Remote-access Guide

hipaa and insecure remote access incident

by Corine Mraz DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Can remote access give hackers access to your medical records?

However, insecure remote access gives hackers a pathway to compromise organization networks and gain access to medical records. Remember Target’s massive data compromise in 2013? It is believed that the incident began when a hacker gained access to one of Target’s systems via a remote access account belonging to an HVAC company.

What did the investigation reveal about the HIPAA Security Rule?

The investigation revealed insufficient risk analysis and management processes at the time of the theft. Additionally, the organization’s HIPAA Security Rule policies and procedures were in draft form.

What are the HIPAA guidelines for remote access to ePHI?

A home personal computer accessing EPHI over a VPN must also comply with the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s HIPAA Guideline: Remote Access to EPHI Guideline. 3. If an employee uses a home personal computer to access any UWM technology resources the following guidelines must be followed:

What is insecure remote access and how can you prevent it?

Insecure remote access is the number one attack pathway used by hackers today. Remote access technology is an incredibly valuable business tool – as long as there is an Internet connection, it allows workforce members to easily access the office network from anywhere.


What are the 3 major security safeguards in HIPAA?

The HIPAA Security Rule requires three kinds of safeguards: administrative, physical, and technical.

What are the 4 most common HIPAA violations?

5 Most Common HIPAA ViolationsThe 5 Most Common HIPAA Violations.HIPAA Violation 1: A Non-Encrypted Lost or Stolen Device. ... HIPAA Violation 2: Lack of Employment Training. ... HIPAA Violation 3: Database Breaches. ... HIPAA Violation 4: Gossiping and Sharing PHI. ... HIPAA Violation 5: Improper disposal of PHI.

What are the top 5 HIPAA violations that you need to keep in mind?

Here's what you need to know about these violations and how to protect your organization.Failing to Secure and Encrypt Data. ... Device Theft. ... Employee Misconduct. ... Improper Records Disposal. ... Non-Compliant Partnership Agreements. ... Failure to Perform an Organization-Wide Risk Analysis. ... Inadequate Staff Training.

Is it against HIPAA to look up patients on social media?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule prohibits the disclosure of ePHI on social media networks without the express consent of patients. This includes any text about specific patients as well as images or videos that could result in a patient being identified.

What constitutes a HIPAA breach?

A breach is defined in HIPAA section 164.402, as highlighted in the HIPAA Survival Guide, as: “The acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of protected health information in a manner not permitted which compromises the security or privacy of the protected health information.”

What are examples of HIPAA violations?

EXAMPLES OF HIPAA VIOLATIONSEmployees Divulging Patient Information. ... Medical Records Falling into the Wrong Hands. ... Stolen Items. ... Lack of Proper Training. ... Texting Private Information. ... Passing Patient Information Through Skype or Zoom. ... Discussing Information Over the Phone. ... Posting on Social Media.More items...•

What is the most common breach of confidentiality?

Top 10 Most Common HIPAA ViolationsUnencrypted Data. ... Hacking. ... Loss or Theft of Devices. ... Lack of Employee Training. ... Gossiping / Sharing PHI. ... Employee Dishonesty. ... Improper Disposal of Records. ... Unauthorized Release of Information.More items...•

Can I get fired for an accidental HIPAA violation?

Depending on the nature of the violation, the incident may warrant disciplinary action against the individual concerned which could see the employee suspended pending an investigation. Termination for a HIPAA violation is a possible outcome.

Which of the following is not covered by HIPAA security Rule?

The Security Rule does not apply to PHI transmitted orally or in writing.

What violates HIPAA on social media?

Common examples of social media HIPAA compliance violations include: Posting verbal "gossip" about a patient to unauthorized individuals, even if the name is not disclosed. Sharing of photographs, or any form of PHI without written consent from a patient.

Is Googling a patient a HIPAA violation?

Googling your patients does not violate HIPAA. You are acting as an observer of information rather than posting a patient's information online yourself. Regardless of the fact that doing some online research into your patients' pasts isn't technically illegal, it still should not be taken lightly.

When there is a breach of one unsecured patient record it is necessary to notify?

The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, 45 CFR §§ 164.400-414, requires HIPAA covered entities and their business associates to provide notification following a breach of unsecured protected health information.

What are the 5 HIPAA rules?

HHS initiated 5 rules to enforce Administrative Simplification: (1) Privacy Rule, (2) Transactions and Code Sets Rule, (3) Security Rule, (4) Unique Identifiers Rule, and (5) Enforcement Rule.

Is it a HIPAA violation to say someone is your patient?

What HIPAA says: Location and general health status (i.e., directory information) can be disclosed if the requester identifies the patient by name unless the patient has objected to such disclosures.

Is it a HIPAA violation if you don't use names?

Usually one draws on one's work life experience to describe characters in a book or relay an interesting tale. However, even without mentioning names one must keep in mind if a patient can identify themselves in what you write about this may be a violation of HIPAA.

Is talking about a patient a HIPAA violation?

Yes. The HIPAA Privacy Rule is not intended to prohibit providers from talking to each other and to their patients.

Why is remote access so easy for hackers?

It’s simply that easy for hackers, especially because while there tend to be rules in place for employees using remote access, the same rules are not always applied to external parties.

Is remote access secure?

It's critical to look at how to effectively govern company use of remote access technologies. When implemented and managed properly, remote access can be secure. Here are a number of best practices recommended to protect your organization against hackers:

What are the HIPAA rules?

The HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules require all covered entities to protect the EPHI that they use or disclose to business associates, trading partners or other entities. New standards and technologies have significantly simplified the way in which data is transmitted throughout the healthcare industry and created tremendous opportunities for improvements in the healthcare system. However, these technologies have also created complications and increased the risk of loss and unauthorized use and disclosure of this sensitive information.

What is the HIPAA security rule for laptops?

All covered entities are required to be in compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule1, which includes, among its requirements, reviewing and modifying, where necessary, security policies and procedures on a regular basis. This is particularly relevant for organizations that allow remote access to EPHI through portable devices or on external systems or hardware not owned or managed by the covered entity.

What does covered entity need to do to protect EPHI?

Covered entities must develop and implement policies and procedures to protect EPHI that is stored on remote or portable devices, or on potentially transportable media (particularly backups).

What is the HIPAA Privacy Rule for EPHI?

It is important that only those workforce members who have been trained and have proper authorization are granted access to EPHI.

What is the procedure for a covered entity to lose EPHI?

Should a covered entity experience loss of EPHI via portable media, the entity’s security incident procedures must specify the actions workforce members must take to manage harmful effects of the loss. Procedures may include securing and preserving evidence; managing the harmful effects of improper use or disclosure; and notification to affected parties. Needless to say, such incidents should be evaluated as part of the entity’s ongoing risk management initiatives.

What is the HIPAA security rule?

The HIPAA Security Rule includes security requirements to protect patients’ ePHI confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The Security Rule requires

What is breach of privacy?

the media. Generally, a breach is an unpermitted use or disclosure under the Privacy Rule that compromises the security or privacy of PHI. The

What is the HHS Office of Civil Rights?

The HHS Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules. Violations may result in civil monetary penalties. In some cases, criminal penalties enforced by the

What is breach notification?

Generally, a breach is an impermissible use or disclosure under the Privacy Rule that compromises the security or privacy of PHI. The impermissible use or disclosure of PHI is presumed to be a breach unless you demonstrate there is a low probability the PHI has been compromised based on a risk assessment of at least the following factors:

What is the Privacy Rule?

The Privacy Rule protects PHI held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form, whether electronic, paper, or verbal. PHI includes information that relates to all of the following:

Can a patient request a copy of their medical records?

patients the right to examine and get a copy of their medical records, including an electronic copy of their electronic medical records, and to request corrections. Under the Privacy Rule, patients can restrict their health plan’s access to information about treatments they paid for in cash, and most health plans can’t use or disclose genetic information for underwriting purposes. The Privacy Rule allows you to report child abuse or neglect to the authorities.

Who can give information to a patient?

Give information to a patient’s family, friends, or anyone else identified by the patient as involved in their care

What is explosive demand for remote care?

An explosive demand for remote care means providers must take extra precautions to secure patient data when working outside the office.

How to address home network concerns?

Address home network concerns. Ensure that you’re the only system administrator for your home network and all devices that connect to it. Next, change your router’s password to a sentence or phrase rather than a single word. Lastly, home routers typically have two networks; put your work laptop on one and all other devices on the other.

What to do if sensitive material must be discussed in a meeting?

Finally, restrict the sharing of sensitive files to the approved file-sharing technologies, not as a part of the meeting itself.

What is the best way to mitigate software-associated risks?

Mitigate software-associated risks. Deploy the appropriate security software on all your devices; update your software, including applications, on Tuesday nights; and use Firefox as your browser.

Why do employees need remote devices?

On a basic level, every employee will need a remote device — preferably a company laptop — to help keep your organization’s network secure.

Is it possible to avoid security risks?

While it’s impossible to avoid every security risk, strong technological and policy-related solutions can create a more compliant alternate workspace. A certain degree of control can be attained with reliable safeguards followed by every employee.

Can remote care providers use business conferencing?

Some providers hoping to provide remote care have adopted existing business conferencing tools to facilitate care — but many of the platforms weren’t designed with healthcare data security in mind.

What is the HIPAA guidelines for University of Wisconsin?

All applicable safeguards detailed in University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s HIPAA Guidelines: Workstation Use and Security Guideline must be applied to portable devices. This includes restricting visibility of display in public areas.

When should encrypted connections be used?

Encrypted connections should be used for device management. SSH should be used in place of Telnet, and HTTPS should be used rather than HTTP.

What is the purpose of the ephi guideline?

The purpose of this guideline is to describe expected employee behavior regarding the secure use of technology resources and methods accessing/storing EPHI, as well as to provide recommendations for securing workstations.

What is the purpose of account creation and access control?

Guideline Name: Account Creation and Access Control. 2. Purpose: The purpose of this guideline is to provide recommendations for creating user accounts on, and defining access control to, computer systems in order to reduce the risk of data access by unauthorized subjects.

Does HIPAA require network device security?

While there is no specific requirement under HIPAA that Covered Departments have a network device security policy, compliance with the following regulations is achieved by the implementation of this Guideline:

Is remote access restricted to authorized users?

Remote access must be restricted to individual authorized users for appropriate and authorized use only. Access controls must follow the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee’s HIPAA Security Guidelines: Account Creation and Access Control Guideline.

Does UWM have HIPAA?

Equipment used to provide remote access to a UWM Covered Department, regardless of who owns the equipment, must meet the standards outlined in University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s HIPAA Guidelines: Workstation Use and Workstation Security Guideline.

Why is remote access important?

Remote access technology is an incredibly valuable business tool – as long as there is an Internet connection, it allows workforce members to easily access the office network from anywhere. However, insecure remote access gives hackers a pathway to compromise organization networks and gain access to medical records.

How to protect your company from hackers?

It's critical to look at how to effectively govern company use of remote access technologies. When implemented and managed properly, remote access can be secure. Here are a number of best practices recommended to protect your organization against hackers: 1 Limit those who can access the system remotely. Only provide remote access to those whose job requires it. Don’t share remote access credentials, and ensure everyone has a unique username and password. 2 Don’t use default remote access passwords. Many remote access systems come pre-installed with a default password, and those passwords are easily found via a web search. If you haven’t changed your default remote access password, you’re just making a hacker’s job easier. 3 Require two-factor authentication. Using a single factor (a password) makes it easy for attackers to gain access. However, by implementing strong authentication processes, you can keep remote access secure. Two-factor authentication greatly reduces the risk of an attack. One example may be the use of a password in conjunction with a security token that regularly generates a new access code. Or, the combination of both a password and a certificate. Note that user IDs are not considered a factor of authentication. 4 Keep firewalls up-to-date. This will help ensure that inbound rules provide adequate protection. 5 Maintain HIPAA compliance. If you aren’t already doing it, implement and maintain HIPAA standards for continuing data security protection. 6 Get everyone on the same page. Periodically review data security practices to ensure employees protect sensitive patient data.

How do hackers do it?

Many healthcare organizations open up their networks to vendors, partners , suppliers, and other business associates to streamline processes and enable better service and support. Few implement processes governing third-party access.

How to reduce opportunities for hackers to succeed?

To reduce opportunities for hackers to succeed, healthcare entities must be proactive about protecting sensitive data across their organization. Security must be an ongoing practice – a top priority that resides at the heart of business operations and data management.

Can an attacker scan multiple computers?

By utilizing easily accessible scanning tools, the attacker can simultaneously scan multiple computers, router s, servers and websites, searching for specific data (like if the organization uses remote access).

Is remote access secure?

It's critical to look at how to effectively govern company use of remote access technologies. When implemented and managed properly, remote access can be secure. Here are a number of best practices recommended to protect your organization against hackers: Limit those who can access the system remotely.

1. Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

The Principle of Least Privilege is the practice of starting from zero privileges and adding only what is necessary for use, instead of allowing everything and going through to remove unwanted privileges. This makes sure that the user or system has only what they need and nothing else, reducing potential attack vectors.

2. Monitor and Control Remote Access Methods

Make sure you have control over who and what can connect to your remote infrastructure. You should monitor connections for threats so you can quickly catch and mitigate potential attacks.

3. Encrypt Remote Access Sessions

Ensure that you are using appropriate encryption for all remote access sessions. Encryption adds security to your data in transit across the internet. If intercepted, encryption makes it harder for a third party to read your data.

4. Limit Access Control Points

Limiting the number of points of access can help funnel your traffic into “chokepoints” that you can then use to monitor and filter traffic. Having traffic come in through a smaller number of access points makes it easier to monitor and control.

6. Disable Unused and Insecure Protocols and Services

Restrict unused ports, protocols, and services as well as insecure protocols and services from being accessible from remote connections. This decreases your network exposure and guards against attacks on services you are not expecting.

7. Keep Remote Access Software Up to Date

Ensuring your remote access software is up to date is critical to keeping your infrastructure secure. Software updates install security patches and mitigate known security exploits that have become publicly available. An out-of-date system is vulnerable to known exploits that otherwise would not be exploitable if the security updates were applied.


Implementing these security measures will put you well on your way to locking down your remote access technology. NuHarbor Security offers a wide range of services to bring your security to the next level.

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