Remote-access Guide

how cisco remote access vpn works

by Miss Kyla Bauch Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

remote access vpn consists of - remote access IPSEC


Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a protocol suite for secure Internet Protocol (IP) communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a communication session. IPsec includes protocols for establishing mutual authentication between agents at the beginning …

VPN. It's included on ASA, no licenses required, requires pre-installed Cisco IPSEC VPN Client

Virtual private network

A virtual private network extends a private network across a public network, and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. Applications running on a computing device, e.g. …

on PC - remote access SSL

Transport Layer Security

Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both of which are frequently referred to as 'SSL', are cryptographic protocols designed to provide communications security over a computer network. Several versions of the protocols are in widespread use in applications such as web browsing, email, Internet faxing, instant messaging, and voice-over-IP (VoIP).

VPN with AnyConnect. It requires SSL VPN licenses on ASA.

Remote and mobile users use the Cisco AnyConnect Secure VPN client to establish VPN sessions with the adaptive security appliance. The adaptive security appliance sends web traffic to the Web Security appliance along with information identifying the user by IP address and user name.

Full Answer

How to enable Cisco AnyConnect VPN through remote desktop?

To enable Cisco Anyconnect VPN through a remote desktop you must first create an Anyconnect Client Profile. The client profile is basically a XML file that gets pushed out to the client upon VPN establishment. This XML file can be created using a text editor or ASDM. I wouldn’t recommend using anything but the ASDM to create this file as you will see.

How to connect to Cisco router using telnet?

  • The “ line vty ” command enable the telnet and the “ 0″ is just let a single line or session to the router. ...
  • The “ password ” command set the “ Pass123 ” as a password for telnet. ...
  • The “ login ” command authenticate and ask you the password of telnet. ...
  • The “ logging synchronous ” command stops any message output from splitting your typing.

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Cisco Systems VPN Client is a software application for connecting to virtual private networks based on Internet Key Exchange version 1.. On July 29, 2011, Cisco announced the end of life of the product. No further product updates were released after July 30, 2012, and support ceased on July 29, 2014. The Support page with documentation links was taken down on July 30, 2016, replaced with an ...

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How does a remote access VPN Work?

A remote access VPN works by creating a virtual tunnel between an employee's device and the company's network. This tunnel goes through the public internet but the data sent back and forth through it is protected by encryption and security protocols to help keep it private and secure.

What is Cisco remote access VPN?

This allows remote users to connect to the ASA and access the remote network through an IPsec encrypted tunnel. The remote user requires the Cisco VPN client software on his/her computer, once the connection is established the user will receive a private IP address from the ASA and has access to the network.

What VPN protocol does Cisco AnyConnect use?

Cisco AnyConnect VPNs utilize TLS to authenticate and configure routing, then DTLS to efficiently encrypt and transport the tunneled VPN traffic, and can fall back to TLS-based transport where firewalls block UDP-based traffic.

Does Cisco AnyConnect work anywhere?

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client empowers employees to work from anywhere on company laptops or personal mobile devices. It also provides the visibility and control security teams need to identify who and which devices are accessing their infrastructure.

Is Cisco AnyConnect SSL or IPsec?

Anyconnect is the replacement for the old Cisco VPN client and supports SSL and IKEv2 IPsec. When it comes to SSL, the ASA offers two SSL VPN modes: Clientless WebVPN.

Is Cisco AnyConnect a VPN?

cisco connect Anyconnect is a secure mobility client solution for secure VPN access for remote works, highly secure access to the enterprise's network from any device from anywhere at any time. this platform is free to cost for users. we can download it on our system.

What port does Cisco VPN use?

TCP 443Cisco AnyConnect uses VPN Tunnel via the default SSL port (TCP 443) and DTLS port (UDP 443).

What are 3 types of VPN tunnels?

We'll look at three of the most common: IPsec tunnels, Dynamic multi point VPNs, and MPLS-based L3VPNs.IPsec Tunnels. In principle, a network-based VPN tunnel is no different from a client-based IPsec tunnel. ... Dynamic Multi point VPN (DMVPN) ... MPLS-based L3VPN.

What is the difference between Cisco AnyConnect and VPN client?

Cisco AnyConnect vs Cisco VPN Client At a high level, there are two major differences between the two clients: First, the AnyConnect client supports both SSL and IPsec VPN options (including support for IKE 2.0 and NSA Suite B IPsec), while the VPN client only supports IPsec.

Do you have to pay for Cisco AnyConnect?

AnyConnect is "free" and it should have come on a CD with your hardware. SmartNet on your hardware will entitle you to download the client as well as any updates via the Cisco website.

How safe is Cisco VPN?

Cisco AnyConnect is not recommended for environments in which network performance is unstable, slow or unpredictable. It also actively degrades the user experience, making it unsuitable for industries with high value employees or a mission-critical remote workforce.

Does Cisco AnyConnect require hardware?

Yes, the hardware comes with the software installed, you will need to license it and configure it for Remote Access VPN. Yes, the AnyConnect client will need installing on each computer wishing to access the VPN.

How safe is Cisco VPN?

Cisco AnyConnect is not recommended for environments in which network performance is unstable, slow or unpredictable. It also actively degrades the user experience, making it unsuitable for industries with high value employees or a mission-critical remote workforce.

How much does Cisco VPN cost?

OverviewAdditional DetailsPrice:$102.00MSRP:$150.53Mfr Part #:ASA-AC-E-5515=SHI Part #:254045704 more rows

How do I connect to ASU VPN?

Once you launch the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, you will be prompted with the following window:In the blank bar, you should type the VPN server address, which is, click Connect, and it will prompt you for your login credentials:

Is Cisco VPN client free?

Cisco AnyConnect is a free, easy to use, and worthwhile VPN client for Microsoft Windows computers. It's secure and doesn't require a lot of maintenance.

How does VPN work?

That is essentially how a VPN works. Each remote member of your network can communicate in a secure and reliable manner using the Internet as the medium to connect to the private LAN. A VPN can grow to accommodate more users and different locations much easier than a leased line.

What is a good example of a company that needs a remote access VPN?

A good example of a company that needs a remote-access VPN would be a large firm with hundreds of sales people in the field. Remote-access VPNs permit secure, encrypted connections between a company's private network and remote users through a third-party service provider.

What is VPN enabled router?

The only requirement is that the router must run a Cisco IOS image with the appropriate feature set. The Cisco IOS VPN solution fully supports remote access, intranet and extranet VPN requirements. This means that Cisco routers can work equally well when connected to a remote host running VPN Client software or when connected to another VPN device such as a router, PIX Firewall or VPN Concentrator. VPN-enabled routers are appropriate for VPNs with moderate encryption and tunneling requirements and provide VPN services entirely through Cisco IOS software features. Examples of VPN-enabled routers include the Cisco 1000, Cisco 1600, Cisco 2500, Cisco 4000, Cisco 4500, and Cisco 4700 series.

What is L2TP/IPsec?

L2TP/IPsec —Commonly called L2TP over IPsec, this provides the security of the IPsec protocol over the tunneling of Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). L2TP is the product of a partnership between the members of the PPTP forum, Cisco, and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Primarily used for remote-access VPNs with Windows 2000 operating systems, since Windows 2000 provides a native IPsec and L2TP client. Internet Service Providers can also provide L2TP connections for dial-in users, and then encrypt that traffic with IPsec between their access-point and the remote office network server.

What is VPN in business?

A VPN is a private network that uses a public network (usually the Internet) to connect remote sites or users together. Instead of using a dedicated, real-world connection, such as leased line, a VPN uses "virtual" connections routed through the Internet from the company's private network to the remote site or employee.

Where is VPN used?

A typical VPN might have a main local-area network (LAN) at the corporate headquarters of a company, other LANs at remote offices or facilities, and individual users that connect from out in the field. A VPN is a private network that uses a public network (usually the Internet) to connect remote sites or users together.

How many types of VPNs are there?

There are two common types of VPNs.

When remote users connect to our WebVPN, do they have to use HTTPS?

The following option is not required but useful, whenever someone accesses the ASA through HTTP then they will be redirected to HTTPS:

What happens when a VPN user terminates a session?

Normally when the remote VPN user terminates the session, the anyconnect installer will be uninstalled. The anyconnect keep-installer installed command leaves it installed on the user’s computer.

What happens when you have an inbound access list?

When you have an inbound access-list on the outside interface then all your decrypted traffic from the SSL WebVPN has to match the inbound access-list. You can either create some permit statements for the decrypted traffic or you can just tell the ASA to let this traffic bypass the access-list:

What is AnyConnect VPN?

Anyconnect is the replacement for the old Cisco VPN client and supports SSL and IKEv2 IPsec. When it comes to SSL, the ASA offers two SSL VPN modes: Clientless WebVPN. AnyConnect VPN. The clientless WebVPN method does not require a VPN client to be installed on the user’s computer. You just open your web browser, ...

Why does my client tries to download AnyConnect?

The client tries to download the Anyconnect automatically, this is because of the anyconnect ask none default anyconnect command that we used. Since we are using a self-signed certificate you will get the following error message:

What is the IP address of AnyConnect?

You can see that we received IP address (the first IP address from the VPN pool). Anyconnect creates an additional interface, just like the legacy Cisco VPN client does.

What is an ayconnECT_policy?

The group policy is called “ANYCONNECT_POLICY” and it’s an internal group policy which means that we configure it locally on the ASA. An external group policy could be on a RADIUS server.

What is remote access VPN?

What is a remote access VPN? Businesses use remote access VPNs to establish a secure connection between their network and the devices used by remote workers. Once connected, employees are able to access the resources on the network just as if their devices were physically plugged in at the office.

What are the advantages of remote access VPN?

Another advantage of remote access VPNs is that they provide companies with an affordable way to secure data sent by offsite employees. The initial investment needed to set up a remote access VPN is minimal and they can easily be scaled as a company grows and this is especially true if a VPN service provider is used.

Why is VPN important for business?

The most important benefit though is data security. When an offsite employee sends data through a VPN, it is encrypted, so even if a hacker is able to intercept that data, they won’t be able to use it. This is particularly important if an employee accesses their companies’ network using public Wi-Fi while traveling because traffic sent over these networks is usually not encrypted.

How does a NAS work?

Users connect to the NAS over the internet in order to use a remote access VPN. In order to sign in to the VPN, the NAS requires that users provide valid credentials. To authenticate these credentials, the NAS uses either its own authentication process or a separate authentication server running on the network .

What is a network access server?

A network access server could be a dedicated server or it might be a software application running on a shared server. Users connect to the NAS over the internet in order to use a remote access VPN. In order to sign in to the VPN, the NAS requires that users provide valid credentials. To authenticate these credentials, the NAS uses either its own authentication process or a separate authentication server running on the network.

Why do businesses use VPNs?

Businesses use remote access VPNs to establish a secure connection between their network and the devices used by remote workers. Once connected, employees are able to access the resources on the network just as if their devices were physically plugged in at the office.

What is site to site VPN?

A site-to-site VPN uses a secure gateway to connect a network at one location to one or more networks at another location. This type of VPN doesn’t require each device at the end location to have a VPN client installed because the gateway handles the traffic.


The group policy is called VPN_POLICY and it’s an internal group policy which means it is created locally on the ASA. You can also specify an external group policy on a RADIUS server. I added some attributes, for example a DNS server and an idle timeout (15 minutes). Split tunneling is optional but I added it to show you how to use it, it refers to the access-list we created earlier.

How many interfaces does an ASA have?

The ASA has two interfaces: inside and outside. Imagine the outside interface is connected to the Internet where a remote user wants to connect to the ASA. On the inside we find R1, I will only use this router so the remote user has something to connect to on the inside network. Let’s look at the configuration!

Does Cisco VPN require ASA?

The remote user requires the Cisco VP N client software on his/her computer, once the connection is established the user will receive a private IP address from the ASA and has access to the network .

Can remote VPN users access certain networks?

If you want to configure an access-list so the remote VPN users can only reach certain networks , IP addresses or ports then you can apply this under the group policy.

Can you use VPN on remote network?

If you don’t want this then you can enable split tunneling. With split tunneling enabled, we will use the VPN only for access to the remote network. Here’s how to enable it:

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How does a client VPN work?

Client VPN creates a tunnel from the client and forwards all VPN traffic through that tunnel to the MX. The MX will then forward the traffic towards the destination. Each client that connects is placed on the subnet specified for Client VPN devices.

What is a single client VPN?

Single client VPN would be particularly useful for clients utilizing mobile devices, laptops, as well as home desktop users. The Meraki Client VPN utilizes the native VPN client built into Windows, OS X, and iOS clients to name a few examples.

What happens if you split a VPN?

If split tunnel is configured, only traffic destined for the remote network will traverse the VPN. If full tunnel is enabled, Internet traffic will be sent over the VPN tunnel in addition to traffic destined for the remote network.

Does VPN work with wireless clients?

Wireless Client VPN would ideally work when users want to utilize their wireless devices, or in an instance where there only are wireless clients in the environment. In this case the VPN SSID option is available; this option creates an SSID that will send all traffic through a VPN tunnel to either an MX Concentrator or VM Concentrator.

Can MX routers use VPN?

Each of those units have both wired and wireless connectivity and can utilize the Site-to-Site VPN feature to forward both wired and wireless traffic to the remote VPN site. Any other MX appliance can also use Site-to-Site VPN, but a separate wireless access point would be necessary to provide wireless network access.

Does SSID work with VPN?

The wireless client will connect to the SSID like a standard wireless network, authenticate if necessary (WPA2-PSK, or 802.1x), and all traffic , or only VPN specific traffic (i.e. Split Tunnel VPN), will be sent through a VPN tunnel to a concentrator.

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