Remote-access Guide

how to configure zookepper for habase to get remote access

by Prof. Myron Legros Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

When connecting to a remote system you cn use this code for configuration config.set ("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", args);// ip of hbase server (remote) config.set ("", args);// portno : 2181 default

Full Answer

How do I set up zookeeper in standalone mode?

Setting up a ZooKeeper server in standalone mode is straightforward. The server is contained in a single JAR file, so installation consists of creating a configuration. Once you've downloaded a stable ZooKeeper release unpack it and cd to the root To start ZooKeeper you need a configuration file.

How do I find my username and password in Zookeeper?

Username, password and certificate file can be found on the Connection Info page of your cluster. Certificate files are required to connect to your cluster with SSL. Apache ZooKeeper does not enforce authentication. Users can always connect to ZooKeeper servers as a “world” user.

How to connect to zookeeper with hbasehost?

For hBaseHost and zookeeperHost I simply pass the ip address of a cluster computer that has zookeeper installed. Of course you can parametize the port numbers too. I am not 100% sure this is the best way to ensure a successful connection but so far it works without any issues. Show activity on this post.

How do I connect to zookeeper via SSH?

Log in via SSH to your_zookeeper_node_3 as the non-root user you configured in the prerequisites: Once logged in, switch to your zk user: Enter the password for the zk user. Once logged in, change the directory to /opt/zookeeper: You will now start a ZooKeeper command line client and connect to ZooKeeper on your_zookeeper_node_1:


How does ZooKeeper work with HBase?

HBase uses ZooKeeper as a distributed coordination service for region assignments and to recover any region server crashes by loading them onto other region servers that are functioning. ZooKeeper is a centralized monitoring server that maintains configuration information and provides distributed synchronization.

Does HBase require ZooKeeper?

HBase relies completely on Zookeeper. HBase provides you the option to use its built-in Zookeeper which will get started whenever you start HBAse.

How do I connect to HBase server?

ProcedureProvide Hadoop Identity. ... Provide HBase Identity. ... The path to the core-site. ... Select Authentication method. ... In the HBase Namespace and Target table, specify the table name to which you want to connect and namespace in which it is created (if different than the default namespace).

Where is HBase ZooKeeper quorum?

zookeeper. quorum property is a comma-separated list of hosts on which ZooKeeper servers are running. For example, ",,". If one of the ZooKeeper servers is down, HBase will use another from the list.

Why HBase is faster than Hive?

To simply state, Hive performs batch processing operations that take a while to process and give a result. Whereas, Hbase is mostly used for fetching or writing data which is relatively faster than Hive. Hive is a SQL-like query engine that runs MapReduce jobs on Hadoop. HBase is a NoSQL key/value database on Hadoop.

Which method can be used to directly access the HFile without using HBase?

Ans. In order to access HFile directly without using HBase, we use HFile. main() method.

How read data from HBase?

Follow the steps given below to retrieve data from the HBase table.Step 1: Instantiate the Configuration Class. ... Step 2: Instantiate the HTable Class. ... Step 3: Instantiate the Get Class. ... Step 4: Read the Data. ... Step 5: Get the Result. ... Step 6: Reading Values from the Result Instance.

How do I join two tables in HBase?

Using Hive or Impala is costly when data is to large and we face issue like Hbase kill(region server Down) . so it is convenient when data is small but not for large Data. In mapreduce take Hbase table object to take one table and by extending tablemapper use 2nd table. By this way you can join 2 tables.

Can HBase run without Hadoop?

HBase can be used without Hadoop. Running HBase in standalone mode will use the local file system. Hadoop is just a distributed file system with redundancy and the ability to scale to very large sizes.

How do I run HBase shell?

To access the HBase shell, you have to navigate to the HBase home folder. You can start the HBase interactive shell using “hbase shell” command as shown below. If you have successfully installed HBase in your system, then it gives you the HBase shell prompt as shown below.

What is HBase site XML?

hbase-site.xml. The path to the hbase-site. xml file that contains all the information required to connect to target HBase database (such as zookeeper quorum, port, parent znode). This file s copied from the target cluster and placed in some local directory.

What does HBase master do?

The HBase Master coordinates the HBase Cluster and is responsible for administrative operations. A Region Server can serve one or more Regions. Each Region is assigned to a Region Server on startup and the master can decide to move a Region from one Region Server to another as the result of a load balance operation.

How do I run HBase shell?

To access the HBase shell, you have to navigate to the HBase home folder. You can start the HBase interactive shell using “hbase shell” command as shown below. If you have successfully installed HBase in your system, then it gives you the HBase shell prompt as shown below.

What is HBase good for?

HBase is most effectively used to store non-relational data, accessed via the HBase API. Apache Phoenix is commonly used as a SQL layer on top of HBase allowing you to use familiar SQL syntax to insert, delete, and query data stored in HBase.

What does HBase master do?

The HBase Master coordinates the HBase Cluster and is responsible for administrative operations. A Region Server can serve one or more Regions. Each Region is assigned to a Region Server on startup and the master can decide to move a Region from one Region Server to another as the result of a load balance operation.

What is HBase architecture?

In HBase, tables are split into regions and are served by the region servers. Regions are vertically divided by column families into “Stores”. Stores are saved as files in HDFS. Shown below is the architecture of HBase. Note: The term 'store' is used for regions to explain the storage structure.

How to install Zookeeper on Apache?

Click the link to the suggested mirror site, then scroll down and click zookeeper/ to view the available releases. Select the version of ZooKeeper that you would like to install. This tutorial will focus on using 3.4.13. Once you select the version, right click the binary file ending with . tar.gz and copy the link address.

How to start ZooKeeper?

Start ZooKeeper with the command.

How does ZooKeeper work?

In this step, you will create a data directory that ZooKeeper will use to read and write data. You can create the data directory on the local filesystem or on a remote storage drive.

Why is ZooKeeper so latency?

Because ZooKeeper keeps data in memory to achieve high throughput and low latency, production systems work best with 8GB of RAM. Lower amounts of RAM may lead to JVM swapping, which could cause ZooKeeper server latency. High ZooKeeper server latency could result in issues like client session timeouts that would have an adverse impact on system functionality.

Why should you run ZooKeeper on a separate host?

In a production environment, you should run each ZooKeeper node on a separate host. This prevents service disruption due to host hardware failure or reboots. This is an important and necessary architectural consideration for building a resilient and highly available distributed system.

What is the default directory for zk?

Passing the -m flag to the useradd command will create a home directory for this user. The home directory for zk will be /home/ zk by default.

What is a dedicated user?

A dedicated user should run services that handle requests over a network and consume resources. This practice creates segregation and control that will improve your environment’s security and manageability. In this step, you’ll create a non-root sudo user, named zk in this tutorial, to run the ZooKeeper service.

What is ZooKeeper documentation?

This document contains information to get you started quickly with ZooKeeper. It is aimed primarily at developers hoping to try it out, and contains simple installation instructions for a single ZooKeeper server, a few commands to verify that it is running, and a simple programming example. Finally, as a convenience, there are a few sections regarding more complicated installations, for example running replicated deployments, and optimizing the transaction log. However for the complete instructions for commercial deployments, please refer to the ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.

What is the time unit used by ZooKeeper?

the basic time unit in milliseconds used by ZooKeeper. It is used to do heartbeats and the minimum session timeout will be twice the tickTime.

How to test multiple servers on one machine?

If you want to test multiple servers on a single machine, specify the servername as localhost with unique quorum & leader election ports (i.e. 2888:3888, 2889:3889, 2890:3890 in the example above) for each server.X in that server's config file. Of course separate dataDir s and distinct clientPort s are also necessary (in the above replicated example, running on a single localhost, you would still have three config files).

What is initlimit in ZooKeeper?

The new entry, initLimit is timeouts ZooKeeper uses to limit the length of time the ZooKeeper servers in quorum have to connect to a leader. The entry syncLimit limits how far out of date a server can be from a leader.

Does ZooKeeper need external storage?

For long running production systems ZooKeeper storage must be managed externally (dataDir and logs). See the section on maintenance for more details.

Is zk_test directory created?

Notice that the zk_test directory has now been created.

Can ZooKeeper be run in standalone mode?

Running ZooKeeper in standalone mode is convenient for evaluation, some development, and testing. But in production, you should run ZooKeeper in replicated mode. A replicated group of servers in the same application is called a quorum, and in replicated mode, all servers in the quorum have copies of the same configuration file. The file is similar to the one used in standalone mode, but with a few differences. Here is an example:

Connect from the same network

To connect to the Apache ZooKeeper cluster from the same network where is running you can use or any other Apache ZooKeeper client such as Apache Curator or Kazoo.

Connect from a different network

If you must connect to the database from a machine that it is not running in the same network as the Apache ZooKeeper cluster, you can follow these approaches (these are shown in order of preference, from the most secure to the least recommended solution):

What is is a utility to connect to a local or remote ZooKeeper service and execute some commands. This article describes how can be used to connect to clusters in Instaclustr. In this article, we assume that your cluster has been set up and provisioned properly as shown in our previous tutorial “Creating a Cluster”.

Does Apache ZooKeeper require authentication?

Apache ZooKeeper does not enforce authentication. Users can always connect to ZooKeeper servers as a “world” user. However, access to the data (znodes) can be limited by ACL that are associated with an authenticated user. We provide a default user that you can opt to use when connecting to the ZooKeeper servers. If you decide to do so, create a file containing the credential (e.g., jaas.conf) with the following content

kirillsavine commented on Jun 6, 2017

I have been trying to setup HBase for the first time. I am able to successfully run the native Hbase shell on the server. But I am not able to connect remotely via a client.

Here are last 3 lines from Hbase log

It says that connection from (client IP) is accepted, but immediately after that it throws an Exception causing close of session:

wbolster commented on Jun 6, 2017

seems like you are not connecting to the thrift server, which generally listens on another port.

kirillsavine commented on Jun 6, 2017

Thank you so much for your answer! I just figured I need to use port 9090

What is the default port for Zookeeper?

6. In case if you want to change the Zookeeper port in zoo.cfg file In Zookeeper default port is 2181.

Why is JRE required for Zookeeper?

Install JRE is mandatory because Zookeeper is written Java so we will need JDK as well.



Step 1 — Creating A User For Zookeeper

Step 2 — Creating A Data Directory For Zookeeper

Step 3 — Downloading and Extracting The Zookeeper Binaries

Step 4 — Configuring Zookeeper

Step 5 — Starting Zookeeper and Testing The Standalone Installation

  • You’ve configured all the components needed to run ZooKeeper. In this step, you will start the ZooKeeper service and test your configuration by connecting to the service locally. Navigate back to the /opt/zookeeperdirectory. Start ZooKeeper with the zkServer.shcommand. You will see the following on your standard output: Connect to the local ZooKeep...
See more on

Step 6 — Creating and Using A systemd Unit File

Step 7 — Configuring A Multi-Node Zookeeper Cluster

Step 8 — Running and Testing The Multi-Node Installation


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