Remote-access Guide

gdpr remote access policy

by Dr. Lucio Nicolas Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Strong remote access security policies can help safeguard the personal and confidential data that is protected by the GDPR. What is a remote access policy? A remote access policy is the set of security standards for remote employees and devices. A company's IT or data security team will typically set the policy.

Remote security requires encryption
Both Recital 83 and Article 32 of the GDPR explicitly mention “encryption” when discussing appropriate technical and organizational security measures. Encryption is important because if your data is encrypted and there is a breach, the data will be illegible and useless.

Full Answer

Is your remote team GDPR compliant?

If you’re suddenly managing remote teams, it can be daunting to think about data security with everything else that’s going on. The GDPR, in general, requires that companies keep personal data private and secure. This article will show you how, with a few simple actions, you can help ensure you stay GDPR compliant even as your team is spread out.

What is a remote access policy?

A remote access policy is the set of security standards for remote employees and devices. A company's IT or data security team will typically set the policy.

What are the security requirements for remote access?

Virtual private network (VPN) usage, anti-malware installation on employee devices, and multi-factor authentication (MFA) are all examples of things that can be included in a security policy for remote access. What does the GDPR require? The GDPR is a very broad set of regulations.

What is the GDPR and how does it affect small businesses?

Businesses with remote workforces must take extra steps to secure their data and manage employee access. What is IAM? What is SASE? What is the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data privacy law that establishes a framework for the collection, processing, storage, and transfer of personal data.


Is remote access data transfer GDPR?

In that regard, the mere remote access to the data would still qualify as a “data transfer” and it remains to be hopefully clarified in the final Guidelines whether the sharing of personal data among joint-controllers (both subject to GDPR from the inception of the processing operations) would in and of itself be ...

Is remote access considered data transfer?

Similarly, “remote access and processing” by an employee of the same controller or processor – such as where the controller or processor has employees working from multiple countries – is not a “transfer.” Processors sending data back to controllers in a third country engage in a transfer.

How can I protect my data when working from home?

Work From Home Security Tips to Protect Your DataInvest in Good Security Software.Separate Work Devices from Personal Devices.Keep Operating System Up to Date.Keep Software Up to Date.Secure Your WiFi Network.Use a VPN.Physical Security.Use a Secure Browser and Search Engine.More items...•

Is Microsoft Access GDPR compliant?

Yes. The GDPR requires controllers (such as organizations using Microsoft's enterprise online services) only use processors (such as Microsoft) that provide sufficient guarantees to meet key requirements of the GDPR.

What constitutes a transfer for GDPR?

Thus, a transfer implies that personal data are sent or made available by a controller or processor (exporter) which, regarding the given processing, is subject to the GDPR (pursuant to Article 3 GDPR), to a different controller or processor (importer) in a third country, regardless of whether or not this importer is ...

What constitutes a data transfer under GDPR?

Data transfer is an intentional sending of personal data to another party or making the data accessible by it, where neither sender nor recipient is a data subject. At the same time, it is also obvious that the data transfer is not data collection.

How does GDPR affect working from home?

The GDPR does not make distinctions between rooms or places or conditions in which data is processed; it simply requires appropriate security against potential risks – whenever and wherever that data may be. In addition, employees working from home may connect to the internet using personal – or even public – Wi-Fi.

How do you make Wfh more reliable and secure?

Security Tips for Employees Working From HomeSecure Your Home Office. ... Secure Your Home Router. ... Separate Work and Personal Devices. ... Encrypt Your Devices. ... Use Supported Operating Systems. ... Keep Your Operating System Up-To-Date. ... Keep Your Software Up-To-Date. ... Enable Automatic Locking.More items...•

Which of these is the most important security precaution you should take when working remotely?

Here are the top remote working security tips to ensure you and your staff are working from home safely.Use antivirus and internet security software at home. ... Keep family members away from work devices. ... Invest in a sliding webcam cover. ... Use a VPN. ... Use a centralized storage solution. ... Secure your home Wi-Fi.More items...

Is Office 365 GDPR compliant?

For example, Microsoft 365 Apps for business data storage acts as a processor and is fully GDPR compliant. An organization or system can act as both a controller and a processor. Microsoft 365 for business can act as both and complies with the GDPR.

Does OneDrive comply with GDPR?

IT Services have ensured that the version of OneDrive (OneDrive for Business) that is provided to members of the University is GDPR compliant. This may not apply to any personal OneDrive accounts that you may have.

Is Sharepoint Online GDPR compliant?

"In February of this year, we announced that Microsoft cloud services will comply with GDPR by May 25, 2018, across Office 365, Dynamics 365, Azure, including Azure data services, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Windows 10. We've backed this up with our contractual commitments to customers.

What can you do with remote access?

Remote computer access is the ability to access another computer or network that isn't in your physical presence. Remote computer access allows an employee to access a computer desktop and its files from a remote location. This helps enable an employee who is working from home, for instance, to work effectively.

What is remote access in router?

Remote-access-router definition Filters. A network device used to connect remote sites via private lines or public carriers. The router is required at both ends and provides the protocol conversion between the internal network (LAN) and the external network (WAN). See remote access concentrator and remote access server ...

Does remotely accessing personal data from a third country which is stored in the UK constitute a transfer?

Carry out a Transfer Assessment In carrying out this exercise, the EDPB reminds organisations that even remote access from a third country (such as IT support) constitutes a transfer for these purposes.

How is remote access to a router useful in a network?

You want to check if anyone is using the Wi-Fi. Accessing remotely also gives you the power to adjust the parental controls if your router allows it. Now, you don't have to wonder if someone's accessing sites that are prohibited.

What is GDPR data protection?

In simple terms this means that from the very start of activities touching on data processing privacy issues must be addressed.

What does GDPR mean?

In more technical terms, GDPR says that a data controller must at the time of the determination of the means for processing and at the time of the processing itself implement appropriate technical and organisational measures based on: the cost of implementation. the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing,

What is the CISO lens in GDPR?

The CISO lens on GDPR is comparatively easy , as once information has been identified and classified as ‘personal data’, the security function needs to ensure that the processing of information is carried out in an appropriate way.

What is personal data?

Personal data can only be gathered under strict conditions and for legitimate purposes. Those organisations who collect and manage people’s personal information must protect it from misuse and must respect their rights at all times – and employees working remotely are no exceptions. The regulation links data protection, data privacy and information security, and sets out six interlinked principles. These principles highlight the importance of having an organisation assign stakeholders who understand the ‘why and what’ of data collection and retention: 1 An organisation has to ensure that personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently; 2 Personal data can only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; 3 The use of personal data needs to be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose (s) for which the data is being processed; 4 Organisations have to ensure thatdata is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; 5 Data must not be kept for longer than necessary; 6 Personal data needs to be processed in a manner that ensures the appropriate security of this information, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful data processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Is remote work required under GDPR?

While GDPR compliance is focused on the protection of privacy, organisations are well advised to maintain control over their personal and sensitive data in all work environments regardless. A remote work policy is now a necessity to manage data and keep it secure as we transition into an as yet unknown new normal.

Is private work environment secure?

However, it needs to be ensured that the private work environment keeps any accessed and processed data as secure as in a corporate office. Organisations are therefore having to revisit their security posture to provide a safe remote working experience that prevents data breaches.

Can personal data be collected for legitimate purposes?

Personal data can only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; The use of personal data needs to be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose (s) for which the data is being processed;

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation , commonly known as GDPR, is a set of regulations brought into practice in the year 2016 concerning the protection of data. They serve as a legal framework for any businesses or companies that operate within the EU (European Union), or interact with any European visitors, and set guidelines for the processing of personal data from these people. This means that these regulations apply regardless of where the companies are based, even if they don’t specifically operate in EU markets, and to EU residents. GDPR can come into play for many businesses that are now working remotely, as even more data and personal information is being collected and processed online than would typically be.

What is the risk of working remotely?

However, since many will be used to simply be able to access their work quickly and more locally in the office, there can be a risk associated with accessing sensitive information at home, over potentially insecure networks and connections. And if remote working has created new ways of accessing information over the internet for employees, then the data is naturally at greater risk; due to the processes being new for the employees and harder to manage.

What is a "Bring Your Own Device" policy?

A BYOD policy allows employees and staff to use their own, personal devices (such as laptops) to work from, rather than a company-issued device. Whilst a BYOD policy can have several potential benefits; they also bring with them several potential data risks. Personal devices of staff may be used by multiple people not affiliated with the business, such as family members, meaning that business data might be unknowingly available to many. Some personal devices may also not be equipped with the best software to protect themselves from malicious viruses and hackers, which is a significant data risk in itself.

How can data be protected?

Another way that data can be protected is during the process of data transfers. Whenever company information is moved from one location to another in remote working, it should be adequately protected. This can be achieved through Pseudonymisation and Encryption.

Is a BYOD policy good?

Whilst a BYOD policy can have several potential benefits; they also bring with them several potential data risks. Personal devices of staff may be used by multiple people not affiliated with the business, such as family members, meaning that business data might be unknowingly available to many.

What is remote access policy?

A remote access policy is simply a set of rules that identify clearly whom should have access to what. It should state clearly the names and the responsibilities of every individual that has the right to access company’s servers. No employees, whether remote or not, should have complete access to the company’s servers or to files they don’t use for their daily tasks. You can restrict certain parts of the site and authorize your developers to access only the data that they need in order to do their job. Make sure that this is clearly stated in your policy.

How to establish a remote work policy?

In order to establish a remote work policy that covers and regulates data accessibility, check out the following components to ensure GDPR compliance: 1. Outline developer’s responsibilities. First and foremost, outline developers’ responsibilities and roles and include a clear description of their daily tasks.

Why is putting a remote work policy in place important?

Putting a remote work policy in place is essential for managing your remote team and keeping your data secure.

Why do businesses need to have a remote work policy?

Businesses, large and small should put a strong remote work policy in place to guide their operational model. When working with remote developers, it is essential to ensure that they understand how to gather and access data transparently with respect to the GDPR and individual rights.

How to raise awareness of data security?

Companies require their employees to go for trainings and workshops report higher level of data security awareness. Awareness sessions and workshops are essential, however, it’s important to find other ways to raise awareness and reinforce a strong security system among your employees. Blogs, and podcasts that tell real world examples play a crucial role in bringing their attention to the topic. Gamification is also another way to add a bit of fun and engage your development team about the importance of data security and GDPR compliance.

When did the GDPR come into effect?

Companies who want to reap the benefits of remote work are concerned about keeping their data secure under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into force in May 2018. The GDPR proposed certain roles in which companies should abide by to prevent data breaches and enhance their data security.

What should be in place for developers to be able to report breach incidents to authorized individuals?

A clear and actionable procedure should be in place for developers to be able to report breach incidents to authorized individuals. You should make sure your developers understand what constitutes a data breach and they should clearly understand the actions they should take if they discovered such incident.

How to stay GDPR compliant?

To boil it down to four steps, the most significant things that you, a small business owner, can do to stay GDPR compliant while your team is working from home are: 1 Update your cybersecurity policy to reflect the new “working from home” reality. 2 Train your employees and make sure your cybersecurity team is ready to support them. 3 Keep data encrypted in transit and at rest. 4 Limit access to sensitive data and keep your connections secure with a corporate VPN.

What is GDPR compliance?

The GDPR, in general, requires that companies keep personal data private and secure. This article will show you how, with a few simple actions, you can help ensure you stay GDPR compliant even as your team is spread out.

Why is encryption important in GDPR?

Encryption is important because if your data is encrypted and there is a breach, the data will be illegible and useless.

What is cybersecurity policy?

A cybersecurity policy that instructs your employees on how to keep your business’s data safe is an important tool in data protection. If you don’t have one, you should make one. If you have a policy but haven’t updated it since everyone began working from home, this is the time to do so. A good place to start is by reviewing ...

Is it better to keep your data encrypted?

Keeping sensitive personal data encrypted is much easier in an office, where your cybersecurity team can maintain server security and monitor your network. But there are simple steps your organization can take so that data remains encrypted, even if it is stored on a device at your employee’s home.

Who should run training sessions on new security policies?

Your data protection officer or the team in charge of your cybersecurity should plan to run training sessions on the new policy with the entire company. This team should then train your employees (in small groups) on the new security tools and processes they will use in their day-to-day work.

Can a slip up in data security lead to a breach?

Many employees who are not familiar with data security issues may not grasp how a simple slip-up on their part could lead to a data breach that exposes the personal data you are charged to protect. These data breaches can not only undermine consumer confidence in your company but also lead to costly GDPR fines.

What is the GDPR?

The GDPR concerns all businesses with operations or customers in the European Union. (Image credit: Pixabay (Dooffy))

What does it mean for remote workers?

25% of employees have had a device with sensitive data lost or stolen. (Image credit:

How can businesses ensure compliance?

A good VPN can help ensure GDPR compliance. (Image credit:


There are heavy fines awaiting those who fail to meet the standards set forth in the GDPR, and using remote desktop software multiplies the complexity of doing so.

What is GDPR in business?

The GDPR concerns all businesses with operations or customers in the European Union. (Image credit: Pixabay (Dooffy)) The GDPR outlines what businesses can and cannot do with customer and user data, including the manner in which it’s stored, transmitted, processed, and destroyed. Any business that has European customers or uses data collected ...

How can businesses ensure compliance?

A good VPN can help ensure GDPR compliance. (Image credit:

Can data be shared with non-compliant third parties?

Data breaches must also be reported to the appropriate authorities. Finally, data cannot be shared with non-compliant third parties or those outside GDPR jurisdiction.

What is GDPR for remote workers?

The GDPR requires people to be aware of the types of data they handle and the purpose of the processing. Access and storage. Remote workers may not be aware of the big differences between accessing company data from the office, and accessing that same data from home.

How do you keep security when employees work remotely?

As we have learned over the last several months, remote working can help companies to keep their business operating even in the case of emergencies, such as the Covid-19 outbreak. Nevertheless, employees working from home are typically not familiar enough with data security issues to prevent data breaches from exposing sensitive data.

What should employees have access to?

Employees should have the right to access only that data that is necessary to accomplish their daily tasks. Measures such as “need to know”. “least privilege”, and “segregation of duties” should be in use so that the company’s data is protected from information loss.

Why is remote working important?

This leads to the increasing importance of a remote working policy: to help to protect data (sensitive, personal, or business data) anytime and anywhere . To have a better idea of all the necessary steps to comply with ...

What is remote working?

Remote working requires new security standards to be adopted, different from those used when all employees are working in one, centralized location. This is especially true for those organizations that need to maintain data security according to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Why is encryption important?

Encryption represents a useful method to keep data safe, especially in the case of a breach – even if stolen or exposed, encrypted data would be illegible and useless anyway. Encryption is easier to adopt when working in a company’s offices, but it can also be implemented in devices and software when working remotely.

Does GDPR require security?

The GDPR does not make distinctions between rooms or places or conditions in which data is processed; it simply requires appropriate security against potential risks – whenever and wherever that data may be. In addition, employees working from home may connect to the internet using personal – or even public – Wi-Fi.


The purpose of this policy is to define standards for connecting to {company_name}'s network from any host. These standards are designed to minimize the potential exposure to {company_name} from damages which may result from unauthorized use of {company_name} resources.


This policy applies to all {company_name} employees, contractors, vendors and agents with a {company_name} owned or personally-owned computer or workstation used to connect to the {company_name} network.


It is the responsibility of {company_name} employees, contractors, vendors and agents with remote access privileges to {company_name}'s corporate network to ensure that their remote access connection is given the same consideration as the user's on-site connection to {company_name}.


The {company_name} Team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but not limited to, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback to the policy owner.

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