Remote-access Guide

hipaa hitrust remote access and two-factor requirement

by Christop Casper Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is not a requirement of HIPAA per se.

Full Answer

What is The HITRUST CSF compliance and reporting pack for HIPAA?

This update is focused on ensuring the underlying mappings and structure of the HITRUST CSF are aligned to enable the MyCSF Compliance and Reporting Pack for HIPAA. Developed in collaboration with data protection professionals, the HITRUST CSF rationalizes relevant regulations and standards into a single overarching security and privacy framework.

What is the HIPAA HITRUST built-in initiative?

This built-in initiative is deployed as part of the HIPAA HITRUST 9.2 blueprint sample. Each control below is associated with one or more Azure Policy definitions. These policies may help you assess compliance with the control; however, there often is not a one-to-one or complete match between a control and one or more policies.

What is the best way to comply with the HIPAA password requirements?

The HIPAA Password Requirements and the Best Way to Comply With Them 1 Experts Disagree on Best HIPAA Compliance Password Policy. ... 2 The HIPAA Password Requirements are Addressable Requirements. ... 3 Two Factor Authentication is Important for Improving Password Security. ... 4 Meeting HIPAA Password Requirements and Improving Security. ...

What is HIPAA security rule1 compliance?

All covered entities are required to be in compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule1, which includes, among its requirements, reviewing and modifying, where necessary, security policies and procedures on a regular basis.

Does HIPAA require 2 factor authentication?

Although two-factor authentication is not required for HIPAA, it can help pave the way to HIPAA compliance. The traditional login process with a username and password is insufficient in an increasingly hostile healthcare data environment. Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become increasingly important.

What are HITRUST requirements?

The achievement of HITRUST certification requires: Satisfactory completion of a HITRUST validated assessment by an external assessor firm such as Linford & Company. Validation of the quality and accuracy of the assessment by HITRUST through the HITRUST quality assurance process.

What is the difference between HIPAA and HITRUST?

HIPAA is a U.S. law that includes a set of safeguards that covered entities and business associates must follow to protect health information. The HITRUST CSF is a certifiable security and privacy framework with a list of prescriptive controls/requirements that can be used to demonstrate HIPAA compliance.

Does HITRUST include HIPAA?

HITRUST has supported thousands of Covered Entities and Business Associates with their Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance programs since the first release of the HITRUST CSF in 2009.

What is the difference between SOC 2 and HITRUST?

One of the main differences between a SOC 2 and HITRUST CSF is that a SOC 2 is an attestation report, while a HITRUST review is accompanied by a certification.

How many controls are required for HITRUST certification?

The HITRUST CSF requires four controls related to information security risk management: Risk Management Program Development, Performing Risk Assessments, Risk Mitigation, and Risk Evaluation.

Does HITRUST replace HIPAA?

HITRUST does not replace HIPAA, but it can provide measurable criteria and objectives for applying "appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards."

What does HITRUST stand for?

the Health Information Trust AllianceHITRUST stands for the Health Information Trust Alliance. It was founded in 2007 and uses the “HITRUST approach” to help organizations from all sectors–but especially healthcare–effectively manage data, information risk, and compliance.

Why is HITRUST important?

HITRUST serves as the preferred report to provide assurances over globally-recognized standards and requirements— it is a universal passport for assurances with wide recognition and acceptance. Many organizations even require HITRUST Certification.

Who needs HITRUST certification?

1. HITRUST compliance is required by all major healthcare payers in the US. No matter what your business does in the healthcare realm, it's crucial to know that HITRUST CSF certification is often required.

What are the HITRUST domains?

HITRUST Assessment DomainsHITRUST Domain Control1Information Protection Program2Endpoint Protection3Portable Media Security4Mobile Device Security15 more rows•Jul 13, 2020

What is the difference between Hitech and HITRUST?

HITRUST, which was originally an acronym for The Health Information Trust Alliance, is not a law like HITECH. Rather, it is a company that has collaborated with an assortment of organizations to create a framework that can be used by all types of companies that store, transmit or create sensitive or regulated data.

What does HITRUST certified mean?

HITRUST certification verifies that a company uses the strictest requirements with high risk data. In the event of a data breach or security lapse, you want to know that your company took as many precautionary steps as possible to uphold compliance and provide a secure environment for sensitive information.

What is HITRUST used for?

HITRUST stands for the Health Information Trust Alliance. It was founded in 2007 and uses the “HITRUST approach” to help organizations from all sectors–but especially healthcare–effectively manage data, information risk, and compliance.

What four things are HITRUST CSF updates based upon?

Security. Security and Privacy. Comprehensive Security. Comprehensive Security and Privacy.

What is HITRUST assessment?

HITRUST assessments provide organizations with a means to assess and communicate their current state of information security and compliance with internal and external stakeholders along with Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) to address any identified deficiencies.

What are the HIPAA password change requirements?

Although the Security Awareness and Training Standard referenced above requires Covered Entities to implement procedures for creating, changing, an...

Are there HIPAA account lockout requirements?

Under the technical safeguards of the HIPAA Security Rule (§164.312) there is an addressable implementation specification that Covered Entities sho...

Does HIPAA require 2FA?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is not a requirement of HIPAA per se. However, if a Covered Entity or Business Associate conducts a risk assessment...

Is It okay to use the same password for multiple different applications, provided the password is co...

Generally, no – and certainly not when applications collect, store, process, or transmit ePHI. Although there are circumstances in which workforce...

Where is the best place to find HIPAA-compliant password guidelines?

The standard for HIPAA-compliant password guidelines is NIST Special Publication 800-63B – “Digital Identity Guidelines”. Although not published sp...

When is remote access disabled?

Remote access by vendors and business partners (e.g., for remote maintenance) is disabled/deactivated when not in use.

What happens if encryption is not used for dial-up connections?

If encryption is not used for dial-up connections, the CIO or his/her designated representative provides specific written authorization.

What is secure transfer?

Secure transfer is an option that forces your storage account to accept requests only from secure connections (HTTPS). Use of HTTPS ensures authentication between the server and the service and protects data in transit from network layer attacks such as man-in-the-middle, eavesdropping, and session-hijacking.

Why is it important that covered entities and business associates understand the HIPAA password requirements?

It is important that Covered Entities and Business Associates understand the HIPAA password requirements and the best way to comply with them because if a data breach is found to be attributable to a lack of compliance, the penalties could be significant. However, understanding the HIPAA password requirements is not straightforward.

How often are passwords mentioned in HIPAA?

In the whole text of HIPAA, passwords are only mentioned once – in the Administrative Safeguards of the Security Rule under the Standard relating to Security Awareness and Training ( §164.308 (5) ). This Standard includes implementation specifications relating to procedures for monitoring login attempts, and procedures for creating, changing, and safeguarding passwords.

How to improve password security?

One of the ways to improve password security and stop employees from engaging in insecure practices such as writing passwords down is to use a password management tool. Password managers such as Bitwarden allow employees to generate highly complex passwords that are extremely difficult for hackers to crack and to create a unique password for all accounts.

Why is 2FA bad?

One of the problems with two-factor authentication is it can slow workflows, but advances in 2FA solutions have allowed LDAP integration and Single Sign-On between different healthcare systems which can eliminate the negative impact on workflows while greatly improving security. With this additional protection for passwords, there is less need for regular password changes.

What is two factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication – or multi-factor authentication – is a method used to make passwords more secure. As the name suggests, it involves using more than one method for authenticating a user. In addition to a username/password combo, a second factor is required to authenticate a user before access to a system is granted. The second factor could be a one-time code or PIN sent to a mobile device or a token – I.e something a person knows (a password) and something a person has (a token or one-time pass code).

What is covered entity in HIPAA?

In the event of a HIPAA audit, or a compliance or data breach investigation, Covered Entities must be able to show the rationale behind security decisions to meet the requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule.

How many ways can you verify your identity?

Guidance published by the Department of Health and Human Services suggests there are three ways in which users can verify their identity:

What is Azure Healthcare AI blueprint?

One method is using an Azure Healthcare AI blueprint. It’s a shortcut to using Microsoft Azure at low cost and without deep knowledge of cloud computing. Blueprints include resources such as example code, test data, security, and compliance support. The largest advantage of using a blueprint is explicit advice and clear instructions on keeping your solution in compliance. We’re trying to eliminate the mystery, so you don’t have to research it yourself.

What is the goal of the Shared Responsibilities for Cloud Computing document?

Preventing misunderstandings and setting clear expectations of responsibilities is the goal of the Shared Responsibilities for Cloud Computing document. If you are trying to meet HITRUST certification standards, the HITRUST Customer Responsibilities Matrix spreadsheet identifies exactly what Microsoft and the customer are respectively responsible for managing.

What is a blueprint for AI?

The blueprint includes a script to create an AI/ML system, complete with a sample experiment. It also includes several documents to help system implementers keep their installations secure and compliant. These include worksheets, whitepapers, and spreadsheets that will help you ensure system compliance with healthcare regulations and certifications. The artifacts are easily re-purposed for other healthcare-based systems implemented on Azure.

Why is AI used in healthcare?

Many healthcare organizations are starting to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) systems to gain deeper insight into operations, patient care, diagnostic imaging, cost savings and so on. However, it can sometimes be daunting to even know where to get started.

Is HIPAA compliance important?

Compliance with HIPAA standards is fundamental to any healthcare organization. The blueprint was created with HIPAA in mind, and includes a whitepaper covering the topic in detail.

What are the HIPAA rules?

The HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules require all covered entities to protect the EPHI that they use or disclose to business associates, trading partners or other entities. New standards and technologies have significantly simplified the way in which data is transmitted throughout the healthcare industry and created tremendous opportunities for improvements in the healthcare system. However, these technologies have also created complications and increased the risk of loss and unauthorized use and disclosure of this sensitive information.

What is the HIPAA security rule for laptops?

All covered entities are required to be in compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule1, which includes, among its requirements, reviewing and modifying, where necessary, security policies and procedures on a regular basis. This is particularly relevant for organizations that allow remote access to EPHI through portable devices or on external systems or hardware not owned or managed by the covered entity.

What does covered entity need to do to protect EPHI?

Covered entities must develop and implement policies and procedures to protect EPHI that is stored on remote or portable devices, or on potentially transportable media (particularly backups).

What is the HIPAA Privacy Rule for EPHI?

It is important that only those workforce members who have been trained and have proper authorization are granted access to EPHI.

What is the procedure for a covered entity to lose EPHI?

Should a covered entity experience loss of EPHI via portable media, the entity’s security incident procedures must specify the actions workforce members must take to manage harmful effects of the loss. Procedures may include securing and preserving evidence; managing the harmful effects of improper use or disclosure; and notification to affected parties. Needless to say, such incidents should be evaluated as part of the entity’s ongoing risk management initiatives.

What is 2FA authentication?

In 2006, the HHS was already recommending 2FA as a best practice for HIPAA compliance, naming it as the first method to address the risk of password theft which could, in turn, lead to the unauthorized viewing of ePHI. In a December 2006 document, HIPAA Security Guidance, the HHS suggested that the password theft risk is addressed with two key strategies: 2FA, along with the implementation of a technical process for creation of unique usernames and authentication of remote employee access.

What is 2FA in healthcare?

An interesting thing about 2FA (sometimes expanded into multi-factor authentication, MFA) is that it is in place at many healthcare organizations – but for other forms of compliance, including the Drug Enforcement Administration's Electronic Prescription for Controlled Substances Rules and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). ...

Is 2FA required for HIPAA?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become increasingly important. While the technology is not mandatory under HIPAA , HIPAA Journal noted that it is a smart way to go from a compliance perspective – actually calling the method "the best way to comply with the HIPAA password requirements.".

Is 2FA more widely adopted?

Certainly, 2FA has been more widely adopted since that point – but it is not ubiquitous.

Is 2FA inefficient?

One of the biggest challenges with 2FA is that it is inherently inefficient since it's adding a step to a process. Actually, though, the concern that 2FA slows healthcare down has been allayed, to a great deal, by the surge of single sign-on and LDAP integration functions for integrated authentication between healthcare systems.

Is two factor authentication required for HIPAA?

Although two-factor authentication is not required for HIPAA, it can help pave the way to HIPAA compliance. The traditional login process with a username and password is insufficient in an increasingly hostile healthcare data environment. Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become increasingly important.

Is two factor authentication HIPAA compliant?

But do not despair. Two-factor authentication is just one of the methods you need in place to meet the parameters of the Security Rule and maintain a HIPAA- compliant ecosystem. Any steps taken to better protect information should be seen as risk mitigation, continually bolstering your efforts at confidentiality, availability and integrity.

Why follow the HIPAA Security Rule?

Make sure you address all the requirements in this rule; otherwise you won’t be HIPAA compliant, you may fail a potential audit, and worst of all, you’re putting your patient’s data at risk.

What is HIPAA masking?

This includes all PHI in all devices (desktop, laptop, mobile devices, flash drive, etc.). Masking: hides part of the data from view.

How could a very high percentage of breaches have been prevented?

A very high percentage of breaches could have been prevented by finding and addressing vulnerabilities through a vulnerability scan.

How many healthcare organizations require privacy and security training?

Did you know that only 77% of healthcare organizations require both privacy and security training? While most healthcare entities follow the Privacy Rule fairly well, many aren’t compliant in the HIPAA Security Rule.

What is the security rule for PHI?

Security Rule: This rule may not be as familiar to organizations. It deals with keeping protected health information (PHI) secure. Stolen PHI creates a lot of difficulties for patients; things like social security numbers are much harder to replace than credit cards.

What is a vulnerable remote access application?

A vulnerable remote access application allows an attacker to completely bypass firewalls and gain direct access to office and patient data.

How to use two factor authentication?

It’s not enough to have only a password. Configuring two-factor authentication means you use two of the following three aspects: 1 Something only the user knows (e.g., a username and password) 2 Something only the user has (e.g., a cell phone or an rSA token) 3 Something the user is (e.g., a fingerprint)


The foundation of all HITRUST programs and services is the HITRUST CSF, a certifiable framework that provides organizations with a comprehensive, flexible, and efficient approach to regulatory compliance and risk management.

What is the v9.5.0 update?

The v9.5.0 update incorporates modifications made to support the introduction of the MyCSF Compliance & Reporting Pack for HIPAA.

Who is required to notify the Security Officer of termination of access needs?

1. The Human Resources Department (or other designated department), users, and their supervisors are required to notify the Security Officer upon completion and/or termination of access needs and facilitating completion of the “Termination Checklist”.

What is the level of security assigned to a user to the organization’s information systems?

The level of security assigned to a user to the organization’s information systems is based on the minimum necessary amount of data access required to carry out legitimate job responsibilities assigned to a user’s job classification and/or to a user needing access to carry out treatment, payment, or healthcare operations.

What is PCI 8.3.2?

PCI Requirement 8.3.2 requires, “Incorporate multi-factor authentication for all remote network access originating from outside the entity’s network.” This applies to all personnel, general users, administrators, and even vendors accessing for support or maintenance – anyone coming into your environment using remote network access must use multi-factor authentication.

Do you need multifactor authentication for remote access?

However, multi-factor authentication is required for any remote access to networks with access to the cardholder data environment, and is recommended for all remote access to the entity’s networks.

Helpful Artifacts

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Planning For Security Threats

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Regulatory Compliance

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Recommended Next Steps

  • Use the supporting collateral below to prepare for your installation of the blueprint. The artifacts demonstrate how responsibilities, compliance, and security are established and how you can maintain them going forward. Prepare for installation and ongoing maintenance with the following documents. 1. The Azure blueprint for AI Solution Guide. 2. Shared Responsibilities for Cloud Co…
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  • What other artifacts or considerations do you think would be helpful when putting healthcare systems into production? Your comments and recommendations are welcome below. I regularly post on technology in healthcare topics. Reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.
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