Remote-access Guide

how to implement secure remote access in corporate environment

by Dr. Opal Cremin Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Traditionally, many organizations have provided secure remote access to a limited number of users via virtual private networks (VPNs). A VPN works by extending a private network across the public internet via secure tunnels, using protocols such as OpenVPN.

7 Best Practices For Securing Remote Access for Employees
  1. Develop a Cybersecurity Policy For Remote Workers. ...
  2. Choose a Remote Access Software. ...
  3. Use Encryption. ...
  4. Implement a Password Management Software. ...
  5. Apply Two-factor Authentication. ...
  6. Employ the Principle of Least Privilege. ...
  7. Create Employee Cybersecurity Training.
May 7, 2020

Full Answer

How to protect your network from remote access?

So, you have a three-layer line of defense working to protect remote access to your network: anti-virus, firewall, and VPN. The network security team should monitor alerts from these defenses constantly. Adopting two-factor authentication for remote access through VPN further boosts your network security.

What are the best practices for securing remote access?

Best Practices for Securing Remote Access. RAS: The most basic form of VPN remote access is through a RAS. This type of VPN connection is also referred to as a Virtual Private Dial-up Network ... IPSec: IPSec is an IP packet authentication and encryption method. It uses cryptographic keys to protect ...

How to ensure optimum security while working from a remote location?

A mix of strategies is required to achieve optimum security while allowing appropriate, or even maximum, access to your employees while working from a remote location. Let’s dive right in. The first thing that’s required to ensure smooth remote access via a VPN is to plan out a comprehensive network security policy.

How do you secure remote employees?

To begin, secure remote employees by encouraging them to lock computers when traveling physically. If there’s no physical access to their device, the chances of foul play remain low. Secondly, when employees work in public locations, instruct them to be aware of any onlookers when typing in sensitive information, such as logins or passwords.


How do you implement secure remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

How do you secure a remote work environment?

6 Ways to Secure Remote WorkFormalizing Working from Home, Telework, and Remote Work Policies. ... Offer Training. ... Zero-Touch Deployment of Secure Wi-Fi Access Points for Remote Workers. ... Require MFA as a Step Towards Zero Trust. ... Require VPN.More items...•

What is the way to provide secure access to the corporate resources by a remote internet user?

Virtual Private Network (VPN) – VPNs are extremely popular for remote access, since they allow remote users connected via insecure remote Wi-Fi (Starbucks, bookshops) to connect to a private network through an encrypted tunnel.

How remote employees will access the company network securely?

You have two main options here – a VPN or the cloud. VPN – Virtual Private Network – You can restrict access so that employees must exclusively connect through a VPN, providing a direct, encrypted connection between their remote device and the main office server.

What is an effective and secure remote working arrangement?

Typical Secure Remote Worker criteria Secure access to the internet. Secure access to company and customer data. Secure access to communication tools. Secure access to collaboration and conferencing tools. Secure access to work applications.

What are best practices when working remotely?

Set healthy boundaries. Help keep your remote employees happy and well by setting healthy boundaries around work: Limit hours of availability. Encourage self-care. Build wellness into your team activities (e.g., host regular mindfulness breaks)

How do you create a corporate security culture?

Creating a Company Culture for SecurityFlashcards. Review terms and definitions.Learn. Focus your studying with a path.Test. Take a practice test.Match. Get faster at matching terms.

What is an example of remote control operations for providing security to an organization?

Popular examples include Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Virtual Network Computing (VNC). While remote desktop access can have convenience advantages, this method is not typically recommended as it introduces significant security risks to the corporate network.

Which of the following provides secure access into an organization for remote workers?

Virtual Private Network (VPN)A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the name given to a secure connection from one device to another, usually over an insecure network like the Internet.

Which method of remote access is the most secure?

Implement a Secure Connection for Remote Network AccessWired Connection: A wired connection is the most secure method for remote network access.Home Wi-Fi: The second most secure network connection is using a secured home Wi-Fi connection.More items...•

How do companies do remote access?

4 Ways for Secure Remote Access:Remote via VPN – Solution.Remote via Reverse-Proxy Solution.Remote via Cloud Application.Remote via VDI – Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.

Which protocol would you use to set up a secure connection at a remote site?

SSL – A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a network security protocol primarily used for ensuring secure internet connections and protecting sensitive data. This protocol can allow for server/client communication as well as server/server communication.

What is an effective network for an organization to secure its internal resources access by employees working from home?

Every organization that maintains sensitive information should set up a virtual private network (“VPN”). A VPN allows your employees to access the organization's internal information systems and data over a secure channel, using the public Internet infrastructure as an extension of your private network.

Which protocol would you use to set up a secure network connection at a remote site?

SSL VPN stands for Secure Sockets Layer Virtual Private Network. It's a safe and secure way for remote users to easily connect to your network. Think about SSL VPN like a secure tunnel that connects you from wherever you are, to your company's internal network safely.

Which is also known as remote User VPN?

A remote access virtual private network (VPN) enables users who are working remotely to securely access and use applications and data that reside in the corporate data center and headquarters, encrypting all traffic the users send and receive.

What are the risks of remote access?

Many potential risks accompany vendor remote access —from introducing malware into your systems to technical and business dangers.

Why is remote access important?

It is essential for these individuals to have safe, anytime, anywhere access to corporate networks and services.

What is a PAM solution?

An effective PAM solution helps defend against such remote access threats. Privilege management allows you to grant and remove administrative privileges to individuals for any system. At the very least, the PAM solution can monitor back-end access logins and alert administrators about privileged sessions that do not comply with access policies (e.g., why is the HVAC vendor logging into the Point of Sale (POS) system?).

What percentage of Verizon network intrusions exploited weak or stolen credentials?

According to Verizon’s Data Breach Investigation Report, “76 percent of network intrusions exploited weak or stolen credentials.” Since vendors don’t need constant access to your network, they often use one remote access tool license and share generic logins and passwords across technicians. This makes the credentials easy for hackers to guess. What’s more, the vendor’s ex-employees often retain remote access to your systems.

How many factor authentication is required for a network?

For optimum protection and a clean audit trail, require everyone who accesses your network to use unique credentials and at least two-factor authentication. This will make it harder for a hacker to successfully use stolen vendor credentials.

What is the Telework Enhancement Act?

The Telework Enhancement Act requires federal agencies to have policies to govern and promote teleworking. Between teleworkers and vendors, we are challenged to enable secure access for increasingly large and diverse workforces, while simultaneously dealing with smaller budgets and tightening compliance mandates.

Why add layered authentication through MFA?

Add layered authentication through MFA to reduce account sharing among third parties. Some of the most significant data breaches of the last decade, like Target and Home Depot, could have been stopped with this simple step.

1. Reinforce network security standards

First and foremost, enterprises need to start adding the rigor back into their systems and processes.

2. Bolster home network security

Home network systems use personal equipment or devices provided by a broadband provider. Network security teams must work with remote users to bolster security for home networks by using the following steps:

3. Establish endpoint protection

To manage the network security environments, teams must reestablish endpoint protection, which requires the following steps:

4. Consider new and innovative alternatives

Once upon a time, it was common for employers to provide work-from-home systems with traditional security, but this disappeared with the emergence of BYOD and widespread broadband.

What is cloud based remote access?

Cloud-based remote access is a new type of remote access solution that enables flexible remote access to field machines. The network topology of a cloud-based remote access solution has three components: a remote gateway, a cloud server, and client software. Remote gateways are connected to field equipment in order to remotely access and control them. Client software is installed on the engineer’s PC. The cloud server can be installed on a cloud-based platform such as Amazon Web Service or Microsoft Azure. The remote gateway and client software will both initiate outbound secure connection requests to the cloud server. The cloud server will map the two connection requests and after successful authentication on both sides, a connection will be established.

What is remote gateway?

Remote gateways are connected to field equipment in order to remotely access and control them. Client software is installed on the engineer’s PC. The cloud server can be installed on a cloud-based platform such as Amazon Web Service or Microsoft Azure.

How to achieve a higher level of security?

One way to achieve a higher level of security is to have different pre-shared keys or X.509 certificates for each VPN tunnel. When the number of VPN connections required is few, it is easy to manage the keys or certificates for these connections. However, as the number of VPN tunnels grows, it would be very hard to manage these keys and certificates.

Why are RDC connections so troublesome?

RDC connections are equally troublesome in that they expose computing equipment on the plant network to the public network , creating security risks. Mitigating these security issues requires additional resources, both in terms of human resources and setup and maintenance costs. 4. VPN Security Is Hard to Manage.

What is the Industrial Internet of Things?

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and trends in the smart factory are redefining today’s OEM business model. Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and zero equipment downtime are no longer just buzzwords because they are now key measures of a successful business. In order to provide these services, machine builders need an effective way to gain visibility into their machines and be able to remotely connect to and manage their machines at field sites. In this article, we discuss five key elements of a secure remote access solution for industrial equipment and explain why a cloud-based remote access solution is ideal for machine builders.

What is the first thing that’s required to ensure smooth remote access via a VPN?

The first thing that’s required to ensure smooth remote access via a VPN is to plan out a comprehensive network security policy.

What is the line of defense for remote access?

So, you have a three-layer line of defense working to protect remote access to your network: anti-virus, firewall, and VPN. The network security team should monitor alerts from these defenses constantly.

Why is IPSEC used?

This allows IPSec to protect data transmission in a variety of ways. IPSec is used to connect a remote user to an entire network. This gives the user access to all IP based applications. The VPN gateway is located at the perimeter of the network, and the firewall too is setup right at the gateway.

What are the implications of IPSec connections for corporations?

What are the implications of IPSec connections for corporations, considering the very nature of this connection? Well, your employee will only be able to access the network from a single, authorized device. Security is further boosted by the enforcement of antivirus and firewall policies.

What is IPSEC encryption?

IPSec is an IP packet authentication and encryption method. It uses cryptographic keys to protect data flows between hosts and security gateways.

Why use two factor authentication for VPN?

Adopting two-factor authentication for remote access through VPN further boosts your network security. Now let’s take a look at why you should choose a particular VPN type as a secure connection methodology instead of the alternatives.

What is remote access VPN?

The most basic form of VPN remote access is through a RAS. This type of VPN connection is also referred to as a Virtual Private Dial-up Network (VPDN) due to its early adoption on dial-up internet.

Why Is a Remote Access Policy Necessary?

The numerous types of mobile devices and the different ways to connect pose challenges for the IT department. Devices can include cell phones, tablets, laptops, and any other device a remote worker relies on to conduct business. They can be company owned and secured, personally owned and authorized by a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, or a combination. Each class of device has its own set of security challenges. According to the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s Guidelines for Managing the Security of Mobile Devices in the Enterprise, “…Security controls available for laptops today are quite different than those available for smartphones, tablets, and other mobile device types.” Since different devices demand different controls, the policy has to detail what is allowed, compliant, and secure. The policy should answer the following questions:

Why is remote access important?

Software organizations where development engineers need to connect across multiple locations, small organizations lacking office-space, and large, enterprise organizations all want to offer the most flexible work options in order to attract high-ranking candidates and reap the rewards of having such a policy.

What Is Remote Access?

Remote access is any connection made to an organization's internal network and systems from an external source by a device or host. Remote locations can be almost anywhere in the world, from the employee’s home to an off-site office, hotels, transportation hubs, and cafes.

What Problems Arise Without a Remote Access Policy?

Therefore, consequences for misuse can also be clearly outlined to compel compliance and appropriate precautions for data use and access. Elements such as firewalls, connectivity guidelines, personal use restrictions, and antivirus updates can help IT prevent both malicious and accidental loss and disruption of corporate information assets. The remote access control policies also provide protections for confidentiality, intellectual property, and information compliance.

What percentage of people work remotely?

According to research conducted by Gallup, 43 percent of workers in the U.S. worked remotely at least some of the time in 2016. Remote workers report higher job satisfaction and flexibility, experience fewer distractions and interruptions, and are more productive. Companies experience less absenteeism, less stress on office accommodations, and realize greater employee retention. A recent New York Times article found that finance, insurance, real estate, and transportation were most likely to have and support remote work (retail and education were least likely candidates). The trend is only increasing: the 2016 Gallup poll also found that those who work remotely log more hours away from the office than was reported in their 2012 findings. Not only are people logging more hours, but remote workers are saving money when it comes to commuting costs and businesses are saving on office space expenses.

What is unauthorized access policy?

Even if the employee provides their own equipment, laptop, or mobile device, the policy dictates and enforces the minimum-security requirements necessary. The policy can also provide determinations on who is allowed remote access, the level of access, and penalties for misuse.

Is remote work available?

While remote work is not available to or appropriate for everyone, non-self-employed work at home opportunities have grown by 115 percent since 2005 - especially for non-union, college educated, and high wage workers, according to Global Workplace Analytics .

How to improve remote security?

Similarly, for a security incident, routing actionable alerts to Slack or Teams reduces critical response times. Process automation is the key to better remote security. - Bhaskar Roy, Workato

Why is it important to establish a remote work environment?

It’s important for companies to establish systems that not only give their remote employees reliable, easy access to needed tools and data but that also secure those essential assets . So how can tech teams know that their organization’s remote work environment supports both productivity and robust cybersecurity? Below, 13 tech experts from Forbes Technology Council share effective factors that can help you secure your remote work environment.

How to ensure your environment's continued security?

To ensure your environment’s continued security, you must always prepare for change. An organization’s priorities, business and consumer technology, and threat landscape constantly evolve. Invest in feedback mechanisms for every security policy or control you implement, and make regular plans to review and adapt. This approach makes organizations most resilient and pragmatic about their security efforts. - Ilia Sotnikov, Netwrix

What is the point of vulnerability in cybersecurity?

Even with all the technology that’s available to prevent cyberattacks, they still happen, and often the point of vulnerability is a person who wasn’t adequately trained to spot or report a threat. Businesses must not only improve training but also have a way to measure its effectiveness, and that’s where human risk management becomes critical. - Ashley Rose, Living Security

Why set up an account for purchasing hardware and software?

Set up an account for purchasing hardware and software to prevent people from using their personal devices. Underpowered hardware will undermine your security if employees choose to use their more current personal devices, and insufficient software for remote workstyles will lead people to use free tools from outside your secure ecosystem. - Luke Wallace, Bottle Rocket

What is the core of remote working?

At the core of any secure remote working environment is a detailed lifecycle governance policy. Such a policy outlines a company’s approach to protecting information stored in a collaboration platform from insider threats by controlling how information is accessed, used and shared by end users. Consistent lifecycle management for every project can help tighten security and build a productive environment. - John Case, Unify Square

What is Forbes Technology Council?

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?

What is remote access plan?

A remote-access plan is a key part of an organization’s digital transformation. It sounds obvious, but prior to the pandemic, 80 percent of companies did not have a remote access plan in place. It’s been a year of playing catch up, but now that many companies are coming out of crisis mode, they are looking at the future ...

Why create a hybrid environment?

It’s a better user experience and it provides you with the flexibility to future-proof your environment when you want to make changes without disrupting the user experience. Most firms still don't have a secure remote access solution in place.

Why is it important to move to the cloud?

A move to the cloud turns capital expenses into operating expenses and allows for the flexibility to expand and contract as needed. Cloud resources are inherently remote, even when accessed from the office, so a remote access plan is required to utilize them efficiently.

Is remote access necessary?

Remote access isn’t just necessary for productivity ; it’s a strategic decision as well. With a robust remote access plan in place, you can recruit or bring on talent from anywhere in the world. You’ve heard the stories of workers moving out of commuting distance during the pandemic.

Do remote users need MFA?

While you might decide to allow users on the network to log in with single-layer authentication, remote users should need to pass through MFA almost universally. If you have a preferred MFA provider, be sure to design it into your remote access solution. And if you do not, it’s time to think about getting one.

Is MFA part of remote access?

But resources exposed for remote access absolutely must be locked up securely, and MFA should be part of your remote access plan.

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