Do you have a template for implementing remote access policies?
Below, we’ve outlined some strong practices for implementing remote access policies and processes at your organization and included a remote access policy template that can serve as a solid foundation for your own.
Is there a template for an employee remote work policy?
This Employee remote work policy template is ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies. Our Employee remote work policy outlines our guidelines for employees who work from a location other than our offices.
What is the company policy for remote network access?
This policy shall apply to all employees, contractors, and affiliates of [COMPANY NAME], and shall govern remote network access for all authorized users. Remote access is defined as any connection to [COMPANY NAME]’s internal network from a location outside of any affiliated company offices.
What is remote access and how does it work?
Remote access is defined as any connection to [COMPANY NAME]’s internal network from a location outside of any affiliated company offices. Authorized users must protect their login credentials and must not share them with anyone for any reason.

What should be included in a remote access policy?
What Should You Address in a Remote Access Policy?Standardized hardware and software, including firewalls and antivirus/antimalware programs.Data and network encryption standards.Information security and confidentiality.Email usage.Physical and virtual device security.Network connectivity, e.g., VPN access.More items...•
What are the examples of remote user security policy best practices?
Best Practices For Remote Access SecurityEnable encryption. ... Install antivirus and anti-malware. ... Ensure all operating systems and applications are up to date. ... Enforce a strong password policy. ... Use Mobile Device Management (MDM) ... Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) ... Use two-factor authentication.More items...•
What is access control policy?
Access control policies are high-level requirements that specify how access is managed and who may access information under what circumstances.
What is a remote access standard?
PURPOSE. Remote Access refers to the ability to access UMW network resources while off campus. Security measures for remote access should be implemented based on sensitivity and risk to University systems and data.
How do you protect remote access?
Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.
How do you keep security when employees work remotely?
Remote Work Security Best PracticesEstablish and enforce a data security policy. ... Equip your employees with the right tools and technology. ... Frequently update your network security systems. ... Regulate the use of personal devices. ... Institute a “Zero Trust” approach. ... Make sure all internet connections are secure.More items...
What are the 4 types of access control?
4 Types of Access ControlDiscretionary Access Control (DAC) ... Mandatory Access Control (MAC) ... Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) ... Rule-Based Access Control. ... Access Control from Four Walls Security.
What are the three types of access control?
Three main types of access control systems are: Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Role Based Access Control (RBAC), and Mandatory Access Control (MAC). DAC is a type of access control system that assigns access rights based on rules specified by users.
How do you create an access control plan?
To build physical security from the ground up, you need to create an access control plan.Creating Your Access Control Plan.Assess the Situation.Observe the Environment.Conduct a Site Survey and Security Audit.Ensure Compliance With Codes and Regulations.
What is remote access examples?
Accessing, writing to and reading from, files that are not local to a computer can be considered remote access. For example, storing and access files in the cloud grants remote access to a network that stores those files. Examples of include services such as Dropbox, Microsoft One Drive, and Google Drive.
What is a best practice for compliance in the remote access domain?
Instead, a best practice is to adopt the principle of least privilege, which means that access for all users should be blocked by default and enabled only for the specific accounts that require it.
Why is a remote access policy definition a best practice for handling remote employees and authorized users who require remote access from home or on business trips?
A remote access policy aims to keep corporate data safe from exposure to hackers, malware, and other cybersecurity risks while allowing employees the flexibility to work from remote locations.
What is a preferred security measure for remote access?
Virtual Private Networking (VPN) is often considered the best approach in securing trans-network communication.
What security considerations do you think are important for users accessing their company desktops remotely?
Digital Security While Working RemotelyAvoid public Wi-Fi; if necessary, use personal hotspots or some way to encrypt your web connection. ... Keep Work Data on Work Computers. ... Block the Sight Lines. ... Encrypt Sensitive Data in Emails and on Your Device.
What is the purpose of remote access policy?
Hence, the purpose of this policy is to define standards for connecting to the group’s network from any host. These standards are designed to minimize the potential exposure to the group from damages, which may result from unauthorized use of the group resources. Damages include the loss of sensitive or company confidential data, intellectual property, damage to public image, damage to critical group internal systems, etc.
What is the Organization Group policy?
This policy applies to all Organization Group employees, contractors and vendors with corporate owned computers or workstations used to connect to the Group’s network. This policy applies to remote access connections used to do work on behalf of the Group, including reading or sending email, viewing intranet web resources and network/system/application support.
What is the purpose of e-Citrix?
The main objective of this policy is to allow Organization IT Support staff, selected vendors and approved business users to access Organization resources through remote access. The current infrastructure through e-Citrix technology allows remote access to Organization’s enterprise application system.
Can IT support staff access applications?
a) IT Support staff are allowed remote access for applications for support purposes. IT Managers are advised to allow remote access only on a “need to have” basis based on Classification of Business Functions in Appendix A.
Can IT Security provide remote support?
c) IT Remote Support Services should not be provided for application with business function that has been classified as “Required” or “Non -Critical”. IT Security does not recommend remote support services for such applications to reduce the Groups’ exposure to unnecessary outside threats. However, such application may be allowed remote support services on an ad-hoc basis for a limited time period and approved by the Organization IT Management.
What is remote work policy?
Our Employee remote work policy outlines our guidelines for employees who work from a location other than our offices. We want to ensure that both employees and our company will benefit from these arrangements.
What equipment does a remote employee need?
We will provide our remote employees with equipment that is essential to their job duties, like laptops, headsets and cell phones (when applicable.) We will install VPN and company-required software when employees receive their equipment. We will not provide secondary equipment (e.g. printers and screens.)
What is remote working compensation?
Health insurance, PTO and other individual or group benefits are not altered by a remote working agreement. Remote employees will also receive [ $100] per month as a remote-working allowance to cover office-related costs (e.g. electricity and rent.)
How many weeks can an office worker work remotely?
Office-based employees may also work remotely for a maximum of
How many days can you work remotely?
Remote working is a permanent or temporary agreement between employees and managers to work from a non-office location for more than [ three days .]#N#Working from home for a maximum of
Can employees work remotely?
Employees may work remotely on a permanent or temporary basis.
Why you need a remote access policy
Access to IT and business resources -- data, databases, systems and networks -- must be protected from unauthorized and potentially damaging attacks. Securing access to company resources from employees working remotely ensures IT assets and employees are shielded from potential disruptions.
How to create a remote access security policy
Remote access security policies should be developed by a cross-functional team to address operational, legal, competitive and other issues associated with remote access to information resources. The team should coordinate with internal departments for input on their remote access requirements and with HR to ensure uniform compliance by employees.
Remote access security policy sample
A remote access security policy can be simple. In fact, a few paragraphs added to an existing cybersecurity policy may be sufficient. The policy language should define remote access security activities and how they build on existing security policies and procedures, noting the metrics discussed previously.
What is a remote work policy?
A remote work policy — also known as a work from home policy or telecommuting policy — is a set of guidelines that outlines how and when it’s appropriate for employees to work outside the office. These policies often cover who is eligible to work remotely, communication expectations, time-tracking processes, data security rules, legal considerations and more.
What are the ground rules for remote work?
Here are 11 ground rules, guidelines and expectations to consider including in your remote work policy: 1. Purpose and scope. Start by explaining why you created the policy and who it applies to.
What are the benefits of remote work?
Remote work can [ list of benefits remote work will bring to your business — e.g., improve productivity, reduce office and parking space, reduce traffic congestion, enhance work/life balance, protect the health and safety of employees during COVID-19 ]. [Optional] This remote work policy is in effect due to COVID-19 and public health guidelines ...
How many days can you work remotely?
Your remote work policy may state that people in sales or client-facing roles can only work from home two days per week, for instance. You can also create other criteria rules, like only employees who’ve worked at your company for at least three months are eligible to work from home, or only those who don’t have active disciplinary actions on file can work remotely.
What is required for a non-exempt employee to work remotely?
In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), non-exempt employees who work remotely are required to strictly adhere to required rest and lunch breaks, and to accurately track and report their time worked using [ Company Name ]’s time-tracking system. Non-exempt employees must also obtain prior written approval from their supervisor before working any overtime.
Why is it important to have a work from home policy?
That’s why it’s important to create a work from home policy that sets expectations for your employees, keeps them on track while working from home and helps mitigate any potential legal problems. Here are 11 ground rules, guidelines and ...
Do remote employees have to attend meetings?
Remote employees will be required to attend [ annual company retreat, bi-monthly meetings, etc.] in person. Travel expenses will be reimbursed as outlined in [ Company Name ]’s travel policy.
Who must obtain prior approval from Information Security Office for remote access to Connecticut College?
4.3.6 Organizations or individuals who wish to implement nonstandard Remote Access solutions to the Connecticut College production network must obtain prior approval from Information Security Office
Who approves exceptions to the policy?
Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Chief Information Security Officer in advance.
What is the purpose of the Connecticut College network policy?
These standards are designed to minimize the potential security exposure to Connecticut College from damages which may result from unauthorized use of Connecticut College resources. Potential damages include the loss of sensitive or college confidential data, intellectual property, damage to public image, and damage to critical Connecticut College internal systems.
What is an academic VPN?
a. Academic VPN allows all valid employees and students to access the College network resources.
What is remote work policy?
A remote work policy helps your company and employees by clearly outlining expectations. This includes: Employee eligibility. Work schedule and availability. Communication channels. Technology resources. Restrictions and exceptions. It supports the fair and consistent application of rules across your organization and minimizes the risk ...
How does remote work policy help employees?
It supports the fair and consistent application of rules across your organization and minimizes the risk of employees or managers making assumptions that can negatively affect productivity, morale, or both. A remote work policy also reduces the risk of burnout by better defining the boundaries between when an employee’s workday ends and when their free time begins.
What is remote employee?
Example: “ [Company Name] will provide remote employees with the appropriate equipment and technology (including hardware and software) to effectively complete their duties. The equipment provided will be based on each employee’s individual role and responsibilities. Remote employees are to use this equipment for business purposes only and are expected to take appropriate steps to keep this equipment safe.”
What are some examples of guidelines for protecting sensitive information?
Example: “Remote employees must abide by both the company’s acceptable use policy (AUP) and bring your own device (BYOD) policy. Employees should take the appropriate steps to minimize exposure to cybersecurity risks and protect confidential and proprietary data.”.
How long does it take to respond to an email from a remote employee?
Example: “Remote employees must be available via Slack or phone during their designated work hours and must respond to emails within 24 business hours, unless otherwise stated in the client’s Statement of Work.
When a remote employee plans to work in the office, must they use the company name?
Example: “When a remote employee plans to work in the office, they must use [Company Name]’s room reservation system to confirm a workspace is available and reserve a workstation to ensure the office is not above capacity.”
Is Shopify remote first?
With many big-name companies like Nationwide Insurance, Shopify, and Pinterest taking a “remote first” approach to workforce management in 2021 and others like Quora and Basecamp going fully remote, it’s no wonder companies of all sizes have started adopting more flexible work arrangements.
What is IAM policy?
The (Company) IAM Policy applies to individuals who are responsible for managing (Company) Information Resource access, and those granted access privileges, including special access privileges, to any (Company) Information Resource.
What is access to confidential information based on?
Access to confidential information is based on a “need to know”.
What is the purpose of IAM policy?
The purpose of the (Company) IAM Policy is to establish the requirements necessary to ensure that access to and use of (Company) Information Resources is managed in accordance with business requirements, information security requirements, and other (Company) policies and procedures.
Why is it important to have a security policy?
Adopting a full set of information security policies is a critical step in ensuring that every department and employee understands their role in helping protect company, customer, and employee data.
When should shared administrative/special access accounts be used?
Shared Administrative/Special access accounts should only be used when no other option exists.
Should access to information resources be granted to user groups?
Whenever possible, access to Information Resources should be granted to user groups, not granted directly to individual accounts.
Who must sign the Information Security Policy Acknowledgement?
All personnel must sign the (Company) Information Security Policy Acknowledgement before access is granted to an account or (Company) Information Resources .
Why you need a remote access policy
The shift towards remote working has been made possible due to technological advancements in the way we access information and systems, and how we interact with teammates.
What should be included in a remote access policy
The purpose of the remote access policy is to state the rules for employees accessing the organisation’s network and sensitive information.
Challenges of remote access
Although there are many benefits of remote working, there are some circumstances where it is simply not possible.
ISO 27001 remote access policy template
You can find more tips on what to include in your remote access policy with our free template.

Remote Working Agreement
Remote Working That Works
Compliance with Policies
Compensation and Benefits
- 4.1 General a) It is the responsibility of the Organization requester’s and approver’s with remote access privileges to the corporate network to ensure that their access privileges should be less or minimal necessary to carry out the functions. b) General access to the Internet for recreational use by the user through the Group’s network is not per...