Remote-access Guide

henry ford remote access outlook

by Gwen Jacobi Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I get remote access to henryapps?

Remote access to the Henry Ford Health System network is changing. The old method of downloading a Junos Pulse client will no longer be necessary if you only need access to HenryApps. The new method utilizes the Citrix Receiver to provide faster access to HenryApps applications, such as Epic, CPNG,

What is remote access and how does it work?

Remote access provides off-campus (at home or on-the-go) access to most of the Sladen Libraries' online collections of journals, databases, and books. You do not need to login if you are using the Sladen resources from an on-campus Henry Ford computer.

How do I contact Henry Ford Sladen library?

Contact Sladen Library staff at (313) 916-2550 or via email at Electronic resources are provided by Henry Ford Sladen Libraries for the personal, educational, and non-commercial use only to individuals currently affiliated with Henry Ford Health System.

How do I login to HFHS/hfah?

Sign in To Login HFHSand HFAHUser please enter CORP\ and then your HFHS CORP User ID (example: corp\jdoe1) HAPUser please enter your HAP email ID (example: Forgot your password:Use the appropriate link below to reset it. HFHS/HFAH


What to do if you don't have HFHS?

If you don't have an HFHS User Name and Password. If you do not have an HFHS User Name and Password, for example you are a student, a private physician, or you work in a department that does not use HFHS Outlook email, complete the Sladen Library Registration Form .

Can authorized users disclose passwords?

Authorized users may not divulge any user names, passwords, or other credentials to any third parties.

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