Guacamole allows users to access their desktops remotely within a web browser. Log in using Google Chrome with your campus ID at https://guac.ni.gsu.edu If prompted by Chrome regarding clipboard sharing click ALLOW to enable copy-paste (use CTRL + V to PASTE) Desktops and virtual machines in Guacamole only allow 1-2 concurrent connections.
Full Answer
What student support is available at Georgia State University?
Georgia State University offers a wide range of student support services. First look inward: turn to the syllabus, instructor, classmates, & course content. Then look outward, consider bookmarking the Keep Learning Resources website.
How do I connect to the Georgia State VPN client?
Download the Cisco AnyConnect client below to connect to the VPN. The Georgia State VPN Client may already be installed on your university-managed computer by default. Cisco VPN Profiles are supplied to departments on campus that require configured access to university resources.
How do I connect to the University Network from off-campus?
Use the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect to the university network from off-campus and access resources only available from within the network. Download the Cisco AnyConnect client below to connect to the VPN.

How to share screen on Mac?
Open Spotlight (magnifying glass in the top-right of your Mac’s taskbar) and search for “screen sharing” hit Enter on your keyboard after it appears
Can you remotely access Neuroscience?
Users should also be aware that only one user can remotely connect to Windows at a time.
Although the building is currently physically closed, many of your Student Services remain available.
Casebooks and Other Required Readings
Find out information on Casebook promotions for the fall 2020 semester online here.
Online Study Aids
Online Study Aids from West Academic and Wolters Kluwer remain available at the links below.
We have created more online ALERT sessions. Topics include the final scheduled ALERT session on research for summer jobs, as well as others.
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates, such as new blog posts from the librarians and student GRAs!
How to verify a VPN connection to GSU?
You can verify your connection by selecting the upward pointing arrow found in the lower left part of the screen. Also, look for VPN icon with the pad lock symbol.
Where is the connect button on my laptop?
To connect launch, go to your Start Menu button located in the lower left corner of your screen.