Remote-access Guide

how to enable remote access for wordpress

by Kurt Wunsch Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Allow Full Remote Access to a WordPress Database

  • Login to your phpMyAdmin web interface and select the WordPress database
  • Click on Privileges tab and click Add User
  • Specify the following details in the Login Information section: User name: wpuser Host: Password / Re-type: Pa55w0rd!
  • Select Grant All privileges on database “wpdb”
  • Click Add User

Full Answer

How to allow full remote access to a WordPress database?

Allow Full Remote Access to a WordPress Database. In the below example we will create a MySQL user wpuser with password Pa55w0rd! and allow the user full access to the MySQL database wpdb from the IP address Login to your phpMyAdmin web interface and select the WordPress database. Click on Privileges tab and click Add User.

How to allow remote access to a MySQL database or table?

In such case you need to create a new user and grant the user access to the database and allow it to connect from a remote location. This article explains how to allow or grant remote access to a MySQL database or table in a database by using MySQL command line or the web based interface phpMyAdmin.

How to grant read only access to specific columns in WordPress?

Highlight all the columns in the Select column to grant read only access to those fields as per the below screenshot Click Go to grant read only access to all the fields in that specific table. When granting remote access to a WordPress or any other MySQL database it is important to use very strong credentials, i.e. username and password.

How do I access my WordPress dashboard?

To begin, access your WordPress Dashboard; usually, you can access it through https://<YourDomain> /wp-admin (Add /wp-admin after your domain). You’ll see the login form, fill in your username and password to access your WordPress dashboard.


How do I remotely access my WordPress database?

How To Connect Remotely To The WordPress MySQL DatabaseStep 1: Download and Install HeidiSQL. When it comes to the choice of MySQL clients, my vote goes to HeidiSQL. ... Step 2: Gather the Necessary Information. ... Step 3: Setting up Remote MySQL Access. ... Step 4: Set up a New Session with HeidiSQL.

What is WP Remote?

Description. The WP Remote WordPress Plugin works with WP Remote to enable you to remotely manage and update all your WordPress sites. WP Remote has been acquired by BlogVault.

How do I log into MySQL from WordPress?

ContentsStep 1: Complete the prerequisites.Step 2: Transfer the WordPress database to your MySQL managed database.Step 3: Configure WordPress to connect to your MySQL managed database.Step 4: Complete the next steps.

How do I enable MySQL remote access?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I send an API request in WordPress?

To send or make a request to a web service or API using the WordPress HTTP API, the following helper functions come in handy. wp_remote_get() – send HTTP GET method requests. wp_remote_post() – send HTTP POST requests. wp_remote_head() – send HTTP HEAD requests.

Is WP an error?

WP_Error is a class that makes error handling within plugins and WordPress itself much easier. Instances of WP_Error store error codes and messages representing one or more errors, and whether or not a variable is an instance of WP_Error can be determined using the is_wp_error() function.

How do I connect SQL database to WordPress?

In this articleConnect to WordPress as an ODBC Data Source.Configure the TDS Remoting Service.Create a Linked Server for WordPress Data. Create a Linked Server from the UI. Create a Linked Server Programmatically.Connect from SQL Server Management Studio. Execute Queries.

How can I access my WordPress database without cPanel?

If you want to access phpMyAdmin directly from any specific domain, we need to install phpMyAdmin on the separate domain. This method will create you a link to access phpmyadmin directly from your domain (e.g.

How does MySQL work with WordPress?

WordPress uses a database management system called MySQL, which is open source software. This means you'll sometimes hear your site's database referred to as a “MySQL database.” MySQL is what enables the database to store information and provide you with access to it.

What is remote MySQL?

Overview. This feature allows remote hosts (servers) to access MySQL® databases on your account. This is useful, for example, if you wish to allow shopping cart or guestbook applications on other servers to access your databases. Warning: Your hosting provider may add remote hosts to this list at the server level.

How do I access my MySQL database from another computer?

Before connecting to MySQL from another computer, the connecting computer must be enabled as an Access Host.Log into cPanel and click the Remote MySQL icon, under Databases.Type in the connecting IP address, and click the Add Host button. ... Click Add, and you should now be able to connect remotely to your database.

Why MySQL database is not connecting?

normally means that there is no MySQL server running on the system or that you are using an incorrect Unix socket file name or TCP/IP port number when trying to connect to the server. You should also check that the TCP/IP port you are using has not been blocked by a firewall or port blocking service.

How do I access phpMyAdmin in WordPress?

Database Access To find the database information, go to Settings → Hosting Configuration. Once there, click the Open phpMyAdmin button to get started. A new tab will open and you'll be prompted to click a link to proceed to your database. After this loading screen, you'll see something called phpMyAdmin.

How do I connect my WordPress database to localhost?

Navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Where it says create new database, choose a name for your database. Next, open up wp-config. php in the root of your wordpress folder, and update the four values shown below to reflect your new database.

Before You Begin

This guide uses two Linodes in the same data center to communicate via private IP addresses. You will need to configure a LEMP or LAMP stack on one.

Configure WordPress to Use a Remote Database

When first installed and configured through the web interface and a local database, WordPress creates a file called wp-config.php. Configure the initial remote database settings.

Secure WordPress Database Traffic with SSL

On the web server Create a directory to receive the certificates created in this section: mkdir ~/certs

Complete the WordPress Installation

Access the WordPress installation interface through wp-admin. Use a browser to navigate to If the database connection is successful, you’ll see the installation screen:

Next Steps

Now that the database is configured to communicate over a secure connection, consider using SSL/TLS for the web server itself. Our guide covering TLS on NGINX details some best practices for securing NGINX and web servers in general. Visit the SSL Certificates section of Linode Docs for information on other servers and Linux distributions.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

How to access site files via SSH?

If you are on Windows, open the PuTTy interface and fill out the needed pieces of information (the hostname, port, and connection type) to connect to your site root. If you did it correctly, you can now access your site files over SSH using the command line.

Can you see what files are in a site root?

You have access to your site root, but you don’t know what each site file is. First things first: you should have a bird-eye view of your site, and the ls SSH command is what you need to get it. Use it to display details about the files within the current directory.

Is WordPress dashboard enough?

Managing your site directly from the dashboard is intuitive and straightforward. The WordPress dashboard is enough for most users’ needs, but it comes with a few limitations regarding file management, automation, and remote access. That’s where SSH comes in, complementing the WordPress dashboard.

How to check XML security in WordPress?

Open the left sidebar in the WordPress Admin Dashboard and click on XML-RPC Security.

What is XML RPC?

WordPress uses an XML-RPC (Extensible Markup Language-Remote Procedure Call) interface for making calls via XML language and transfers them over HTTP. In other words, it allows you to make updates to WordPress remotely, without direct access. This allows WordPress API to benefit from other APIs, some plugins (Jetpack, for example), and software for computers and smart devices. What’s more, XML-RPC was implemented in JavaScript starting in 2019. With that said, let’s help you decide if you want to, and how to enable or disable XML-RPC in WordPress.

Is XML RPC safe?

Keeping XML-RPC enabled can pose a security risk. People with malicious intentions perform DDoS attacks, oftentimes by spamming or abusing the XML-RPC Pingback API. However, anti-spam WordPress plugins and things such as disabling WordPress comments can stop this from happening. The Pingback API can also increase the device’s CPU usage, slow down your website, or occupy some of its storage. Finally, perpetrators can attempt to brute-force their way in via remote access.

Can you use a WordPress plugin to edit a WordPress footer?

We already taught you how to make a site-specific WordPress plugin in the past. You can also use a code snippet plugin or edit the WordPress footer / header. Regardless of the method you go with, paste the following code:

Is XML RPC required for WordPress?

For most WordPress webmasters, enabling XML-RPC in WordPress is unnecessary because it’s enabled by default since WordPress 3.5. To check, simply add xmlrpc.php after your WordPress website name. For example, “ xmlrpc.php ”.

Should I turn WordPress XML-RPC on or off?

To decide whether to enable or disable XML-RPC in WordPress, check some of its pros and cons:

Enabling the .htaccess file from WordPress

To begin, access your WordPress Dashboard; usually, you can access it through https://<YourDomain> /wp-admin (Add /wp-admin after your domain).

Enable or edit the .htaccess file from Cpanel

If you have access to Cpanel, you can create and edit your .htaccess file from the Cpanel Files Manager.

Enable or edit the .htaccess file from FTP

This section shows how to create a .htaccess file from an FTP client. For this tutorial, I will use the Filezilla FTP client.


I hope this tutorial explaining how to enable the .htaccess file in WordPress was helpful.

Why is WP Remote important?

Creating and maintaining backups is critical to website health. Without backups, a hack or update gone wrong will be more of a headache than it should be. With WP Remote, you can manage your backups easier across all websites.

How to update WordPress theme?

Update WordPress Plugins and Themes 1 From inside your WP Remote dashboard, click Updates. Here, you will see an overview of all updates available. 2 To update your plugins and themes on all sites, click All plugins on all sites and/or All themes on all sites. You may also click the icon next to each plugin and theme to update them individually. 3 To update all plugins and themes on just a single site, click on the site in the listing to the left, then click All next to the Plugins or Themes listings.

How to update plugins and themes?

Here, you will see an overview of all updates available. To update your plugins and themes on all sites, click All plugins on all sites and/or All themes on all sites. You may also click the icon next to each plugin and theme to update them individually.

Is managing WordPress a full time job?

Managing WordPress can seem like a full-time job, especially if you’re maintaining multiple websites . If you’re looking for an easier way to monitor and complete WordPress maintenance tasks, you may want to try WP Remote .

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