Where can I find more information about HonorHealth employee benefits?
Get more employee benefits information from the HonorHealth employee benefits website. For contract staff, please see the contract staff policy document.
What has HonorHealth done for You?
clinical trials to advance personalized care for cancer, heart disease, brain and spine injuries, and other conditions. HonorHealth research has resulted in new FDA-approved drugs and devices.
What is HonorHealth Desert Mission?
Find urgent care near me HonorHealth started as Desert Mission in 1927 and has cared for the greater Phoenix community ever since. Today, we are pioneering the next generation of care across the Valley with six hospitals and extensive outpatient and community services.
What is the use of the HCIS and remote access agreements?
Use of these systems constitutes your acceptance of all FHN policies, procedures, and guidelines. Note: The HCIS and the remote access agreements and attachments have changed effective May 13, 2020 and that use of this system constitutes your understanding of present conditions cited in these policies and attachments.

How do I access my Citrix gateway?
In a web browser, type the web address of Citrix Gateway. Type the user name and password and then click Logon.
How do I log into Citrix remotely?
Connect to Citrix Remote Desktop (subsequent connections) 1 From the firm's web site https://www.squirepattonboggs.com click the Login link. 2 Click the link for the Remote Desktop session you require. 3 Enter your Username (email address) and Password, then click Sign In.
What is the difference between Citrix and remote desktop?
The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft-developed protocol that allows users to connect to software or virtual desktops hosted on a server. Citrix Systems offers technical solutions for virtualization with its virtual apps (XenApp) and virtual desktops (XenDesktop).
How do I access my Citrix Receiver from home?
1. After installing the Citrix Workspace App (if necessary) - open up a web browser such as Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome. 2. Navigate to https://remote.fenwayhealth.org.
How do I access remote desktop connection?
On your local Windows PC: In the search box on the taskbar, type Remote Desktop Connection, and then select Remote Desktop Connection. In Remote Desktop Connection, type the name of the PC you want to connect to (from Step 1), and then select Connect.
How do I connect to a Citrix server?
How to connect to a different server from Citrix ReceiverOpen the Citrix Receiver application.Click the drop-down arrow near the top-right.Click "Accounts" from the menu.On the "Add or Remove Accounts" window, click "Add"Enter the new server address.
What is honor health?
HonorHealth provides tools and resources to help you achieve your overall health, fitness and lifestyle goals.
What is HonorHealth's commitment to health?
HonorHealth’s commitment to make healthy personal extends to you and your family as much as it does for patients. Employee benefits for you and your family range from health insurance options that meet your individual and family needs, to wellness, retirement, financial and more.
When did HonorHealth start?
HonorHealth started as Desert Mission in 1927 and has cared for the greater Phoenix community ever since. Today, we are pioneering the next generation of care across the Valley with six hospitals and extensive outpatient and community services.
How much money did HonorHealth give in 2019?
generous donors gave a record $37.7 million to HonorHealth Foundation in 2019, supporting vital hospital programs. 8,961. spots saved for urgent care in the first six months of the program. Save a Spot allows you to find the location with the shortest wait time and save a place in line.