Remote-access Guide

how to get remote access from hbase database from window

by Chad Walter Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I open HBase in Linux terminal?

To access the HBase shell, you have to navigate to the HBase home folder. You can start the HBase interactive shell using “hbase shell” command as shown below. If you have successfully installed HBase in your system, then it gives you the HBase shell prompt as shown below.

How is the data stored in HBase?

HBase uses the Hadoop File System to store its data. It will have a master server and region servers. The data storage will be in the form of regions (tables). These regions will be split up and stored in region servers. The master server manages these region servers and all these tasks take place on HDFS.

What is HBase shell in Hadoop?

HBase Shell HBase contains a shell using which you can communicate with HBase. HBase uses the Hadoop File System to store its data. It will have a master server and region servers.

How do I set up a remote database?

Enter a name in the Server box on the right side of the window. You can use a name that is familiar to your organization when referring to the remote database. Select the platform using the drop down arrow in the Server Type box. Enter a User ID and password for the database being accessed.

How to access a remote database?

What is the connection box?

Is Sequel Data Access a remote system?

Can you load a remote database table into a view?

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How do I access my HBase database?

Follow the steps given below to retrieve data from the HBase table.Step 1: Instantiate the Configuration Class. ... Step 2: Instantiate the HTable Class. ... Step 3: Instantiate the Get Class. ... Step 4: Read the Data. ... Step 5: Get the Result. ... Step 6: Reading Values from the Result Instance.

How do I query a HBase table?

To query HBase data:Connect the data source to Drill using the HBase storage plugin. ... Determine the encoding of the HBase data you want to query. ... Based on the encoding type of the data, use the “CONVERT_TO and CONVERT_FROM data types” to convert HBase binary representations to an SQL type as you query the data.

How do I access HBase table from Phoenix?

If you want to access it via hbase, you can map the hbase table to phoenix . You can create a view in phoenix. /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/bin/ zookeeper-test-1:2181/hbase-unsecure select distinct(TABLE_NAME) from SYSTEM. CATALOG; ---- > This will not return the table name.

Does HBase support join?

How would you implement joins in HBase? HBase uses MapReduce jobs to process terabytes of data in a scalable fashion. It does not directly support joins, but the join queries are implemented by retrieving data from HBase tables.

Does HBase support SQL query?

and you can configure Squirel or DBVisualizer using phoenix jdbc driver. Apache Phoenix is currently the only way to query HBase using SQL. If you have to perform huge scans and joins between big tables, you can also consider creating hive tables using hbase storage handler and using hive to perform your sql queries.

How do I see all tables in HBase?

Listing Tables Using Java APIYou have a method called listTables() in the class HBaseAdmin to get the list of all the tables in HBase. This method returns an array of HTableDescriptor objects. ... You can get the length of the HTableDescriptor[] array using the length variable of the HTableDescriptor class.

What is Phoenix in HBase?

Apache Phoenix is an add-on for Apache HBase that provides a programmatic ANSI SQL interface. Apache Phoenix implements best-practice optimizations to enable software engineers to develop next-generation data-driven applications based on HBase.

How do I launch HBase shell?

To access the HBase shell, you have to navigate to the HBase home folder. You can start the HBase interactive shell using “hbase shell” command as shown below. If you have successfully installed HBase in your system, then it gives you the HBase shell prompt as shown below.

How do I access Apache Phoenix?

Step 1: Configure a Repository.Step 2: Install JDK.Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server.Step 4: Install Databases. Install and Configure MariaDB. Install and Configure MySQL. Install and Configure PostgreSQL. ... Step 5: Set up the Cloudera Manager Database.Step 6: Install CDH and Other Software.Step 7: Set Up a Cluster.

Can HBase run without Hadoop?

HBase can be used without Hadoop. Running HBase in standalone mode will use the local file system. Hadoop is just a distributed file system with redundancy and the ability to scale to very large sizes.

How do I join a table in HBase?

Joining tables in hbase1 column=personal_data:age, timestamp=1472494356226, value=28.1 column=personal_data:name, timestamp=1472494329458, value=Kishore.2 column=personal_data:age, timestamp=1472494969330, value=35.2 column=personal_data:name, timestamp=1472494969330, value=Gopi.More items...•

What port does HBase run on?

Guide to Using Apache HBase PortsComponentConfiguration parameterDefault valueREST **8080REST *8085Thrift serverhbase.regionserver.thrift.port **9090Thrift *90955 more rows•Jul 17, 2013

What query language does HBase use?

Unlike relational database systems, HBase does not support a structured query language like SQL; in fact, HBase isn't a relational data store at all. HBase applications are written in Java™ much like a typical Apache MapReduce application. HBase does support writing applications in Apache Avro, REST and Thrift.

How do I access HBase table from hive?

To access HBase data from Hive You can then reference inputTable in Hive statements to query and modify data stored in the HBase cluster. set hbase. zookeeper.; create external table inputTable (key string, value string) stored by 'org.

How do I list tables in HBase namespace?

HBase List Namespace Table Command. HBase list_namespace_table command is being used to list or display all the tables created in a given namespace. Here the namespace name will the name for which you are looking to find the tables.

What are the data manipulation commands of HBase?

HBase provide many data manipulation shell commands that you can use on the interactive shell to manipulate the data. The Commonly used HBase data manipulation shell commands are: Count, Put, Get, Delete, Delete all, Truncate, Scan.

Access Database via remote VPN Access – Zuken Americas Community

Hi Sanu, We do make pretty frequent updates to our database, whether it is new components / symbols being added for new product, fixing attributes, fixing symbols, etc, but I can't say that we can't make a local database work.

How to Connect Remotely to a SQL-Server Database - National Park Service

How to Connect Remotely to a SQL-Server Database Revision Date:20 June 2012 Author: Brent Frakes; Simon Kingston, Tom Philippi National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Division

How to access remote server with local phpMyAdmin client?

It is certainly possible to access a remote MySQL server from a local instance of phpMyAdmin, as the other answers have pointed out. And for that to work, you have to configure the remote server's MySQL server to accept remote connections, and allow traffic through the firewall for the port number that MySQL is listening to.I prefer a slightly different solution involving SSH Tunnelling.

The Big Picture

There are two sets of IP addresses to think about when setting up FileMaker Server to allow remote clients to login.

Click on the Network Info item on the left sidebar

The IP address of will be displayed under the Built-in Ethernet, or Airport Network, whichever is in use by server computer.

Choose the Make and Model of the Router

Select a Manufacturer and then the router model in the popup list. Click ‘Search’ for the detailed view of the model.

FileMaker Port setups

Port 5003 is fairly standard for FileMaker Server sharing, but has a separate manual for each most versions of FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server

Detailed setup manual for FileMaker Server

There is a detailed description of setting up port forwarding for FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Server for each model of router listed.

Sample Entry for a Linkys Router, FileMaker Server

Sample entry of a port forwarding entry in a network router web admin screen.

Setting up Port Forwarding

Now that the two important IP addresses, the Internal IP address and the external IP address have been obtained, it is time to use this information in the setup of the Router.

How to access SQL Server database remotely?

If we want to access the database remotely, then make sure you select the SQL Server Browser agent during installation. Step 1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio and login to the database, using the SQL Server/Windows authentication. Step 2. After login, go to the Object Explorer and right click on the root directory, ...

What is database in application?

The database is the most fundamental part of the application. Without the database, there is no presence of the application. Most real world applications contain databases such as those used by hospitals, businesses, and the public and corporate sectors. The issue that we want to address is that the database concurrently uses these kinds ...

How to access hbase?

Starting HBase Shell. To access the HBase shell, you have to navigate to the HBase home folder. You can start the HBase interactive shell using “hbase shell” command as shown below. If you have successfully installed HBase in your system, then it gives you the HBase shell prompt as shown below.

What is HBase used for?

HBase contains a shell using which you can communicate with HBase. HBase uses the Hadoop File System to store its data. It will have a master server and region servers. The data storage will be in the form of regions (tables). These regions will be split up and stored in region servers.

How to get stable version of hbase?

Download the latest stable version of HBase form using “wget” command, and extract it using the tar “zxvf” command. See the following command.

How many servers can you start with HBase?

Using the “” you can start up to 10 servers. Open the home folder of HBase, master and execute the following command to start it.

What is a Hadoop site.xml file?

The hdfs-site.xml file contains information such as the value of replication data, namenode path, and datanode path of your local file systems, where you want to store the Hadoop infrastructure.

Why is SSH required in Hadoop?

SSH setup is required to perform different operations on the cluster such as start, stop, and distributed daemon shell operations. To authenticate different users of Hadoop, it is required to provide public/private key pair for a Hadoop user and share it with different users.

What is the default port number for Hadoop?

The default port number to access Hadoop is 50070. Use the following url to get Hadoop services on your browser.

Where are the configuration files in Hadoop?

You can find all the Hadoop configuration files in the location “$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop”. You need to make changes in those configuration files according to your Hadoop infrastructure.

Can you use Java API to access HBase?

We can also communicate with HBase using Ja va libraries, but before accessing HBase using Java API you need to set classpath for those libraries.

What are the problems with remote access?

With traditional approaches to remote access, performance bottlenecks can spell disaster for applications. Regardless if an application is created for internal use, a commercial project, web, or mobile application, slow performance can rapidly lead to project failure. Accessing data from any remote source has the potential to create these problems. Common issues include: 1 Network Connections - Slow network connections and latency issues are common in mobile applications. 2 Service Delays - Delays due to service interruptions, resulting in server hardware or software updates. 3 Large Data - Intentional or unintentional requests for large amounts of data. 4 Disconnects - Complete loss of network connectivity.

What is ODBC data?

ODBC is the most widely supported interface for connecting applications with data. All kinds of BI, Reporting, ETL, Database, and Analytics tools offer the ability to read and write data via ODBC connectivity.

What table will drop from HBase?

Tables with regex matching expressions are going to drop from HBase

What is the difference between Java API and HBase?

The only difference between these two is Java API use java code to connect with HBase and shell mode use shell commands to connect with HBase.

What is whoami in HBase?

This command “whoami” is used to return the current HBase user information from the HBase cluster.

What is interactive shell mode in HBase?

In HBase, interactive shell mode is used to interact with HBase for table operations, table management, and data modeling. By using Java API model, we can perform all type of table and data operations in HBase. We can interact with HBase using this both methods.

What happens after truncate in hbase?

After truncate of an hbase table, the schema will present but not the records. This command performs 3 functions; those are listed below

Does HBase automatically delete rows?

In HBase, Column families can be set to time values in seconds using TTL. HBase will automatically delete rows once the expiration time is reached. This attribute applies to all versions of a row – even the current version too.

What is hive2 URL?

Hive provides a JDBC connection URL string jdbc:hive2://ip-address:port to connect to Hive warehouse from remote applications running with Java, Scala, Python, Spark and many more.

Can you run HiveQL with Java?

In order to connect to Hive from Java & Scala program and run HiveQL you need to have <a href="">hive-jdbc</a> library as a dependency for maven or Gradel. For Maven, use the below artifact on your pom.xml.

Can you connect to hive from remove services?

Here you have learned by starting HiveServer2 you can connect to Hive from remove services using JDBC connection URL string and learned how to connect to Hive from Java and Scala languages.


iSpyConnect – free Windows application and open source. I know, I know, willingly installing something called iSpy on your computer. That said, this software seems to be legit. There are paid plans for remote monitoring, but you can set up local monitoring on a LAN, for free.

Another Challenge: Windows Web Viewers based on old tech

FileMaker Pro has this great ability to view web pages within a FileMaker layout. This capability is called a Web Viewer. You just ‘draw’ a Web Viewer object on any layout, give it a URL and presto, you are looking at the Internet from within your favorite programming environment.

Download and Install Java

Java may already be installed and up to date on your system. If you have any problems or see any error messages when launching and testing ScriptMaster, (which relies on Java SE, not quite the same thing as a Java web browser plugin), then go to and download the latest version of Java.

FileMaker Demo

The FileMaker demo I have created is based on the Contacts Starter Solution. The important scripts are at the top of the script list in a folder called ‘Web Cam Capture Module’. For the purposes of the demo, I added a Video Sources table and so the scripts are drawing from that. This is not necessary.

Flash Video Sources

For the purposes of the demo, I included some Flash-based web cam services that you can use for selfies from your built-in or USB webcam. Depending on your Flash settings you may find yourself having to re-click the Allow button each time the FileMaker window is re-opened.

How to access a remote database?

To get started with remote database access: Enter a name in the Server box on the right side of the window. You can use a name that is familiar to your organization when referring to the remote database. Select the platform using the drop down arrow in the Server Type box. Enter a User ID and password for the database being accessed.

What is the connection box?

The Connection box provides information about the database when the connection is made: the address of the target server may specify port number, database name, or other connection specific information.

Is Sequel Data Access a remote system?

Since Sequel Data Access is IBM i-centric, data that does not reside on this system is considered remote. The data contained in a remote database is no less important to an organization than the DB2 data on the IBM i.

Can you load a remote database table into a view?

You will have the ability to load remote database tables and click-and-drag fields into the View. Derived (calculated) fields and variables (prompts) are available just as if this View was built over IBM i DB2 data.

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