Remote-access Guide

halliburton remote access fta

by Serena Bosco Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is a fleet operator?

Fleet operators who work with short-term drivers, especially in the movie, tv, commercial, sports, or news industries.

What is a DISA Global?

Every day, DISA Global Solutions help employers create smarter compliance programs, improve health and safety in the workplace, and ensure their employees get home safely. Our solutions are designed for employers that need help navigating increasingly complex employee screening laws or safety-sensitive requirements. Founded in 1986, DISA helps employers make informed staffing decisions with our comprehensive scope of services, including drug and alcohol testing, background screening, occupational health, transportation compliance, and financial due diligence.

Who is DISA?

Every day, DISA Global Solutions help employers create smarter compliance programs, improve health and safety in the workplace, and ensure their employees get home safely. Our solutions are designed for employers that need help navigating increasingly complex employee screening laws or safety-sensitive requirements. Founded in 1986, DISA helps employers make informed staffing decisions with our comprehensive scope of services, including drug and alcohol testing, background screening, occupational health, transportation compliance, and financial due diligence.

What is HF in a drill?

HF refer to the factors of environmental, organizational, job, and human, and individual characteristics, which influence behavior at work in a way that can affect health and safety ( Kariuki and Löwe, 2007 ). Norazahar et al. (2014), developed a framework to analyze the human and organizational factors on the offshore BP drilling rig accident evacuation operations. Their framework comprises of evacuation protective and preparedness plan. Both factors were critically examined and they identified that, insufficient emergency drills, poor communication, poor safety plan, poor emergency response plan are the governing factors in the unsuccessful evacuation operations of the rig during blowout. Musharraf et al. (2013) executed an assessment of human reliability during the offshore emergency conditions. The authors studied that due to the insufficient human error in this worst case scenario most of obtainable techniques are based on the methods of expert judgement. For better understanding and analysis they have used Bayesian Network (BN) approach to evaluate and review the human reliability. This approach will minimize the uncertainty associated with existing methods. The common human failures and factors include the following.

What is the purpose of Rathnayaka et al. (2013)?

Rathnayaka et al. (2013), made a risk assessment and safety critical decision making framework to a BP offshore accident in the Mexican Gulf. The authors have identified and analyzed the various engineering and safety challenges associated with the drilling rig. Failure of continuous risk assessment and decision making were emerged to be the major reasons for this catastrophic effect. Their framework assisted them to find and predict the DWH hazards and methodology for prevention. Their framework of risk assessment can be used to examine the following in the offshore oil platform:

How does human factors affect PHA?

Incorporating human factors analysis into PHA helps to identify, understand, control and prevent human related failures that can ensue in an accident during the performance of a process plant ( Kariuki and Löwe, 2007 ). The following pie chart shows an empirical data on accident causes. The human error contribution to an accident is greater than accidents due to component or natural disaster, the typical cause of any accident is due to 85% of human errors and 15% associated with the machine, structural and natural disaster ( Bridges et al., 1991 ). The methodology for integration of human factors into PHA encompasses of computing the human factors with its several attributes. For example, the factor workplace design (WD) if required in a subject area, its all or whatsoever of the matching attributes such as facility layout (F1), workstation configuration (F2), accessibility (F3) should be taken. The theory of integration of the human factors into PHA is about finding the root causes of an event. If simply attributing to “human error” without assessing the root cause infers that the errors are inevitable, unforeseeable, and uncontrollable ( Bridges et al., 1991 ). Fig. 5 shows the fault tree analysis for Macondo well, this emphasize the seriousness of failure sequences leading to the well blowout.

What is the Macondo well blowout?

This paper analyses the case study of Macondo Well Blowout and the failures of dynamic leadership skills and human contribution to process risk. The Deepwater horizon oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico was owned by Transocean and operated by British Petroleum (BP), this disaster took place on April 20, 2010 in off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico that eventually led to an oil spillage. Millions of barrels of oil flooding into the sea and beaching the shore. The analysis was executed by identifying the human factors, hazardous conditions, developing FTA, and constructing a pairwise matrix. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was performed to evaluate the Consistency Index (CI), Quality Index (QI), and the overall qualification of influencing factors. From the results it was observed that the least QI value was found in the factor failure to gain control of well response and the factor negative pressure test has 36% which recorded as the highest QI. On the whole, the overall qualification of influencing factors is marked as poor. Ultimately, these results demonstrate that this tragedy is due to complete human errors and it is the evidence of both Transocean and BP employee’s poor leadership abilities.

What is the purpose of the identification of hazardous conditions in a workplace?

The identification of hazardous conditions in a workplace would be helpful in performing analytical hierarchy process (AHP), calculating the consistency and quality index.

When was fault tree analysis?

Ericson, C., 1999. Fault tree analysis - a history. In held 1999. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Systems Safety Conference.

Why was the Macondo well capped?

At last, on July 15, 2010 the Macondo well was capped to prevent any leak, finally on September 17, 2010 the well was permanently sealed ( McAndrews, 2011 ). It has been estimated that 70% of the offshore blowout accidents happen due to human failures and the remaining 30% is attributed by technical failures ( Cai et al., 2013 ). Specifically, in Macondo well blowout, there were a series of technical mistakes, wrong engineering judgements, improper maintenance and communication, lack of leadership, structure and component failures that wholeheartedly contributed to the tragedy.

Subsea Completion and Intervention Riser Systems

The EDP connects the riser to the top of the LMRP. In common with the other components of the system the EDP has dual bores compatible with the riser and LMRP; usually 5 in.×2 in.

Deepwater Subsea BOP and Marine Drilling Riser

Analysis shows that the riser’s deflected shape governs the time at which emergency disconnect limits are exceeded, i.e., the vessel and the riser during drift-off conditions are assessed to derive the emergency disconnect, yellow and red limit alerts (as illustrated in Fig.

Production Wellbore Drilling and Well Control Assurance

Guidelines shall exist should a well flow and nonshearable items result across the subsea BOP. Should an emergency disconnect situation arise the IADC Deepwater Well Control guidelines recommend that:

Lithium-Ion Battery Packs for EVs

Another safety feature of the high-voltage component system is the MSD, also referred to as the mid pack disconnect, manual service disconnect switch, service disconnect switch, or emergency disconnect switch.

Drilling and Production Risers

James Brekke, ... John Halkyard, in Handbook of Offshore Engineering, 2005

Drilling Risers

Two different types of risers are used for installation and intervention in and on a well: completion risers and workover risers.

Readiness to Drill

Other complication and emergency procedures to consider for deepwater well operations are listed but not limited to the following.

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