A: You can enable remote access with the following command: asadmin --host www.yourdomain.com --port 4848 enable-secure-admin Then stop/start glassfish immediately after enabling secure admin. In case your private Glassfish runs on shared server you will need to use your custom port (assume 15123 for the example) in asadmin command.
Full Answer
What port does the GlassFish OSGi web console use?
The port on which GlassFish Server listens for HTTP requests. The default is 8080. When prompted, provide the user name and password of the administrative user of the GlassFish OSGi Web Console. The user name and password of this user are both preset to admin.
How to enable remote access to the Das using secure admin?
Glassfish: Secure Admin must be enabled to access the DAS remotely. A: You can enable remote access with the following command: Then stop/start glassfish immediately after enabling secure admin. In case your private Glassfish runs on shared server you will need to use your custom port (assume 15123 for the example) in asadmin command.
Where can I find the asadmin help pages for GlassFish?
A collection of the asadmin help pages is available in HTML and PDF format in the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
What is GlassFish Server Open Source Edition?
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition provides a server for developing and deploying Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications and web Java Web Services.

How do I access GlassFish admin console?
GlassFish Server must be running before you invoke the Administration Console....Starting the Administration ConsoleClick the Services tab.Expand Servers.Right-click the GlassFish Server instance and select View Domain Admin Console. Note: NetBeans IDE uses your default web browser to open the Administration Console.
How do I enable secure admin in GlassFish?
Use the change-admin-password command or the admin console to create non-empty passwords for admin accounts. Command enable-secure-admin failed. > You must restart all running servers for the change in secure admin to take effect.
What is the default username and password for GlassFish admin console?
The default administration password is admin. You are prompted for the old and new admin passwords, with confirmation. If you accepted the default admin user with no password during zip installation, you can add a password to this user.
How do I change the admin port in GlassFish?
1 Answer. Show activity on this post. to change the port of the "admin" HTTP listener which is configured in Glassfish. To change the port of the "main" port, change "admin-listener" in the command to "http-listener-1".
How do I disable Glassfish secure admin?
The disable-secure-admin subcommand disables secure admin if it is already enabled. You must restart any running servers in the domain after you enable or disable secure admin. It is simpler to enable or disable secure admin with only the DAS running, then restart the DAS, and then start any other instances.
How do I find my GlassFish admin password?
Default password is "adminadmin". glassfish default master password is "changeit" I think, FWIW (distinct from admin password).
How do I manually open GlassFish server?
The GlassFish Server's port number. The default is 8080. The administration server's port number. The default is 4848....To Start the GlassFish Server Using NetBeans IDEClick the Services tab.Expand the Servers node.Right-click the GlassFish Server instance and select Start.
How do I start the GlassFish server command line?
From the Windows Start menu, select the command for your distribution of GlassFish Server: If you are using the Full Platform, select Programs -> Oracle GlassFish Server -> Start Admin Server. If you are using the Web Profile, select Programs -> Oracle GlassFish Server Web Profile -> Start Admin Server.
What port does Glassfish use?
8080The GlassFish Server port number: The default is 8080. The administration server's port number: The default is 4848. An administration user name and password: The default user name is admin , and by default no password is required.
Which is better Tomcat or Glassfish?
Tomcat is very popular for simple web applications, as compared to Glassfish. By comparison, Tomcat server administration is easier than Glassfish administration, since there are fewer moving parts in Tomcat. Both Tomcat and Glassfish are open sources and free, but they have different licenses.
How do I start Glassfish server automatically?
To Configure a Domain for Automatic Restart on Windows On Windows, you can use the asadmin create-service subcommand to create a Windows service that restarts a Domain Administration Server (DAS). Create the service by using the create-service(1) subcommand.
What is remote failure?
remote failure: At least one admin user has an empty password, which secure admin does not permit. Use the change-admin-password command or the admin console to create non-empty passwords for admin accounts.
Do you have to restart all servers for change in secure admin?
You must restart all running servers for the change in secure admin to take effect.