Full Answer
What is a remote access trojan (RAT)?
A remote access trojan (RAT), also called creepware, is a kind of malware that controls a system via a remote network connection. It infects the target computer through specially configured communication protocols and enables the attacker to gain unauthorized remote access to the victim.
Why do hackers use remote access trojans?
Hackers who carry out attacks with a remote access Trojan want to remain undetected. This gives them a chance to use the captured information, for example access data to Internet banking, for their own purposes without being disturbed. The second factor is the far-reaching privileges that attackers gain from a remote access Trojan.
What happens when you enable remote access to your computer?
When remote access is enabled, authorized computers and servers can control everything that happens on your PC. They can open documents, download software, and even move the cursor around your screen in real time. A RAT is a type of malware that’s very similar to legitimate remote access programs.
What happens if you get a Trojan on your computer?
This Trojan can create a “backdoor” on your computer. It lets an attacker access your computer and control it. Your data can be downloaded by a third party and stolen. Or more malware can be uploaded to your device. This Trojan performs DDoS attacks.
What is a Mobile Remote Access Trojan?
A Remote Access Trojan, or RAT, is a type of malware that disguises itself as a file that's either harmless or beneficial to the user—this could be anything from a file to programs and apps. But unlike other types of malware, a RAT doesn't just steal or ruin data and files it was pre-programmed to do.
Can remote access Trojans be detected?
AIDE—short for Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment—is a HIDS designed specifically to focus on rootkit detection and file signature comparisons, both of which are incredibly useful for detecting APTs like Remote Access Trojans.
What is the best Remote Access Trojan?
10 Best Remote Access Software (Remote Control Software) In 2022Comparison of Top Remote Access Tools.#1) NinjaOne (Formerly NinjaRMM)#2) SolarWinds Dameware Remote Support.#3) Atera.#4) Supremo.#5) ManageEngine Remote Access Plus.#6) RemotePC.#7) TeamViewer.More items...•
How does Remote Access Trojan works?
Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response.
Is someone using my computer remotely?
Open your Task Manager or Activity Monitor. These utilities can help you determine what is currently running on your computer. Windows – Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Mac – Open the Applications folder in Finder, double-click the Utilities folder, and then double-click Activity Monitor.
Can you get a RAT on your phone?
RAT infected Android devices can be remotely zombified by the perpetrator, allowing virtually unlimited access to photos, data and messages on the device. The Dendroid RAT provides full access to infected devices' camera and microphone, and can place calls or listen in on a user's phone conversations or text messages.
How do I access remote desktop connection?
On your local Windows PC: In the search box on the taskbar, type Remote Desktop Connection, and then select Remote Desktop Connection. In Remote Desktop Connection, type the name of the PC you want to connect to (from Step 1), and then select Connect.
What is a remote access tool?
Remote access programs and tools (sometimes referred to as RATs) allow access and manipulation of systems remotely from another location. Many remote access programs are legitimate tools used by all types of users to access files and data on remote computers.
Which of the following is a remote Trojan?
Troya is a remote Trojan that works remotely for its creator.
What is a backdoor Trojan?
Backdoor malware is generally classified as a Trojan. A Trojan is a malicious computer program pretending to be something it's not for the purposes of delivering malware, stealing data, or opening up a backdoor on your system.
How do I remove remote access?
How to Disable Remote Access in Windows 10Type “remote settings” into the Cortana search box. Select “Allow remote access to your computer”. ... Check “Don't Allow Remote Connections” to this Computer. You've now disabled remote access to your computer.
Can Kaspersky detect remote access Trojan?
Put a good antivirus on your smartphone. For example, Kaspersky Internet Security for Android not only finds and removes Trojans, but also blocks websites with malware and mobile subscriptions.
Which virus that Cannot be detected by antivirus software is?
A stealth virus has an intelligent architecture, making it difficult to eliminate it completely from a computer system. The virus is smart enough to rename itself and send copies to a different drive or location, evading detection by the system's antivirus software.
Which of the following is a remote Trojan?
Troya is a remote Trojan that works remotely for its creator.
Can Norton detect RATs?
Antivirus software like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Webroot, or Norton, can detect RATs and other types of malware if they infect your devices.
What is a backdoor Trojan?
Backdoor malware is generally classified as a Trojan. A Trojan is a malicious computer program pretending to be something it's not for the purposes of delivering malware, stealing data, or opening up a backdoor on your system.
What is RAT software?
RAT can also stand for remote administration tool, which is software giving a user full control of a tech device remotely. With it, the user can ac...
What’s the difference between the RAT computer virus and RAT software?
As for functions, there is no difference between the two. Yet, while remote administration tool is for legit usage, RAT connotes malicious and crim...
What are the popular remote access applications?
The common remote desktop tools include but are not limited to TeamViewer, AnyDesk, Chrome Remote Desktop, ConnectWise Control, Splashtop Business...
How to protect yourself from remote access trojans?
Just like protecting yourself from other network malware threats, for remote access trojan protection, in general, you need to avoid downloading unknown items; keep antimalware and firewall up to date, change your usernames and passwords regularly; (for administrative perspective) block unused ports, turn off unused services, and monitor outgoing traffic.
What is a RAT trojan?
RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its owner’s knowledge and often as a trojan horse or payload. For example, it is usually downloaded invisibly with an email attachment, torrent files, weblinks, or a user-desired program like a game. While targeted attacks by a motivated attacker may deceive desired targets into installing RAT ...
What Does a RAT Virus Do?
Since a remote access trojan enables administrative control , it is able to do almost everything on the victim machine.
How does RAT malware work?
Once get into the victim’s machine, RAT malware will hide its harmful operations from either the victim or the antivirus or firewall and use the infected host to spread itself to other vulnerable computers to build a botnet.
Why is Darkcomet no longer available?
The reason is due to its usage in the Syrian civil war to monitor activists as well as its author’s fear of being arrested for unnamed reasons.
Why do RATs use a randomized filename?
It is kind of difficult. RATs are covert by nature and may make use of a randomized filename or file path structure to try to prevent identification of itself. Commonly, a RAT worm virus does not show up in the lists of running programs or tasks and its actions are similar to those of legal programs.
Is Sub 7 a trojan horse?
Typically, Sub 7 allows undetected and unauthorized access. So, it is usually regarded as a trojan horse by the security industry. Sub7 worked on the Windows 9x and Windows NT family of OSes, up to and including Windows 8.1. Sub7 has not been maintained since 2014. 4.
How are Remote Access Trojans Useful to Hackers?
Attackers using remote control malware cut power to 80,000 people by remotely accessing a computer authenticated into SCADA (supervisor y control and data acquisition) machines that controlled the country’s utility infrastructure. RAT software made it possible for the attacker to access sensitive resources through bypassing the authenticated user's elevated privileges on the network. Having access to critical machines that control city resources and infrastructure is one of the biggest dangers of RAT malware.
Why do attackers use remote devices?
Instead of storing the content on their own servers and cloud devices, attackers use targeted stolen devices so that they can avoid having accounts and servers shut down for illegal content.
Why do attackers use RATs?
RATs have the same remote-control functionality as RDPs, but are used for malicious purposes. Attackers always code software to avoid detection, but attackers who use a RAT risk being caught when the user is in front of the device and the mouse moves across the screen. Therefore, RAT authors must create a hidden program and use it when the user is not in front of the device. To avoid detection, a RAT author will hide the program from view in Task Manager, a Windows tool that lists all the programs and processes running in memory. Attackers aim to stay hidden from detection because it gives them more time to extract data and explore network resources for critical components that could be used in future attacks.
How do RATs work?
To discover the way RATs work, users can remotely access a device in their home or on a work-related network. RATs work just like standard remote-control software, but a RAT is programmed to stay hidden to avoid detection either from anti-malware software or the device owner.
What is remote control software?
Legitimate remote-control software exists to enable an administrator to control a device remotely. For example, administrators use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) configured on a Windows server to remotely manage a system physically located at another site such as a data center. Physical access to the data center isn’t available to administrators, so RDP gives them access to configure the server and manage it for corporate productivity.
What happens if you remove the internet from your computer?
Removing the Internet connection from the device disables remote access to your system by an attacker. After the device can no longer connect to the Internet, use your installed anti-malware program to remove it from local storage and memory. Unless you have monitoring configured on your computer, you won't know which data and files transferred to an attacker. You should always change passwords across all accounts, especially financial accounts, after removing malware from your system.
How to install a RAT?
An attacker must convince the user to install a RAT either by downloading malicious software from the web or running an executable from a malicious email attachment or message. RATs can also be installed using macros in Microsoft Word or Excel documents. When a user allows the macro to run on a device, the macro silently downloads RAT malware and installs it. With the RAT installed, an attacker can now remotely control the desktop, including mouse movement, mouse clicks, camera controls, keyboard actions, and any configured peripherals.
What are the consequences of installing remote access Trojans?
If attackers succeed in installing Remote Access Trojans say in power stations, traffic control systems, or telephone networks, they can gain powerful control over them and even take down communities, cities, and nations. In this regard, we remember the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia, when Russia used a coordinated campaign of physical and cyber warfare to seize territory from the neighboring Republic of Georgia.
What percentage of Georgia's internet was affected by the Russian invasion?
Thirty-five percent of Georgia’s Internet networks suffered decreased functionality during the attacks, with the highest levels of online activity coinciding with the Russian invasion of South Ossetia on August 8, 9, and 10. Even the National Bank of Georgia had to suspend all electronic services from August 8–19.
Can a RAT be paired with a keylogger?
For example, if a RAT is paired with a keylogger, it can easily gain login information for financial and personal accounts. To make matters worse, they can stealthily activate a computer’s camera or microphone, and even access private photos and documents, or use your home network as a proxy server, to commit crimes anonymously.
Is antivirus enough to keep a company secure?
Antivirus is no longer enough to keep an organization’s systems secure.
How do remote access Trojans work?
The Remote Access Trojans get themselves downloaded on a device if the victims click on any attachment in an email or from a game. It enables the attacker to get control over the device and monitor the activities or gaining remote access. This RAT makes itself undetected on the device, and they remain in the device for a longer period of time for getting data that may be confidential.
What is the advantage of remote access?
Advantage of Remote Access Trojans : It can be used to capture screenshots. The attacker can activate the webcam, or they can record video. The RAT can be used to delete the files or alter files in the system. It can also be used to capture screenshots.
What is the most powerful Trojan?
One of the most powerful Trojans that are popularly used by the attacker or hacker is Remote Access Trojan. This is mostly used for malicious purposes. This Trojan ensures the stealthy way of accumulating data by making itself undetected. Now, these Trojans have the capacity to perform various functions that damages the victim.
What is a keylogger used for?
It can be used to monitor the user by using some spyware or other key-logger.
Can an attacker record video?
The attacker can activate the webcam, or they can record video.
How does a remote access Trojan work?
A Remote Access Trojan for the most part enters a focused on PC through diversion applications, freeware or email connections in which digital assailants have hided the executable documents. Once a client runs the executable records unconsciously, this RAT introduces itself in the framework memory. Most likely, the establishment procedure of this Trojan is mystery. The keen aggressors can utilize a system (for the most part it is known as a cover) to join RAT with genuine executable projects so that the RAT executes out of sight while the real projects run, leaving the casualty ignorant of the
How many parts does a Trojan have?
A Trojan generally has two parts Client and Server or Master and Slave. We can say Server is Slave and Client is Master. So a server side is installed on a remote host and the attacker manipulates it with client software.
What portal does the bad guy come from?
this realm is your computer the portal the bad guy comes from is your REMOTE ACCESS TROJAN and his computer is the Realm where all they think off is taking over earth, now this portal (REMOTE ACCESS TROJAN) gives the bad guy (Hacker) access to your world (PC) And believe me when i say he can do ANYTHING with your computer when he gains this access. steal saved passwords, keylogging, put on your camera, steal banking credentials, lock your computer and ask for ransom, the list is endless. catch my drift???
How to listen to client Cerberus?
Configuring To Listen On Client: To configure Cerberus to listen on specific port select options and put “Connection Password” and “Connection Ports” that were specified in Server. Wait for victim to execute server and then just right click on listening server and play with options.
How to download Cerberus RAT?
Type “Download Cerberus RAT” in Google search and download Cerberus RAT. Execute Cerberus file and launch program. Accept EULA and following interface will be launched in front of you.
How to check if a process is a RAT?
Open your Task Manager by right tapping the taskbar and selecting Task Manager. Click the Processes tab, and look down to check whether there are any procedures with unusual names (or irregular CPU use) running in your framework. On the off chance that you discover one yet can't ensure whether it is a RAT' process, you can hunt down it on Google. You may get the answer.
Does a RAT have a forwarding address?
Not necessary, RAT will have its own forwarding addresses and it will open a port in your computer and let the attacker access your system by making connections to a public dns or if the attacker having a dedicated IP, he can hardcode it into the trojan to receive connections directly.
Why is it unfeasible to wait for a port to be forwarded?
Traditional rats used to wait (listen) for connections but since the widespread home NAT routers, it's become unfeasible because the attacker would need to forward a port to the victim's computer within the network so they prefer to be waiting for a connection on the client side or transmit the orders using other channels such as IRC.
Why do attackers need admin rights?
An attacker will want it to boot the next time the computer runs, so having admin rights is needed to configure it to load with the operating system.
Is the browser environment complicated?
Baaasically, the browser environment is incredibly complicated and there are a lot of moving parts that must all read untrusted input and correctly handle it.
What does remote access do on a PC?
When remote access is enabled, authorized computers and servers can control everything that happens on your PC. They can open documents, download software, and even move the cursor around your screen in real time.
What is the purpose of a computer virus?
Keyloggers automatically record everything that you type, ransomware restricts access to your computer or its files until you pay a fee, and adware dumps dubious ads onto your computer for profit.
What is botnet hacking?
Essentially, a botnet allows a hacker to utilize your computer resources for super nerdy (and often illegal) tasks, like DDOS attacks, Bitcoin mining, file hosting, and torrenting. Sometimes, this technique is utilized by hacker groups for the sake of cyber crime and cyber warfare.
How to remove RATs from computer?
Since most hackers use well-known RATs (instead of developing their own), anti-virus software is the best (and easiest) way to find and remove RATs from your computer. Kaspersky or Malwarebytes have an extensive, ever-expanding database of RATs, so you don’t have to worry about your anti-virus software being out of date or half baked.
What is a RAT in cyber security?
Maxim Apryatin/Shutterstock. In most cases, RATs are used like spyware. A money-hungry (or downright creepy) hacker can use a RAT to obtain keystrokes and files from an infected computer. These keystrokes and files could contain bank information, passwords, sensitive photos, or private conversations.
What antivirus software should I use for my PC?
Windows Defender is included with your PC (and it’s honestly a great anti-virus software ), but if you feel the need for some extra security, then you can download a commercial anti-virus software like Kaspersky or Malwarebytes.
Can a hacker use a RAT?
Hackers can also control your computer remotely to perform embarrassing or illegal actions online in your name or use your home network as a proxy server to commit crimes anonymously. A hacker can also use a RAT to take control of a home network and create a botnet.
What is a Trojan?
A Trojan is designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other harmful action on your data or network. A Trojan acts like a bona fide application or file to trick you. It seeks to deceive you into loading and executing the malware on your device. Once installed, a Trojan can perform the action it was designed for.
Why did the Trojans open their walls?
The Trojans, thinking the horse was a gift, opened their walled city to accept it, allowing the Greeks to come out of hiding at night to attack the sleeping Trojans. In the same way, if you’re the victim of Trojan malware, you could find yourself on the losing side.
What happens when you open an email from a cybercriminal?
The email is from a cybercriminal, and the file you clicked on — and downloaded and opened — has gone on to install malware on your device. When you execute the program, the malware can spread to other files and damage your computer.
What is a Trojan horse?
Cancel anytime. A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a type of malicious code or software that looks legitimate but can take control of your computer. A Trojan is designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other harmful action on your data or network. A Trojan acts like a bona fide application or file to trick you.
What is rootkit in computer?
A rootkit aims to hide or obscure an object on your infected computer. The idea? To extend the time a malicious program runs on your device.
Can a Trojan be a virus?
A Trojan cannot. A user has to execute Trojans. Even so, Trojan malware and Trojan virus are often used interchangeably. Whether you prefer calling it Trojan malware or a Trojan virus, it’s smart to know how this infiltrator works and what you can do to keep your devices safe.
Can a Trojan attack cause damage?
Trojan malware attacks can inflict a lot of damage . At the same time, Trojans continue to evolve. Here are three examples.