Remote-access Guide

how to get remote access to raspberry pi

by Rosella Blanda Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

To connect remotely, SSH and VNC must be activated on Raspberry Pi. Click on the main menu and choose Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration. Choose the Interfaces tab and set both SSH and VNC to Enabled. The VNC icon appears in the menu bar.Aug 5, 2020

How to establish Remote Desktop Access to your Raspberry Pi?

So we learned to connect to the remote desktop in 5 ways:

  • With the Xrdp package that provides a Windows-like remote desktop
  • With SSH and X11 Forwarding that allows launching an app on the client computer (and not the entire desktop)
  • With VNC that enables local access to the Raspberry Pi
  • With Teamviewer which allows among others remote access to the Raspberry Pi

More items...

How to remote access your Raspberry Pi using putty?

SSH: Remote control your Raspberry Pi

  1. Activate SSH in Raspbian. For security reasons, Secure Shell is not turned on by default in Raspbian. ...
  2. Activate SSH Client in Windows. Linux and macOS both support SSH out-of-the-box; skip ahead to Step 3 if you are using one of those operating systems.
  3. Get your IP address. ...
  4. Connect via SSH. ...
  5. Use PuTTY on a Windows PC. ...
  6. On Raspberry Pi. ...
  7. Visual interfaces. ...

More items...

How to automatically log into a Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi VPN server prerequisites

  • DHCP reservation. Consider setting up a DHCP reservation for your Raspberry Pi if your router supports them. ...
  • Dynamic DNS service. Let’s assume that you have your Raspberry Pi connected to your home network and you want to use it while you are away from home.
  • OpenVPN or WireGuard. ...

How do I restart Raspberry Pi from a remote system?

Virtual Network Computing (VNC)

  • Installing VNC on Raspberry Pi. VNC is already installed on the full Raspberry Pi OS image, and can be installed via Recommended Software from the Preferences menu on other versions.
  • Enabling the VNC Server. ...
  • Connecting to your Raspberry Pi. ...
  • Using Directly Rendered Applications. ...
  • Creating a Virtual Desktop. ...


How do I access my Raspberry Pi remotely?

Connecting from Windows: To connect from Windows, you should require an SSH client program like Putty. Install and run the Putty, Supply the hostname or IP address of the Pi with 22 in the port number field. This initiate an SSH session with the Raspberry Pi. This session asks you to enter the username and password.

Can you SSH into a Raspberry Pi from anywhere?

In other words, Tunnel In will allow you to ssh into raspberry pi even if you are not in the same network with your device, instead, you can ssh into raspberry pi remotely (from anywhere in the world).

How can I control my Raspberry Pi remotely from anywhere in the world?

Access Raspberry Pi Remotely Over Internet For this you need to make sure the SSH server and the VNC server are running in your Raspberry Pi. Click on the main menu in your Raspberry Pi and choose Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration. Choose the Interfaces tab and set both SSH and VNC to Enabled.

How do I SSH into Raspberry Pi without WiFi?

The connection should be via USB. Use raspberrypi. local as the address in your SSH software (again, you might also try pi@raspberrypi.local if using the Linux command line). Note that you may need to disable wireless networking if you have any other Raspberry Pi's on your home network.

How do I SSH into Raspberry Pi from Iphone?

0:1814:24Raspberry Pi Find IP Address and Connect with SSH from iPad ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd we're going to use fing which is a port scanner that i found on the app store and there are aMoreAnd we're going to use fing which is a port scanner that i found on the app store and there are a few different ones you can choose i happen to just pick this one.

How do I SSH into headless Raspberry Pi?

Headless Raspberry Pi 4 SSH WiFi Setup (Mac + Windows, 10 Steps)Download Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye lite. ... Burn the Raspberry Pi OS image to the SD card. ... Enable ssh to allow remote login. ... Add your WiFi network info. ... Eject the micro SD card. ... Boot the Raspberry Pi from the micro SD card. ... Login remotely over WiFi.More items...•

Can no longer SSH into Raspberry Pi?

If you can't establish an SSH connection to your Raspberry Pi, here are a couple of things you can do:Make sure that you have enabled SSH on your Raspberry Pi.Make sure that you're using the correct IP address.Make sure that you have the correct credentials.More items...

How to install remote desktop server on Raspberry Pi?

Installing the Remote Desktop Server. First open the Raspberry Pi terminal by using mouse and keyboard or by connecting via SSH. On the Pi you basically just need to install one package: sudo apt-get install xrdp. The most important and recommended settings are already defined.

Can you control Raspberry Pi on two monitors?

This has the advantage that you don’t need two monitors or have to switch between two systems. Although the Raspberry Pi can be controlled almost exclusively via console, but some programs are to be controlled only by a GUI.

Create an account

To connect to your Raspberry Pi remotely you’ll need to set up an account. Open the web browser and head to Click on ‘Sign up’ and enter your email address. You will be emailed a verification code. Enter this code and pick (and confirm) a password.

Update and install

Make sure your Raspberry Pi is connected to the internet (using wireless LAN or an Ethernet cable). Open a Terminal window and enter the following commands:

Register the Raspberry Pi

Open the web browser on your Raspberry Pi and navigate to The window will search for devices running software (including your Raspberry Pi).

Start a connection

You now connect to Raspberry Pi via There are two approaches: via a web service, or using’s dedicated software.

Connect via VNC Viewer

Open your VNC software (we’re using VNC Viewer) and choose File > New connection. Cut and paste the combined proxy and port information into the VNC server field. Ours looks like this:

Connect via app

The drawback to the web service is that all your data passes through a proxy computer. For a more private connection, the app for Windows and macOS enables you to form a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection.

Cloaking your port

You can access Raspberry Pi remotely using However, your VNC port is now open and listening. You can check this with the lsof (list of files) command:

Introduction to Remote Access

Sometimes you need to access a Raspberry Pi without connecting it to a monitor. Perhaps the Pi is embedded in something like a robot, or you may want to view some information from it from elsewhere. Or perhaps you simply don’t have a spare monitor!

Setting up an SSH Server

You can access the command line of a Raspberry Pi remotely from another computer or device on the same network using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.

Secure Shell from Linux or Mac OS

You can use SSH to connect to your Raspberry Pi from a Linux desktop, another Raspberry Pi, or from an Apple Mac without installing additional software.

Secure Shell from Windows 10

You can use SSH to connect to your Raspberry Pi from a Windows 10 computer that is using October 2018 Update or later without having to use third-party clients.

Passwordless SSH Access

It is possible to configure your Raspberry Pi to allow access from another computer without needing to provide a password each time you connect. To do this, you need to use an SSH key instead of a password. To generate an SSH key:

Using Secure Copy

Secure Copy ( scp) is a command for sending files over SSH. This means you can copy files between computers, say from your Raspberry Pi to your desktop or laptop, or vice-versa.

Using rsync

You can use the tool rsync to synchronise folders between computers. You might want to transfer some files from your desktop computer or laptop to your Pi, for example, and for them to be kept up to date, or you might want the pictures taken by your Pi transferred to your computer automatically.

Is it safe to connect to a Raspberry Pi from a router?

A cloud connection is a convenient way to connect to your Raspberry Pi, because cloud connections are secure and don’t require you to configure your router’s port forwarding settings or know your IP address. However, if you are only going to connect to your Raspberry Pi from inside your home network, a direct connection is a more reliable option.

Can I connect to my Raspberry Pi from my home network?

Direct connections are very straightforward if you’re going to connect to your Raspberry Pi from inside your home network. Terminal will kick back your private IP address. You’ll need it later, so write it down! On the device you’ll use to control your Raspberry Pi, install VNC Viewer.

Use SSH on a Raspberry Pi with PC

You don’t need to install any software to start using SSH. Linux, mac OS and Windows (Windows 10) have a SSH command-line application installed by default. Note: On older Windows you will need to download an SSH client, the most commonly used one is called Putty but in this tutorial we are going to install MobaXterm on our windows machine.

Activating SSH on the RPI

For security reasons the SSH acces in disabled by default in the Raspberry Pi OS. To enable SSH on your Raspberry Pi, chose Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration. You will start a program as in the picture below. Chose the interface tab and enable SSH. Press OK and reboot your system

Activate SSH client on Windows

Linux and macOS both support SSH out-of-the-box; skip ahead if you are using one of those operating systems. Thought windows 10 supports SSH you’ll need to activate it. This is the reason why I use MobaXterm, it’s a free program that creates a local terminal like the one on Linux. You can download its here.

Get Your IP address

Note: if you use a headless version (a setup without a screen) see at the end of this section on how to get you’r pi’s ip.

Connect via SSH

On a windows PC open command prompt or MobaXterm. On a Linux or MacOS machine open a Terminal windows. To connect over ssh enter following command:

Use MobaXterm on a Windows PC

Why MobaXterm and not Putty? MobaXterm is more graphical and when you lose connection it’s easier to reconnect then when using putty.

On Raspberry Pi

You will now see your usual command line replaced with pi@raspberrypi: ~$. You are now logged in and working on the command line from your Raspberry Pi. Enter ls and you’ll see Desktop, Downloads, Documents, and the other unique Raspberry Pi folders and files.


1. Before we install the packages required, we have to verify everything is up to date. To do so, we have run the following 2 commands.

Connecting from Windows

From Windows, open the start menu and select the Remote Desktop Connection application and type the IP address.

Connecting from Linux

For connecting with a Linux PC, I recommend using Remmina which is a remote control client for POSIX -based OSes. For installing it run the following command.

Connecting from Mac

For Mac, there are several RDP clients available that you can use to enable a remote desktop connection on your Pi.


In Raspbian, the X11 forwarding is enabled by default. So you don’t have to do anything special.

Connecting from Linux & Mac

For both Linux and Mac, enabling remote access to raspberry pi is almost the same. You have to log in to SSH by giving a parameter as shown here.


Here I will show you how to install the ARM package of Team Viewer without visiting their download page.

What is a Raspberry Pi?

A Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. A desktop or laptop computer. A local Wi-Fi or wired network to connect the Pi and your computer. First, most of the steps in this tutorial should work with other Linux-based Pi distributions but we’re going to be using Raspbian.

Is remote access to the desktop awesome?

Remote command line access is awesome, but so is having access to the desktop for GUI-focused activities. Let’s bring the powers of the command line and the powers of the desktop together.


Every time you start working with Raspberry Pi, you would have come to this point that how good it was if you could access your pi outside your home network. Then you start searching for the techniques and there comes the Port Forwarding which is a bit tedious method, and it involves risks too.

What is it & Why?

Every time you start working with Raspberry Pi, you would have come to this point that how good it was if you could access your pi outside your home network. Then you start searching for the techniques and there comes the Port Forwarding which is a bit tedious method, and it involves risks too.

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