What is a remote access trojan and how does it work?
Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response. How Does a Remote Access Trojan Work? RATS can infect computers like any other type of malware.
What is rat Trojan and how does it work?
It infects the target computer through specially configured communication protocols and enables the attacker to gain unauthorized remote access to the victim. RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its owner’s knowledge and often as a trojan horse or payload.
What are the best intrusion detection tools for rat?
We get into a lot of detail on each of the intrusion detection tools and RAT examples below, but if you haven’t got time to read the whole piece, here is our list of the best intrusion detection tools for RAT software: 5 The best RAT software detection tools 5.1 1. SolarWinds Security Event Manager (FREE TRIAL) 5.2 2.
How do I find rat on my computer?
FIY: Find RAT with CMD and Task Manager You can try to figure out suspicious items together with Task Manager and CMD. Type “ netstat -ano ” in your command prompt and find out the PID of established programs that has a foreign IP address and appears REPEATEDLY.

Is a remote access Trojan malware?
Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response.
What are the main features of a remote access Trojan?
RAT (remote access Trojan)Monitoring user behavior through keyloggers or other spyware.Accessing confidential information, such as credit card and social security numbers.Activating a system's webcam and recording video.Taking screenshots.Distributing viruses and other malware.Formatting drives.More items...
Is remote access Trojan illegal?
Law enforcement officials say that simply possessing a remote-access tool isn't illegal. In fact, remote-access tools are often used for IT support purposes in corporate environments.
Can Kaspersky detect remote access Trojan?
Put a good antivirus on your smartphone. For example, Kaspersky Internet Security for Android not only finds and removes Trojans, but also blocks websites with malware and mobile subscriptions.
How do I know if someone is accessing my computer remotely?
You can try any of these for confirmation.Way 1: Disconnect Your Computer From the Internet.Way 2. ... Way 3: Check Your Browser History on The Computer.Way 4: Check Recently Modified Files.Way 5: Check Your computer's Login Events.Way 6: Use the Task Manager to Detect Remote Access.Way 7: Check Your Firewall Settings.More items...•
Which of the following is a remote Trojan?
Troya is a remote Trojan that works remotely for its creator.
Can an Iphone get a remote access Trojan?
The iOS Trojan is smart and spies discretely, i.e. does not drain a battery. The RCS mobile Trojans are capable of performing all kinds of spying you can expect from such a tool, including location reporting, taking photos, spying on SMS, WhatsApp and other messengers, stealing contacts and so on.
What are RAT files?
(peshkov) A Remote Access Trojan, otherwise known as a RAT, is a type of spyware that allows a cybercriminal to take control of the computer or other device it's installed on. RATs are malicious software that constitute a major cybersecurity threat.
Is ratting a computer illegal?
The law also punishes unauthorized access to a computer or computer network, with penalties ranging from a class B misdemeanor to a class D felony (punishable by up to five years in prison, a fine of up to $5,000, or both).
How do I know if I have Trojan virus?
Here are the most common signs of a Trojan malware attack:Your computer feels slow. ... Crashes and freezes. ... Unfamiliar apps on your device. ... Internet redirects. ... Changes to your desktop, taskbar, or browser. ... More pop-ups. ... Your antivirus software is deactivated.
Can Windows Defender remove Trojan?
Windows Defender comes packed with the Windows 10 update and offers top-notch antimalware protection to keep your device and data safe. Although, Windows Defender is not capable of handling all kinds of viruses, malware, trojan, and other security threats.
Does factory reset remove Trojans?
In short, yes, a factory reset will usually remove viruses … but (there's always a 'but' isn't there?) not always. Due to the wide variety and ever evolving nature of computer viruses, it's impossible to say for sure that a factory reset will be the answer to curing your device from a malware infection.
What is a backdoor Trojan?
Backdoor malware is generally classified as a Trojan. A Trojan is a malicious computer program pretending to be something it's not for the purposes of delivering malware, stealing data, or opening up a backdoor on your system.
What are the variants of remote access Trojan?
Common Remote Access TrojansSakula. Sakula is a seemingly benign software with a legitimate digital signature, yet it allows attackers complete remote administration capabilities over a machine. ... KjW0rm. ... Havex. ... Agent. ... Dark Comet. ... AlienSpy. ... Heseber BOT. ... Sub7.More items...
Can an Iphone get a remote access Trojan?
The iOS Trojan is smart and spies discretely, i.e. does not drain a battery. The RCS mobile Trojans are capable of performing all kinds of spying you can expect from such a tool, including location reporting, taking photos, spying on SMS, WhatsApp and other messengers, stealing contacts and so on.
Are PUPs malware?
Type and source of infection. Detections categorized as PUPs are not considered as malicious as other forms of malware, and may even be regarded by some as useful. Malwarebytes detects potentially unwanted programs for several reasons, including: They may have been installed without the user's consent.
How do you detect a RAT infection?
RATs can be difficult for the average user to identify because they are planned out to avoid detection. They use randomized filenames and file paths to prevent them from identifying themselves. They don’t show up in the list of running programs and act like legal programs.
How does a RAT work?
A RAT works just like standard remote software but it is designed to stay hidden from the device user or anti-malware software.
What is a RAT?
In the tenth year of the Trojan War, the Trojan horse was constructed by the Greeks. It was a giant hollow wooden horse intended to be given to the Trojans as a peace offering to signal the end of the war. It was a tricky strategy because the hollow horse carried Greek warriors in its belly that later ravaged the City of Troy.
How did RATs come into being?
Security researchers Veronica Valeros and Sebastian Garcia worked on a paper that presents a timeline of the most well-known RATs in the last 30 years. Here are the highlight of that study:
How to reduce the risk of RATs?
Focus on Infection Vectors: RATs, like any malware, are only a danger if they are installed and executed on a target computer. Deploying anti-phishing and secure browsing solutions and regularly patching systems can reduce the risk of RATs by making it more difficult for them to infect a computer in the first place.
Why is a RAT dangerous?
A RAT is dangerous because it provides an attacker with a very high level of access and control over a compromised system. Most RATs are designed to provide the same level of functionality as legitimate remote system administration tools, meaning that an attacker can see and do whatever they want on an infected machine. RATs also lack the same limitations of system administration tools and may include the ability to exploit vulnerabilities and gain additional privileges on an infected system to help achieve the attacker’s goals.
Why is it important for an attacker to have a high level of control over the infected computer?
Due to the fact that an attacker has a high level of control over the infected computer and its activities, this allows them to achieve almost any objective on the infected system and to download and deploy additional functionality as needed to achieve their goals.
How does Harmony Endpoint protect against RATs?
Check Point Harmony Endpoint provides comprehensive protection against RATs by preventing common infection vectors, monitoring applications for suspicious behavior, and analyzing network traffic for signs of C2 communications. To learn more about Harmony Endpoint and the complete suite of Harmony solutions, request a free demo today.
Can RATs be used to infect a computer?
RATS can infect computers like any other type of malware. They might be attached to an email, be hosted on a malicious website, or exploit a vulnerability in an unpatched machine.
How to protect yourself from remote access trojans?
Just like protecting yourself from other network malware threats, for remote access trojan protection, in general, you need to avoid downloading unknown items; keep antimalware and firewall up to date, change your usernames and passwords regularly; (for administrative perspective) block unused ports, turn off unused services, and monitor outgoing traffic.
What is a RAT trojan?
RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its owner’s knowledge and often as a trojan horse or payload. For example, it is usually downloaded invisibly with an email attachment, torrent files, weblinks, or a user-desired program like a game. While targeted attacks by a motivated attacker may deceive desired targets into installing RAT ...
What Does a RAT Virus Do?
Since a remote access trojan enables administrative control , it is able to do almost everything on the victim machine.
How does RAT malware work?
Once get into the victim’s machine, RAT malware will hide its harmful operations from either the victim or the antivirus or firewall and use the infected host to spread itself to other vulnerable computers to build a botnet.
What is a RAT?
A remote access trojan (RAT), also called cree pware, is a kind of malware that controls a system via a remote network connection. It infects the target computer through specially configured communication protocols and enables the attacker to gain unauthorized remote access to the victim. RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its ...
Why is Darkcomet no longer available?
The reason is due to its usage in the Syrian civil war to monitor activists as well as its author’s fear of being arrested for unnamed reasons.
What does RAT stand for?
RAT can also stand for remote administration tool, which is software giving a user full control of a tech device remotely. With it, the user can access your system just like he has physical access to your device. So, the user can access your files, use your camera, and even turn off or turn on your machine.
What can a hacker do with a RAT?
A hacker with a RAT can command power stations, telephone networks, nuclear facilities, or gas pipelines. RATs not only represent a corporate network security risk, but they can also enable belligerent nations to cripple an enemy country.
How does a RAT toolkit work?
Other elements propagate the RAT by sending out links to infected web pages. These are sent to the social media contacts of an infected user.
What is intrusion detection?
Intrusion detection systems are important tools for blocking software intrusion that can evade detection by antivirus software and firewall utilities. The SolarWinds Security Event Manager is a Host-based Intrusion Detection System. However, there is a section of the tool that works as a Network-based Intrusion Detection System. This is the Snort Log Analyzer. You can read more about Snort below, however, you should know here that it is a widely used packet sniffer. By employing Snort as a data collector to feed into the Snort Log Analyzer, you get both real-time and historic data analysis out of the Security Event Manager.
How does Beast RAT work?
The Beast RAT attacks Windows systems from Windows 95 up to Windows 10. This uses the same client-server architecture that Back Orifice pioneered with the server part of the system being the malware that gets installed surreptitiously on the target computer. Once the server element is operational, the hacker can access the victim computer at will through the client program. The client connects to the target computer at port number 6666. The server is also able to open connections back to the client and that uses port number 9999. Beast was written in 2002 and is still widely in use.
How to get rid of a RAT?
Sometimes, the only solution to rid your computer of a RAT is to wipe out all of your software and reinstall the operating system. RAT prevention systems are rare because the RAT software can only be identified once it is operating on your system.
Why do companies use RATs?
RATs can also be used to reroute traffic through your company network to mask illegal activities. Some hacker groups, predominantly in China, have even created a hacker network that runs through the corporate networks of the world and they rent out access to this cybercrime highway to other hackers.
Who created DarkComet?
French hacker Jean-Pierre Lesueur developed DarkComet in 2008, but the system didn’t really proliferate until 2012. This is another hacker system that targets the Windows operating system from Windows 95 up to Windows 10. It has a very easy-to-use interface and enables those without technical skills to perform hacker attacks.
What are the key elements of a remote access trojan?
The two key elements of any remote access trojan are the client and the server . Additional elements may include the builder, plug-ins and crypter. In this context, a server is the program installed on the victim’s device, which is configured to connect back to the attacker. The client is the program used by the attacker to monitor and control infected victims: it allows the visualization of all active victim infections, displays general information about each infection, and allows individual actions to be performed manually on each victim.
How many remote access trojan families were there in 1996-2018?
Figure 1: Timeline of 337 well-known remote access trojan families during 1996-2018. They are ordered by the year in which they were first seen or reported by the community. The last decade clearly shows a significant growth compared with the previous 16 years.
What is remote access software?
Remote access software is a type of computer program that allows an individual to have full remote control of the device on which the software is installed. In this research we distinguish between remote access tool and remote access trojan. A remote access tool refers to a type of remote access software used for benign purposes, such as TeamViewer [1] or Ammyy Admin [2], which are common tools used by billions of users worldwide. Remote access trojans, referred to in this paper as RATs, are a special type of remote access software where (i) the installation of the program is carried out without user consent, (ii) the remote control is carried out secretly, and (iii) the program hides itself in the system to avoid detection. The distinction between tools and trojans was created by defenders to make clear the difference between benign and malicious RATs, however in the underground, attackers claim all RATs are remote access tools.
How have RATs become a commodity?
The analysis of the market suggests that, far from being custom-made unique tools, RATs have become a commodity. They have become a group of standardized products that are not very different from each other. The variation in prices is not determined by the functionality of the RATs per se, but instead by the sellers themselves being able to offer additional services, extended functionality or technical support. No matter the skill level, attackers are able to choose from a wide range of very affordable options and adjust their attack to the final product selected. The most successful RATs do not have a huge technological advantage, but better reviews, recommendations and, in the end, better marketing.
Why are RATs important?
RATs are no exception. In the early days, RATs were developed for fun, to showcase skills, and to pull pranks. Developing your own RAT was an entry-level skill that inexperienced users were somehow expected to rapidly acquire. While the challenge of building highly functional RATs remains to today, their use has evolved. In the last decade more and more RATs have been openly commercialized and turned into standard tools for espionage, financial and state-sponsored attacks [3-5].
What is functionality in a RAT?
In this work, functionality refers to what the software allows the operator to do on the victim side once the installation is successful. Although there is no standardized list of functionality, any RAT is expected to provide to a certain extent access and control over the following components:
What is a builder in a RAT server?
The builder is a program used to create new RAT servers with different configurations. When attackers move infrastructure quickly, launch new attacks and require flexibility, builders save time and provide agility.