How do I refer a patient to MedStar Georgetown University Hospital?
To refer your patient to a MedStar Washington Hospital Center provider, please call 800-824-6814. To refer your patient to a MedStar Georgetown University Hospital provider, please call MedStar Georgetown Physician Access 24/7: inside the D.C. metro area, call 202-295-0520 or outside the D.C. metro area, call 800-442-4200.
How do I contact Georgetown University's legal office?
Main Campus, please contact univregistrar@georgetown.edu, Law Center, please contact lawreg@law.georgetown.edu. School of Medicine, please contact medreg@georgetown.edu.
How do I get remote access to Inova?
Call 1-855-MY-INOVA (855-694-6682) Common Questions Provides remote access to Inova applications. Note: This access method requires a connection client. Provides remote access to the Inova Radiology system for authorized referring Physicians and business partners.
Employee Health Plan Physician Network Directories
CHP Physician Directory (By Alpha Listing) CHP Physician Directory (By Specialty Listing) CHS Vision Plan Provider Listing
Employees may access their comhs.org email here: http://webmail.comhs.org
Employees participating in the NewHealthyMe employee wellness program may login to the site here: http://www.newhealthyme.org
Forgot Password?
COMHS Password Express users can reset their common user ID password here: FORGOT PASSWORD?
Remote Access
Authorized Employees & Physicians may login to the Citrix Remote Access VPN system here: http://access.comhs.org
Employees may access the HealthStream Learning Management System here: http://www.healthstream.com/hlc/communityhealthsys
Employees can access their Kronos schedule here . Note: Imprivata Secure ID is required to remotely access Kronos.