Remote-access Guide

how do you protect informaiton via remote access

by Mr. Tate Runolfsdottir Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Need to secure confidential information

  1. Implement a company-wide policy on document security. If you don’t already have it, create a clear policy on...
  2. Refrain from using public or unsecure wifi. When working remotely, it is difficult to know where employees will be...
  3. Review the company’s password policy. Reports have shown that in the first quarter of 2020...

7 Best Practices For Securing Remote Access for Employees
  1. Develop a Cybersecurity Policy For Remote Workers. ...
  2. Choose a Remote Access Software. ...
  3. Use Encryption. ...
  4. Implement a Password Management Software. ...
  5. Apply Two-factor Authentication. ...
  6. Employ the Principle of Least Privilege. ...
  7. Create Employee Cybersecurity Training.
May 7, 2020

Full Answer

How to protect your network from remote access?

So, you have a three-layer line of defense working to protect remote access to your network: anti-virus, firewall, and VPN. The network security team should monitor alerts from these defenses constantly. Adopting two-factor authentication for remote access through VPN further boosts your network security.

What are the best practices for securing remote access?

Best Practices for Securing Remote Access. RAS: The most basic form of VPN remote access is through a RAS. This type of VPN connection is also referred to as a Virtual Private Dial-up Network ... IPSec: IPSec is an IP packet authentication and encryption method. It uses cryptographic keys to protect ...

How can I protect my remote employees’ data?

Everyone in the company must take ownership in protecting employer data, and by having an established policy in place, all employees — remote-working or not — will be on the same page as to what the expectations are. 2. Ensure all Internet Connections Are Secure

How can I prevent remote workers from accessing files from another computer?

Remote workers will often use a remote desktop set up to do work/access files with a host computer back home. If you use this configuration, limit the users allowed to connect remotely in settings, or even restrict all but a few chosen IP addresses from connecting. You can also limit the number of password attempts before a user is locked out.


How do you secure remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

Which method of remote access is the most secure?

Implement a Secure Connection for Remote Network AccessWired Connection: A wired connection is the most secure method for remote network access.Home Wi-Fi: The second most secure network connection is using a secured home Wi-Fi connection.More items...•

How do you ensure data security with remote workers?

How to promote data security while working remotelyConnect to a hotspot or use a VPN. ... Use strong passwords and a password manager. ... Keep work and personal separate. ... Stay alert for phishing or other attacks. ... Participate in routine cybersecurity training.

Why is secure remote access important?

A secure remote access system protects your employees from web-based threats such as phishing attacks, ransomware and malware while they're logged in to your company's network. These cyber incidents can lead to unauthorized access and use of both the company's business data and the employee's personal data.

What are the methods for remote access?

Remote Access Control MethodsDirect (Physical) Line. The first direct remote access control that can be implemented is a direct line from a computer to the company's LAN. ... Virtual Private Network. Another method which is more common is establishing a VPN. ... Deploying Microsoft RDS.

Which protocol for remote access is more secure and why?

POINT-TO-POINT TUNNELING PROTOCOL (PPTP) It's used to establish virtual connections across the internet via PPP and TCP/IP, enabling two networks to use the internet as their WAN link while retaining the security benefits of a private network. PPTP is a great option because it's simple and secure.

What are the examples of security considerations for remote users?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What are the examples of remote user security policy best practices?

Best Practices For Remote Access SecurityEnable encryption. ... Install antivirus and anti-malware. ... Ensure all operating systems and applications are up to date. ... Enforce a strong password policy. ... Use Mobile Device Management (MDM) ... Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) ... Use two-factor authentication.More items...•

What are best practices when working remotely?

Set healthy boundaries. Help keep your remote employees happy and well by setting healthy boundaries around work: Limit hours of availability. Encourage self-care. Build wellness into your team activities (e.g., host regular mindfulness breaks)

What is remote access security?

Secure remote access refers to any security policy, solution, strategy or process that exists to prevent unauthorized access to your network, its resources, or any confidential or sensitive data. Essentially, secure remote access is a mix of security strategies and not necessarily one specific technology like a VPN.

What is remote access security policy?

A remote access policy serves as a guide for remote users connecting to the network. It extends the policies governing network and computer use in the office, e.g., password policy.

Is it safe to allow remote access?

Remote access solutions could leave you vulnerable. If you don't have proper security solutions in place, remote connections could act as a gateway for cybercriminals to access your devices and data. Hackers could use remote desktop protocol (RDP) to remotely access Windows computers in particular.

What is secure remote access?

Secure Remote Access is a combination of security processes or solutions that are designed to prevent unauthorized access to an organization's digital assets and prevent the loss of sensitive data.

Which protocol is used for secure remote connection?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) makes it possible for employees to connect to their work desktop computer when they work remotely.

What is secure remote access software?

SASE and secure remote access Secure Access Service Edge is an emerging concept that combines network and security functions into a single cloud service, not only to alleviate traffic from being routed through the data center, but also to embrace a remote workforce, IoT adoption and cloud-based application use.

What are the two types of remote access server?

Remote Access Methods1- Remote Access Server: It's one server in organization network that it is the destination of all remote access connections.2- Remote Access Client: All computers that remote connect to network, called remote access client or remote computer.More items...•

What is the line of defense for remote access?

So, you have a three-layer line of defense working to protect remote access to your network: anti-virus, firewall, and VPN. The network security team should monitor alerts from these defenses constantly.

What is the first thing that’s required to ensure smooth remote access via a VPN?

The first thing that’s required to ensure smooth remote access via a VPN is to plan out a comprehensive network security policy.

Why is IPSEC used?

This allows IPSec to protect data transmission in a variety of ways. IPSec is used to connect a remote user to an entire network. This gives the user access to all IP based applications. The VPN gateway is located at the perimeter of the network, and the firewall too is setup right at the gateway.

What are the implications of IPSec connections for corporations?

What are the implications of IPSec connections for corporations, considering the very nature of this connection? Well, your employee will only be able to access the network from a single, authorized device. Security is further boosted by the enforcement of antivirus and firewall policies.

What is IPSEC encryption?

IPSec is an IP packet authentication and encryption method. It uses cryptographic keys to protect data flows between hosts and security gateways.

What is remote access VPN?

The most basic form of VPN remote access is through a RAS. This type of VPN connection is also referred to as a Virtual Private Dial-up Network (VPDN) due to its early adoption on dial-up internet.

Should a company use IPSEC VPN?

A company should go for IPSec VPN remote access if it has a strong networking department with the ability to configure each employee’s hardware device individually (installing client software, enforcing security policies etc.).

What is remote access?

SecurityMetrics PCI forensic investigators discovered that remote access is a top avenue hackers use to gain access into merchant systems in order to install custom-tailored POS malware. Other attack vectors include email phishing attacks, third-party vendor compromise, insider threats, social engineering, and using vulnerable applications to compromise systems.

Why is vulnerability scanning important?

This statistic is exactly why vulnerability scanning is crucial to merchant security. Vulnerability scanning should be an ongoing, or at least conducted quarterly to help locate vulnerabilities, including any remote access problems.

How does POS malware work?

POS malware succeeds when system vulnerabilities– cracks in the wall – are present. These cracks allow hackers into merchant systems. The best way to prevent such attacks is to discontinue remote access, but in today’s world, that’s not always a realistic option. Alternatively, by taking simple steps and encouraging a multi-layered approach to security, merchants can secure their organization against a potentially devastating compromise.

Why is anti-malware updated?

Antivirus or anti-malware programs are updated on a regular basis to detect against known malware. Maintaining an up-to-date anti-malware program that scans systems on a regular basis will prevent known POS malware or other malware from infecting systems.

How does a merchant restrict access to two factor authentication?

By identifying sensitive systems and isolating them on their own network zone, merchants can control what type of access is allowed into these zones and restrict remote access to only allow two-factor authentication. Further restricting outbound access to only authorized IP addresses would help prevent unauthorized information from leaving the restricted network.

Is remote access exploitation a simple attack?

Remote access exploitation is a simple attack to conduct, but it is also simple to protect against such attacks by employing the aforementioned PCI DSS requirements. Attackers will continue to use vulnerable remote access applications to their advantage in 2015 and beyond until merchants shore up their businesses against these popular attacks.

Can a hacker guess your username?

To make it more difficult for a hacker to guess your username, don’t use the username for other non-sensitive systems or in any public forums. Instead of using common terms such as “admin,” “administrator,” your company name, or a combination of these, use fictitious names or a combination of characters, symbols, and numbers that doesn’t fit the standard username mold.

Why is it important to protect confidential information?

The need to protect confidential documents has recently become more important as companies trend towards remote working. In a short time, the COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted the way companies conduct their business operations. Working in the office using the company’s secure computers and networks might not be an option anymore. Even after pandemic, many companies are looking to continue working from home, or at least giving people an opportunity to do so.

What to do if you don't have a confidential document policy?

If you don’t already have it, create a clear policy on confidential documents sharing for your employees that include the dos and don’ts when handling sensitive information, when working remotely. Specify the security measures that need to be followed, such as only storing and sending documents using an encrypted cloud storage or monitor activities on sensitive documents.

Why should I revise my password policy?

Revising the company’s password policy can minimize chances of data breach due to weak credentials. The policy should include protocols to update passwords regularly and add multi-factor authentication to your cloud storage solution. It would help if you enforce your employees to not use the same passwords on multiple accounts, or to use a password manager instead.

What is rights management tool?

Typically rights management tools will allow the control of access, printing and download. More advanced tools may have watermarking and screenshot protection.

Can you get credentialed while working remotely?

It’s possible that the chances of credential theft and human error are higher when working remotely, especially if you’re using an unsecured network connection and a non-corporate computer to do your work. Revising the company’s password policy can minimize chances of data breach due to weak credentials.

Can you work remotely?

When working remotely, it is difficult to know where employees will be working.   They could be in a coffee shop, or using unencrypted networks at home. When you use an unsecure network, other third-party observers can monitor your traffic.

Can you keep confidential documents within the management team?

You can keep access to confidential documents within the management team because not everyone in your organization needs access, particularly if you work with freelance contractors or third-party agencies.

How to prevent a hacker from using your email?

Prevent this by using unique passwords for everything. Of course, it can be difficult to remember so many passwords, that’s why it’s a good idea to use a password manager such as LastPass or Dashlane to help you do this.

How to stop hackers from using bluetooth?

Switch off bluetooth. Some hackers use malware to attack bluetooth compatible devices, so turn off the function if you aren’t using it.

What does it mean to be a remote worker?

Being a remote worker means that you likely use a lot of different apps and make quite a few online transactions, therefore taking precaution when protecting your personal data and privacy are uniquely pressing. Perform all transactions on a secure, password-protected network.

Do you need a VPN to work from home?

If you work anywhere using a shared wifi network -- and even if you work from home-- using a VPN is integral to online security. Since remote workers are more likely to be on their laptops in coffee shops and other places with public wifi networks, logging on the VPN before you get working is as obligatory as pressing the power button.

Can you know your location with a VPN?

Remain anonymous. When working through a VPN, you are granted a provisional IP address and nobody can know your actual location. You could be in a tea shop in Beijing accessing the internet by means of a server in Madrid.

Can safety threats come from all angles?

Safety threats can be unfamiliar and come from all angles when you’re working remotely.

Is remote work a cyber nomad?

Many remote workers are also cyber nomads, meaning that in addition to working out-of-office, you may also be working out-of-country in a faraway country where pickpockets and other scammers pose a threat. Not only is your data at risk, but your possessions, as well. Follow these tips to safeguard against thieves:

What is Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard?

Introduced in Windows 10, version 1607, Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard helps you protect your credentials over a Remote Desktop connection by redirecting Kerberos requests back to the device that's requesting the connection. It also provides single sign-on experiences for Remote Desktop sessions.

How to ensure that Group Policy object is applied?

From a command prompt, run gpupdate.exe /force to ensure that the Group Policy object is applied.

What version of Windows Defender is used for remote credentials?

To use Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard, the Remote Desktop client and remote host must meet the following requirements: The Remote Desktop client device: Must be running at least Windows 10, version 1703 to be able to supply credentials, which is sent to the remote device.

Why does Windows Defender not allow NTLM fallback?

Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard does not allow NTLM fallback because this would expose credentials to risk. The Remote Desktop remote host: Must be running at least Windows 10, version 1607 or Windows Server 2016.

Why is Windows Defender not exposed?

By using Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard to connect during Remote Desktop sessions, if the target device is compromised, your credentials are not exposed because both credential and credential derivatives are never passed over the network to the target device.

What version of Windows 10 is needed for remote host?

The remote host must be running at least Windows 10 version 1607, or Windows Server 2016.

What version of Windows can a remote computer run?

Version support. The remote computer can run any Windows operating system. Both the client and the remote computer must be running at least Windows 10, version 1607, or Windows Server 2016. The remote computer must be running at least patched Windows 7 or patched Windows Server 2008 R2.

How to check for unwanted programs?

Check for any new Firewall rules, check for any unwanted apps by going to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program. If you want to achieve paranoid level checks, Regshot, for auditing registry & Windows built in file auditor are also there at your disposal.

What to do if something fishy happened to my PC?

If you suspect something fishy has happened to your PC in your absence, a system wide anti-virus scan should be carried out. An intruder, if failed in finding anything useful, may install a keylogger or worse, ransomware. Even if Windows Defender gives a clean chit, which it does many times, a second scan should be done using some of the popular free anti-virus programs.

Do passwords need to be stored in browsers?

This habit will cost you, if you become victim of such attacks. An alternative is to use password manager (though they are also not immune to attacks), which is advisable, but if you absolutely don’t want to get out of your old habit , a master password gives one more layer of protection.

Can you run TeamViewer on RDP?

Many popular remote apps, including TeamViewer, have an option to run the app instead of installing. So if you want to remote control for just one time it’s wise to just run the app. If you are not using any app and instead using RDP, then remember to disable RDP access after you are done.

How to protect company data?

1. Establish a Cybersecurity Policy . The first step in protecting company data is to make sure all employees know that data security is a priority. Believe it or not, some employees today might still not be aware that data security is something they should be concerned about, at both a personal and professional level.

How to make sure your organization is using the right VPN?

To make sure your organization is using the right VPN, verify the VPN you are using covers all of the factors you need it to and not just last-mile encryption. After you decide the standards you want, review the provider's reputation and conduct a cost comparison.

How to mitigate risk of password loss?

Another way for organizations and employees to mitigate this risk is by using a password manager that can randomly generate passwords for you and that stores all of your passwords safely. Then employees won’t have the daily struggle of remembering all of their different passwords for different programs and the company data can remain secure and uncompromised.

How to expose your company to a data breach?

Using an unsecured Wi-Fi network is the most common way to expose your company to a data security breach. Everyone understands the need to get out of the house every now and then as a remote worker, and the lure of your local coffee shop — with the comradery of other remote workers and your favorite hot beverage — can be the perfect break. The last thing you want to do is forbid employees from working where they feel most energized and motivated. In this case, the remote workers just need to be educated about how to make sure they can keep the company's data secure.

What is password safety?

Password safety is another relatively easy way to protect your organization’s data. Many people joke about password safety, admitting they use the same password from device to device and program to program, but educating remote workers about password protection is key to securing your company’s data.

What happens if an employee's device is stolen?

If an employee’s device is stolen or lost, the information on that device can find its way into the wrong hands and expose the company to data breaches and vulnerabilities. Encryption software can protect company data by barring access from any unauthorized users of those devices.

What should a policy document cover?

The policy document should cover the reasoning behind having a policy in the first place, as well as details outlining all of the various security protocols employees are expected to comply with, how the company will support them in complying (i.e., which tools and resources they will provide), and a place for the employee to sign their commitment to following the policy.

How to secure RDP?

Ananth: There are some built-in, no-cost defenses that can secure RDP. These include: 1 Patching: Keep servers especially up to date. 2 Complex passwords: Also use two-factor authentication, and implement lockout policies. 3 Default port: Change the default port used by RDP from 3389 to something else via the Registry. 4 Windows firewall: Use the built-in Windows firewall to restrict RDP sessions by IP address. 5 Network Level Authentication (NLA): Enable NLA, which is non-default on older versions. 6 Limit RDP access: Limit RDP access to a specific user group. Don't allow any domain admin to access RDP. 7 Tunnel RDP access: Tunnel access via IPSec or Secure Shell (SSH).

What firewall is used to restrict RDP sessions?

Windows firewall: Use the built-in Windows firewall to restrict RDP sessions by IP address.

What is the RDP vulnerability?

Most notably, 2019 gave rise to a vulnerability known as BlueKeep that could allow cybercriminals to remotely take over a connected PC that's not properly patched.

What is RDP brute forcing?

Ananth: One common tactic is RDP brute-forcing, where attackers automate many login attempts using common credentials, hoping one hits. The second involves exploiting a software vulnerability to gain control of an RDP server. For instance, attackers could exploit BlueKeep ( CVE-2019-0708) to gain complete control of a managed service provider's (MSP) unpatched RDP servers.

What is the first step in an attack chain that would likely be used to attack internal data stores and directory services?

Gamblin: Finding and exploiting an RDP vulnerability will be the first step in an attack chain that would likely be used to attack internal data stores and directory services to pivot to either a financial motive, or the ability to disrupt operations.

What are some built-in, no-cost defenses that can secure RDP?

Ananth: There are some built-in, no-cost defenses that can secure RDP. These include: Patching: Keep servers especially up to date. Complex passwords: Also use two-factor authentication, and implement lockout policies. Default port: Change the default port used by RDP from 3389 to something else via the Registry.

How many systems are exposed to the internet via RDP?

Web crawlers like make it easy for attackers to quickly identify vulnerable public-facing machines. Worldwide, more than two million systems are exposed to the internet via RDP, of which more than 500,000 are in the US.

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