A 403 HTTP error means that you don't have permission to access that repository. What username do you have on GitHub? Because Git apparently thinks that your username is WallisWT. That's why it won't let you push. Let me try to figure out a solution for you. Then close the terminal, reopen it, and try running git push -u origin master remote again.
Full Answer
How do I fix error code 403 on GitHub?
2 Here 403 (error) means credentials errors or that you don’t have permission to push. Solution For Windows click on window button > credential manager > Windows credentials > Generic credentials Next, remove or edit the Github keys.
Why can't I push to a specific GitHub repository?
A 403 HTTP error means that you don't have permission to access that repository. What username do you have on GitHub? Because Git apparently thinks that your username is WallisWT. That's why it won't let you push. Let me try to figure out a solution for you.
Is there a way to use Git remote instead of HTTPS?
The latter requires you to enter a password each time, whereas the former will authenticate via SSH, which is far less irritating. You can change the remote URL in your repository to use the git protocol, instead of https, by typing: git remote set-url origin git://github.com/samrao2/manager-4.git from within your project directory. Share
How do I change the remote url of my Git repository?
You can change the remote URL in your repository to use the git protocol, instead of https, by typing: git remote set-url origin git://github.com/samrao2/manager-4.git
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How do I fix Access Denied 403?
How to Fix the 403 Forbidden ErrorCheck the . htaccess File. ... Reset File and Directory Permissions. ... Disable WordPress Plugins. ... Upload an Index Page. ... Edit File Ownership. ... Verify the A Record. ... Scan for Malware. ... Clear Your Web History/Cache.
What is the requested URL returned error 403?
While accessing any repository in GitHub, you might get error "fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/repo.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403" . This is because you used wrong authentication while accesing repository.
How do I fix 403 error in GitHub?
Rectifying the “403 Forbidden” Error Message There are two methods to fix the HTTPS address to resolve the 403 error in question; Method 1. Use SSH to push the changes to GitHub. First, connect to your hosting server via SSH then follow the instructions Github provides to add a remote repository.
How do I fix Git permission denied?
Confirm that your public key has been configured correctly by checking the SSH and GPG link in your account settings. If no keys are listed, add your public key and try to connect to GitHub over SSH again. The error should go away.
How do I give permission to GitHub repository?
Under your repository name, click Settings. In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click Collaborators & teams. Click Invite a collaborator. In the search field, start typing the name of person you want to invite, then click a name in the list of matches.
How do I find my git remote URL?
2 AnswersTip to get only the remote URL: git config --get remote.origin.url.In order to get more details about a particular remote, use the. git remote show [remote-name] command.Here use, git remote show origin.
How do I authenticate git in terminal?
Git provides multiple protocols for authenticating to and interacting with remote Git repositories....There are three main approaches you can take:Using a personal authentication token or password.Using an SSH key.Using your GitHub password with 2-factor authentication.
How do I fix public Permission denied permissions?
If you want to use a password to access the SSH server, a solution for fixing the Permission denied error is to enable password login in the sshd_config file. In the file, find the PasswordAuthentication line and make sure it ends with yes . Find the ChallengeResponseAuthentication option and disable it by adding no .
Why is git init permission denied?
Permission denied suggests you're trying to do something for which your used does not have permissions. I'd assume here you're trying to create a new repo in a directory for which you do not have write permissions.
How do I fix remote permission to repo git denied Ubuntu?
3:404:32How to fix remote: Permission to (repo.git) denied - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWhile this particular user doesn't have an access then this problem will happen so the only thingMoreWhile this particular user doesn't have an access then this problem will happen so the only thing you need to do is you need to remove that stored credential from the credential manager.
How do I fix fatal remote origin already exists?
To go about that, you could follow the steps below:Create a new repository online using GitHub or GitLab.Go to your local repository and remove the existing origin remote.Add the new online repository as the correct origin remote.Push your code to the new origin.
Can not clone from GitHub?
HTTPS cloning errorsCheck your Git version. There's no minimum Git version necessary to interact with GitHub, but we've found version 1.7. ... Ensure the remote is correct. ... Provide an access token. ... Check your permissions. ... Use SSH instead. ... Check your spelling. ... Checking your permissions. ... Check your SSH access.More items...
How do I get my GitHub access token?
Creating a tokenVerify your email address, if it hasn't been verified yet.In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.In the left sidebar, click Personal access tokens.Click Generate new token.Give your token a descriptive name.More items...
How do I view write access in GitHub?
A very easy way to check is whether you see an edit 'pencil' icon in the top right of the README.MD on the main Code page of the repo (scroll down to it if there's a long list of top level files/folders). Do this when you are logged in to Github, obviously.
What does 403 mean in GitHub?
You have 2 different github (version control) accounts. 403 means GitHub is not granting you access so one or more of the 4 above cause are the problem. In my case this issue happened due to I have one personal github account and second received from client.
How to push a project on remote GitHub?
Once cached credentials are removed, try pushing project on remote by running command git push origin master, This will prompt for GitHub login prompt, once the authentication is successful with correct username and password, command will succeed and files/folders are pushed successfully on remote github repo.
How to delete github key?
step 1: Go to Control Panel. step 2: In the control panel find and go to user accounts. step 3: After that go to credential manager. step 4: Then Windows credentials. step 5: Go to Generic credentials, and search github.com, expand it. step 6: Finally delete the Github keys.
What does 403 HTTP mean?
A 403 HTTP error means that you don't have permission to access that repository. What username do you have on GitHub?
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The Treehouse Community is a meeting place for developers, designers, and programmers of all backgrounds and skill levels to get support. Collaborate here on code errors or bugs that you need feedback on, or asking for an extra set of eyes on your latest project. Join thousands of Treehouse students and alumni in the community today. (Note: Only Treehouse students can comment or ask questions, but non-students are welcome to browse our conversations.)
Solution 1
Github give the idea it supports ssh way to read & write the repo, whereas https way also displayed 'Read & Write'.
Solution 2
You should be aware that your github password will be stored in plaintext in your .git directory, which is undesirable.
Solution 3
On behalf of editing .git/config file manually, you can use git remote set-url command.