How to install Gentoo on Linux?
The hard disks are initialized to host the Gentoo installation. The installation environment is prepared and the user is ready to chroot into the new environment. Core packages, which are the same on all Gentoo installations, are installed. The Linux kernel is installed. Most of the Gentoo system configuration files are created.
Where can I find more information about networking in Gentoo?
More detailed information about networking, including advanced topics like bonding, bridging, 802.1Q VLANs or wireless networking is covered in the Gentoo Network Configuration section. All networking information is gathered in /etc/conf.d/net. It uses a straightforward yet perhaps not intuitive syntax.
How do I configure OpenRC with Gentoo?
When using OpenRC with Gentoo, it uses /etc/rc.conf to configure the services, startup, and shutdown of a system. Open up /etc/rc.conf and enjoy all the comments in the file. Review the settings and change where needed.
Where can I find the Gentoo/MIPS live CD?
At the moment the Gentoo/MIPS Live CD will only work on the SGI Indy, Indigo 2 and O2 workstations equipped with R4000 and R5000-series CPUs, however other platforms may be possible in future. The Live CD images can be found under the experimental/mips/livecd/ directory on a Gentoo mirror.

How do I connect my Gentoo to WiFi?
This article describes the setup of a WiFi (wireless) network device....After a reboot with the new kernel or after loading the modules, the device can be checked for availability by using following methods:Using the /sys file system.Using the ip command.Using the ifconfig command.Using the iw command.
Is Gentoo faster than Arch?
Gentoo/Funtoo Linux Arch provides a ports-like system for building packages from source, though the Arch base system is designed to be installed as pre-built x86_64 binary. This generally makes Arch quicker to build and update, and allows Gentoo to be more systemically customizable.
What is LiveGUI Gentoo?
Gentoo's LiveGUI image lets users test the technical distro before installing. Artists have also been invited to submit artwork for a rebranding. The Gentoo Linux distribution has announced a new LiveGUI image for download, as well as an art contest for the project's artwork and branding.
What distribution is Gentoo?
Gentoo Linux (pronounced /ˈdʒɛntuː/ JEN-too) is a Linux distribution built using the Portage package management system. Unlike a binary software distribution, the source code is compiled locally according to the user's preferences and is often optimized for the specific type of computer.
What is the most difficult Linux distro?
Gentoo. Gentoo is known for being extremely difficult to install. When the topic of installing Gentoo comes up, the average time seems to be around three full days to just get the system installed.
Is Chrome OS based on Gentoo?
ChromeOS is built on top of the Linux kernel. Originally based on Ubuntu, its base was changed to Gentoo Linux in February 2010.
Is Gentoo really that hard?
Another major disadvantage of Gentoo Linux is the difficulty factor. You can not expect to install this distro easily and have it work out-of-the-box. Mastering Gentoo requires an investment in time to navigate its steep learning curve.
Is Gentoo better than Ubuntu?
Gentoo Linux is often significantly faster than Ubuntu, to such an extent that Gentoo could be considered a must-have if performance is that important to you. This is likely due to lower system resource requirements (due to less bloatware).
Is Gentoo still a thing?
But Gentoo Linux slowly lost popularity over time and is now a pale shadow of its former self in terms of usage and mind-share among Linux users (though there are still some die-hard Gentoo users left on Reddit).
Is Android based on Gentoo?
Gentoo on Android aims to provide desktop experience on Android mobile devices. This project deploys Gentoo Prefix, a variant of Gentoo that installs in a directory prefix, along with Android, sharing the same Linux kernel.
What is the point of Gentoo?
Gentoo allows users to configure which software features they wish to install, instead of the "one size fits all" approach of many binary-based distributions. Gentoo can run in a wide range of environments, from embedded systems and virtual containers (LXC, OpenVZ, etc.) through to large cluster machines.
Is Funtoo better than Gentoo?
In day-to-day usage, funtoo feels just as gentoo. The main noticeable difference is in syncing (via git in funtoo) and the contents of default overlays, which for funtoo include perl-experimental from what I remember.
Does Arch have more packages than Gentoo?
I would say that Arch would have a larger selection of packages compared to Gentoo, while Gentoo allows fine-grained control of specific packages features via USE flags. However, most packages are available in source code. So you can fairly easily build them to suit whatever package manager you may be using.
Is Arch faster than Ubuntu?
Which is faster, Ubuntu or Arch? Arch Linux, with a minimal installation setup. But, the answer will change as per your configuration. Note that Ubuntu is not noticeably slower, but just because it includes more packages out of the box, some might find it bloated.
Is Gentoo better than Ubuntu?
Gentoo Linux is often significantly faster than Ubuntu, to such an extent that Gentoo could be considered a must-have if performance is that important to you. This is likely due to lower system resource requirements (due to less bloatware).
Is Arch better than Debian?
Arch is more stable as compared to packages of Debian. 5. A package management system is good. This also has a good package management system.
What is a Gentoo minimal installation CD?
The Gentoo minimal installation CD is a bootable image: a self-contained Gentoo environment. It allows the user to boot Linux from the CD or other installation media. During the boot process the hardware is detected and the appropriate drivers are loaded. The image is maintained by Gentoo developers and allows anyone to install Gentoo if an active Internet connection is available.
What is the default installation media for Gentoo Linux?
The default installation media that Gentoo Linux uses are the minimal installation CDs, which host a bootable, very small Gentoo Linux environment. This environment contains all the right tools to install Gentoo. The CD images themselves can be downloaded from the downloads page (recommended) or by manually browsing to the ISO location on one of the many available mirrors .
What is Gentoo all about?
Gentoo is all about choices. When installing Gentoo, this is made clear several times - users can choose how much they want to compile themselves, how to install Gentoo, what system logger to use, etc. Gentoo is a fast, modern meta-distribution with a clean and flexible design.
What is portage in Gentoo?
Portage, the package maintenance system which Gentoo uses, is written in Python, meaning the user can easily view and modify the source code. Gentoo's packaging system uses source code (although support for pre-compiled packages is included too) and configuring Gentoo happens through regular text files.
When installing Gentoo with the purpose of using the UEFI interface instead of BIOS, is it recommended to?
When installing Gentoo with the purpose of using the UEFI interface instead of BIOS, it is recommended to boot with UEFI immediately . If not, then it might be necessary to create a bootable UEFI USB stick (or other medium) once before finalizing the Gentoo Linux installation.
Can Linux use a raw disk?
Although it is theoretically possible to use a raw, unparti tioned disk to house a Linux system (when creating a btrfs RAID for example), this is almost never done in practice. Instead, disk block devices are split up into smaller, more manageable block devices. On amd64 systems, these are called partitions.
Does PPPoE need a CD?
Assuming PPPoE is needed to connect to the Internet, the installation CD (any version) has made things easier by including ppp. Use the provided pppoe-setup script to configure the connection. During the setup the Ethernet device that is connected to your ADSL modem, the username and password, the IPs of the DNS servers and if a basic firewall is needed or not will be asked.
How to setup ssh-agent?
The normal way to setup ssh-agent is to run it as the top most process of the user's session. Otherwise the environment variables will not be visible inside the session. Depending on the way the graphical user session is configured to launch, it can be tricky to find a suitable way to launch ssh-agent.
How to enable keep alive in ssh?
To enable keep alive for all clients connecting to the local server , set ClientAliveInterval 30 (or some other value, in seconds) within the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
What is NAT in internet?
Many internet access devices perform Network Address Translation ( NAT ), a process that enables devices on a private network such as that typically found in a home or business place to access foreign networks, such as the internet, despite only having a single IP address on that network.
Does XFCE start ssh?
Recent Xfce [1] will start ssh-agent (and gpg-agent) automatically. If both are installed both will be started which makes identity management especially with SmartCards more complicated. Either stop XFCE from autostarting at least SSH's agent or disable both and use your shell, X-session or similar.
Does Gentoo Linux have OpenSSH?
Most deployments of Gentoo Linux will already have OpenSSH installed on the system. This can be checked by running the ssh command. If it is installed a usage statement should be printed:
What is the official Gentoo installation media?
Official media includes a configuration file pointing to ntp.org time servers. It can be used to automatically sync the system clock to UTC time using a time server. Using this method requires a working network configuration and may not be available on all architectures.
What is disk oriented in Gentoo?
Let's take a good look at disk-oriented aspects of Gentoo Linux and Linux in general, including block devices, partitions, and Linux filesystems. Once the ins and outs of disks are understood, partitions and filesystems can be established for installation.
What is OpenRC in Linux?
OpenRC is a dependency-based init system (responsible for starting up system services once the kernel has booted) that maintains compatibility with the system provided init program, normally located in /sbin/init. It is Gentoo's native and original init system, but is also deployed by a few other Linux distributions and BSD systems.
What does the installation CD do?
When the Installation CD boots, it tries to detect all the hardware devices and loads the appropriate kernel modules (drivers) to support the hardware. In the vast majority of cases, it does a very good job. However, in some cases, it may not auto-load the kernel modules needed to communicate properly with the present network hardware.
Does BootROM see MS-DOS?
On Cobalt machines, the BOOTROM expects to see a MS-DOS MBR, so partitioning the drive is relatively straightforward -- in fact, it's done the same way as done for an Intel x86 machine. However there are some things you need to bear in mind.
Does PPPoE need a CD?
Assuming PPPoE is needed to connect to the Internet, the installation CD (any version) has made things easier by including ppp. Use the provided pppoe-setup script to configure the connection. During the setup the Ethernet device that is connected to your ADSL modem, the username and password, the IPs of the DNS servers and if a basic firewall is needed or not will be asked.
Is it possible to download Gentoo?
In fact, due to several websites and services using encrypted communications (SSL/TLS), it might not be possible to download the installation files at all if the system clock is too far skewed!
How to install Gentoo?
Gentoo can be installed in many different ways. It can be downloaded and installed from official Gentoo installation media such as our bootable ISO images. The installation media can be installed on a USB stick or accessed via a netbooted environment. Alternatively, Gentoo can be installed from non-official media such as an already installed distribution or a non-Gentoo bootable disk (such as Knoppix ).
What is a Gentoo minimal installation CD?
The Gentoo minimal installation CD is a bootable image: a self-contained Gentoo environment. It allows the user to boot Linux from the CD or other installation media. During the boot process the hardware is detected and the appropriate drivers are loaded. The image is maintained by Gentoo developers and allows anyone to install Gentoo if an active Internet connection is available.
What is the default installation media for Gentoo Linux?
The default installation media that Gentoo Linux uses are the minimal installation CDs, which host a bootable, very small Gentoo Linux environment. This environment contains all the right tools to install Gentoo. The CD images themselves can be downloaded from the downloads page (recommended) or by manually browsing to the ISO location on one of the many available mirrors .
How many steps are there in Gentoo?
The Gentoo Installation can be seen as a 10-step procedure, corresponding to the next set of chapters. Each step results in a certain state:
How to install a CD on a new world?
On NewWorld machines place the Installation CD in the CD-ROM and reboot the system. When the system-start-bell sounds, simply hold down the C until the CD loads.
Is Note#N#This required to install Gentoo Linux?
Note#N#This is an optional step and not necessary to install Gentoo Linux. However, it is recommended as it ensures that the downloaded file is not corrupt and has indeed been provided by the Gentoo Infrastructure team.
Can you install Gentoo on a DVD?
Occasionally, a special DVD image is crafted which can be used to install Gentoo. The instructions in this chapter target the Minimal Installation CD, so things might be a bit different when booting from the LiveDVD. However, the LiveDVD (or any other bootable Linux environment) supports getting a root prompt by just invoking sudo su - or sudo -i in a terminal.
System logger
Tip systemd users can usually skip this step unless they specifically want a syslog. systemd includes journald which handles the same functionality.
Optional: Cron daemon
Tip systemd does not require a cron daemon as it has timers, but it's still possible to run a cron daemon.
Optional: File indexing
In order to index the file system to provide faster file location capabilities, install sys-apps/mlocate .
Optional: Remote access
To be able to access the system remotely after installation, sshd must be configured to start on boot.
Filesystem tools
Depending on the filesystems used, it is necessary to install the required file system utilities (for checking the filesystem integrity, creating additional file systems etc.). Note that tools for managing ext4 filesystems ( sys-fs/e2fsprogs) are already installed as a part of the @system set .
Networking tools
If networking was previously configured in the Configuring the system step and network setup is complete, then this 'networking tools' section can be safely skipped. In this case, proceed with the section on Configuring a bootloader .
Can you make a live CD with SSH?
You can create an Ubuntu LiveCD with an appropriately configured SSH daemon, users & passwords (or better, SSH keys!), etc. -- This may take a bit of work, but it guarantees that you'll have a LiveCD with all the tools you need to make a backup of the server (via simple tar, dump, dd, or any other mechanism you can fit onto a CD).
Does sysrescuecd have a running ssh daemon?
sysrescuecd does have a running ssh daemon, but you would need to specify the root password in the startup options - with the default settings you would end up with an empty password and thus the account would be exempted from remote login.
This is a HOWTO that describes how to take a stock RedHat9 system and convert it to Gentoo, remotely over ssh and while it is running.
The General Strategy
In summary, the transformation process is actually fairly simple. Since Gentoo, once unpacked, will run its own binaries from its own libraries, all we're really doing is unpacking Gentoo on top of RedHat without wiping out our remote access mechanism (sshd), then removing the old RedHat files.
Step 1: Preparation
There are several things that need to be prepared before actually starting the transformation process. Create a directory on a partition you have plenty of space on and don't intend to touch (like ``/tmp/gentoo''), and use that to store temporary files and such, as explained below.
Step 2: Installation
OK! So now it's time to take the dive. Yes, it's a little scary, but follow these instructions and you should be fine.
Step 3: Clean-up
The remaining tasks revolve around cleaning up the old RedHat files that Gentoo is not going to use (to get that disk space back), and a few OS security hardening items that can't hurt.

- You usually enable the ssh server during the installation. Do this if possible, it is the simplest way. 1. If you did not setup ssh to auto start on boot, using systemd type: 1. If that does not work, you need to install OpenSSH with your package manager
Ssh Keyfile Authentication
- We are going to use ssh & ssh-keygen in this tutorial because its consistently available on almost all platforms, including GNU/Linux, BSD, and OSX (by default), and Windows (You're not going to use wangblows and also worry about NSA backdoors are you?). You can also use PuTTY if you need a GUI crutch or something else entirely, but if you were a tard like that, you probably should…
- fail2ban monitors your log files (any of them, not just SSH). If it sees too many login failures, it bans the offending IP for as long as you configure it to. It won't prevent a distributed brute-force attack, but it will help a LOT. With the default settings, 3 failed SSH logins trigger a 10 minute ban for that IP. This makes brute-forcing very difficult. Usually hackers see the ban and move on, the…
Port Knocking
- Normally, your server needs to keep a port open for each service you want to provide. However, hackers love trying to break in the moment they find an open port. SPA solves the problem by keeping ports close when not in use. How does the server know to open them when you need to talk to it? You pick a port, say 12345, to use for SPA. The server listens on that port but never rep…
Firewall and Ports
- Don't forget to allow traffic on the ssh port (default 22)
- If you want to access your server from outside your home network you will need to forward port 22 on your router. A guide for port forwarding can be found here.
External Links
See Also
- Check install
Deployments of Gentoo Linux should already have OpenSSH installed, as the net-misc/openssh package is part of the system set. The presence and proper functioning of OpenSSH can be checked by running the sshcommand, which should output a usage statement: If no usage state… - Emerge
After changing USE flags just for the OpenSSH package, rebuild OpenSSH for the new flags to be applied. As OpenSSH is in the system set, --oneshot should be used to avoid adding it to the world file: After changing any global USE flags in make.confthat affect the OpenSSH package, emerge …
- Create keys
In order to provide a secure shell, cryptographic keys are used to manage the encryption, decryption, and hashing functionalities offered by SSH. On the first start of the SSH service, system keys will be generated. Keys can be (re)generated using the ssh-keygencommand. To ge… - Server configuration
The SSH server is usually configured in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, though it is also possible to perform further configuration in OpenRC's /etc/conf.d/sshd, including changing the location of the configuration file. For detailed information on how to configure the server see the sshd_config …
- Services
Commands to run the SSH server will depend on active init system. - Commands
OpenSSH provides several commands, see each command's man pagefor usage information: 1. scp- secure file copy 2. sftp- secure file transfer 3. ssh-add- add private key identities to the authentication agent 4. ssh-agent- authentication agent 5. ssh-copy-id- use locally available key…
- There are 3 different levels of debug modes that can help troubleshooting issues. With the -v option SSH prints debugging messages about its progress. This is helpful in debugging connection, authentication, and configuration problems. Multiple -voptions increase the verbosity. Maximum verbosity is three levels deep.
See Also
- Autossh — a command that detects when SSHconnections drop and automatically reconnects them.
- Connecting via ssh and Using screen
- dropbear— a lightweight SSH server. It runs on a variety of POSIX-based platforms.
- Keychain — This document describes how to use SSHshared keys along with the keychain program.
External Resources
- net-misc/connect — SSH Proxy Command -- connect.c
- https://lonesysadmin.net/2011/11/08/ssh-escape-sequences-aka-kill-dead-ssh-sessions/amp/- A blog entry on escape sequences.
- https://hackaday.com/2017/10/18/practical-public-key-cryptography/- Practical public key cryptography (Hackaday).
- https://www.akadia.com/services/ssh_putty.html- Port forwarding explained.