There are tutorials on LimeTech/unRAID forums on how to set it up.
If You Could Sell Me On UnRaid With One Feature?
I am thinking of switching over to UnRaid...Sell me on it with one feature you love most!
strategies for moving gaming rigs to VMs in unraid?
I have a beefy server and would like to consolidate my kids PC gaming systems in unraid. I have a windows 10 VM setup with passthrough to a 1050ti and USB card setup.
Upgrade Cache Drive
So I have a slighty odd cache setup. Years ago, Micro Center had a deal for 120gb SSDs for $12 each. They are cheap DRAM-less drives. Thier performance isn't great, but its still better than a HDD.
How long are your hard drives lasting?
I had a drive start to fail last night (2TB Hitachi GST Deskstar) and when I looked it up, it was 10 years old. I still have one drive from my original unraid build that has been running for 13 years (a WD Caviar Green). 5-6 is probably closer to "normal" for me though. What's the oldest drive you still have running? Average age?
A 4U, 24-bay Case Image for unRAID
Feel free to use this for your unRAID system if it helps. Feel free to modify it as needed- it would be nice to see the work of others.
How to disable remote access in Unraid?
Navigate to Settings -> Management Access, set Use SSL/TLS to No and hit Apply. In Unraid 6.9 this will also disable the Remote Access feature at the same time.
How to navigate between Unraid servers?
From this menu you can quickly navigate between your registered servers, launch the My Servers app, connect to the forums, or modify My Servers settings.
How to sign out of Unraid?
In the event that you wish to sign out of the My Servers program on your system, you can do so from the Management Access Settings Page. Open the drop down in the User Profile Component and select Settings. Scroll down to the Unraid.net section and click the Sign Out button.
How to activate flash backup Unraid?
On the Settings -> Management Access -> Unraid.net page , click to Activate your flash backup again. On the Users page, for each user (including root), you will need to reset your passwords. On the Settings > VPN Manager page, for each tunnel and peer, click the key icon.
Does Unraid 6.10 use SSL?
If you are using Unraid 6.10, be sure to set USE SSL/TLS to No. In Unraid 6.9 this should be set to Auto.
Do flash backups include config/shadow?
Important: Backups from the flash device do not include the config/shadow or config/smbpasswd files. User accounts are preserved, but their passwords are not. This means that when you restore from backup, you will need to set passwords for your users including root. We also don't store any of your WireGuard keys.
Can you remote access Unraid?
Note: Before you can enable remote access, you must set a root password to your Unraid server. Make it complex. You can do this from the Users page.