Remote-access Guide

how to mitigate risk with remote access

by Prof. Reyes Trantow Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Choosing a firewall that matches the size, scope, and scale of your organization is an essential first step in mitigating remote access risks. Make sure your firewall has built-in antivirus and anti-malware software and high availability programs .

To help you understand how cyber attackers can infiltrate your system, here are 4 remote access risks you should guard against.
  1. Remote Access Through Home Computers.
  2. Easy Logins and Passwords.
  3. Lack of Computer Inspection.
  4. End Point of a VPN.
  5. Set up a Firewall and Antivirus.
  6. Set up an IDS and an IPS.
  7. Set up a VPN.

Full Answer

What are the risks of remote access security?

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out. 1. Lack of information The first risk is a lack of information about traditional network security technologies, such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, as those systems may be largely out of the equation now.

Are remote access services and software Safe?

Unfortunately, they’re far from safe. The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats. Once they gain privileged access to your system, it will be difficult to prevent data loss, prevent phishing, protect against ransomware, etc.

Is the shift to remote work putting your organization at risk?

The shift to remote work over the past few months has increased the need for organizations to re-evaluate their security and risk management practices. With employees accessing corporate data at times on home computers or sharing and collaborating in new ways, organizations could be at greater risk for data leak or other risks.

Is your VPN secure enough to protect you from remote access attacks?

Even if your VPN is secure, the infected machine can grant the hacker access to your private network. So how do you prevent and solve these remote access risks? By implementing the following solutions. Choosing a firewall that matches the size, scope, and scale of your organization is an essential first step in mitigating remote access risks.


What are the risks of remote access?

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out.Lack of information. ... Password sharing. ... Software. ... Personal devices. ... Patching. ... Vulnerable backups. ... Device hygiene. ... Phishing attacks.

How do you protect remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

What can we do in order to limit or prevent remote access?

Firewalls can be your first line of defense in network security by limiting those who have remote access. You should set up firewalls to restrict access using software or hardware or both. Update your software regularly. Make sure your software updates automatically so you're working with the latest security fixes.

What are the security risks of remote working?

Top Security Risks of Remote WorkingGDPR and remote working. Remote work means an employer has less control and visibility over employees' data security. ... Phishing Emails. ... Weak Passwords. ... Unsecured Home Devices. ... Unencrypted File Sharing. ... Open Home WiFi Networks.

How do I make remote access reliable and safe?

7 Best Practices For Securing Remote Access for EmployeesDevelop a Cybersecurity Policy For Remote Workers. ... Choose a Remote Access Software. ... Use Encryption. ... Implement a Password Management Software. ... Apply Two-factor Authentication. ... Employ the Principle of Least Privilege. ... Create Employee Cybersecurity Training.

What is remote access solutions?

The most common remote access solutions are software programs with built-in access and communication capabilities for tech admins and remote users. These tools allow admins to access employee workstations remotely and allow users to reach in-office resources from remote devices.

What are security considerations for remote users examples?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What should be in a remote access policy?

What Should You Address in a Remote Access Policy?Standardized hardware and software, including firewalls and antivirus/antimalware programs.Data and network encryption standards.Information security and confidentiality.Email usage.Physical and virtual device security.Network connectivity, e.g., VPN access.More items...•

What is the greatest risk that remote access poses to an organization?

The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats. Once they gain privileged access to your system, it will be difficult to prevent data loss, prevent phishing, protect against ransomware, etc.

How do you protect and secure data while working remotely?

How to promote data security while working remotelyConnect to a hotspot or use a VPN. ... Use strong passwords and a password manager. ... Keep work and personal separate. ... Stay alert for phishing or other attacks. ... Participate in routine cybersecurity training.

What are some ways to successfully and securely work from home?

Secure your home office and remote workUse antivirus software. ... Make sure your system and programs are up to date. ... Pay attention to Wi‑Fi and network security. ... Secure your privacy with a VPN. ... Avoid oversharing your screen. ... Beware phishing scams. ... Don't share personal information in messages or social media.More items...

What is a preferred security measure for remote access?

Virtual Private Networking (VPN) is often considered the best approach in securing trans-network communication.

What is a common way to help protect devices connected to the company network?

What is a common way to help protect devices connected to the company network? A. Only use laptops and other mobile devices with full-disk encryption. This is correct!

Which option creates a secure connection for remote workers?

The only way to secure your remote workforce is a secure VPN. Employees must connect from their laptops, desktops and mobile devices over a VPN connection. It's the secure, private method for virtually entering the corporate office, so to speak.

What should remote employees use to protect their network?

In addition, remote employees should use Virtual Private Network (VPN) software that deploys point-to-point encryption to connect to the company network in order to protect the exchange of sensitive information.

What are some examples of security issues that come with teleworking?

The convenience of telecommuting also brings with it vulnerabilities and security issues. For example, the massive 2013 breach of the retailer Target, which resulted in the theft of 70 million credit and debit card numbers, occurred after hackers gained access to the Target network using the remote access credentials of a third-party HVAC vendor.

Why are personal devices bad?

Personal devices can suffer from problems such as weak passwords, no antivirus or anti-malware programs, or lack of security patches and updates. The Target breach and other massive data breaches, such as the 2014 cyberattack on Home Depot, show the risks associated with providing system credentials to a third party.

What devices do employees use to work remotely?

Many employees who work remotely use their personal computers, smartphones and tablets to connect to their enterprise network. However, employees might not maintain the same security standards on their personal devices that they are required to maintain at work.

Can you work remotely?

Employees working remotely still need access to enterprise systems and technology in order to do their job while they're away from the office. However, with the rise in telecommuting also comes a rise in the security risks that employees and businesses may face. Although these issues aren't serious enough to put an end to telecommuting, companies that allow employees to work remotely should be aware of these risks and how they can take steps to mitigate them.

Is remote access a right?

To begin with, remote access is a privilege, not a right. Only those employees who need remote access for their job should be able to use it, and they should only have access to the systems and information that they require.

Is telecommuting on the rise?

Telecommuting is on the rise, and there's little sign that this trend will change any time soon. According to Gallup's State of the American Workplace report, 43 percent of employees worked remotely in some capacity in 2016, up from 39 percent in 2012. What's more, people who telecommute are now spending more time away from the office: 31 percent of telecommuters spent most of their time working remotely in 2016, a rise of 7 percent over four years.

What is the first risk in network security?

The first risk is a lack of information about traditional network security technologies, such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, as those systems may be largely out of the equation now.

What is the essence of an organization's network security challenge?

The essence of an organization's network security challenge is users are now, more than ever, making security decisions on the network team's behalf. Teams should think about what they can do to minimize such decisions or at least minimize their effect on the business. Consider the following methods.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Is there a tangible risk to security?

Unless and until technical staff, employees and management are working toward the same goals in terms of security standards, policies and expectations, there will be tangible risks. Most people have already established their baseline in this new normal. However, from what I'm seeing and hearing from clients and colleagues, there are still lots of opportunities to properly mitigate certain threats and vulnerabilities.

Is it time to do more of the same with network security?

Now is not the time to do more of the same with network security. Instead, you've got to figure out how to get your users working for you rather than against you. The same boring messages and dictates are not going to work. You'll have to get creative as you address remote access security.

What is privileged access management?

Using a privileged access management solution, enable fine-grained permission controls and enforce the principle of least privilege (PoLP). One step you want to take is to broker permissions to various target systems using different accounts, each with varying levels of permission. You also should limit commands a specific user can apply via blacklists and whitelists to provide a high degree of control and flexibility.

How to better manage third party risks?

Through diligently monitoring, you can do a better job of containing third-party risks through prudent planning and diligence.

What percentage of data breaches are linked to third party vendors?

Hackers have even stated that they specifically target vendors. A recent study found that 63 percent of data breaches were linked to a third-party vendor that was responsible for system support, development, and/or maintenance.

How to protect vendor credentials?

You do this by eliminating shared accounts, enforcing onboarding, and using background checks to identity-proof third-party individuals accessing your systems.

Why do organizations allow third parties access to their networks?

Organizations allow third parties access to their networks for them to change or otherwise impact the operational service of these organizations. This privileged access needs to be protected to the same (or higher) extent as your organization’s internal privileged users.

How to deal with third party issues?

Establish security standards specifically to deal with third-party issues, and enforce them using technical controls. Monitor for any security gaps and then mitigate them. Through diligently monitoring, you can do a better job of containing third-party risks through prudent planning and diligence.

Can a third party user be hacked?

Attackers continually exploited traditional remote access pathways, and securing this access is a uniquely tricky challenge. Your third-party users might not employ the same level of security protocols you do. Their password policy may not be as strong, and they might even share a single set of credentials among numerous people. Even if they do use the proper security protocols, traditional remote connectivity methods (e.g. VPNs) are easily hacked through pilfered user credentials and session hijacking.

What should security teams do if on-premises network and email security mechanisms are no longer available?

Recommendation: If some on-premises network and email security mechanisms are no longer available, security teams should double down on educating users to identify phishing attempts and to choose strong, unique passwords, encouraging the use of a password manager. They should also implement client certificates and multi-factor authentication in order to prevent attackers from gaining access through unsecured devices.

What are the risks of using a VPN?

Here are five top security risks that teams must deal with, as well as technology and user education best practices to keep users and data safe: 1. Weak remote access policies. Once attackers get access to a virtual private network (VPN), they can often penetrate the rest of the network like a hot knife through butter.

Why is it important to enforce access based on user identity?

Recommendation: It’s critical that companies enforce access based on user identity, allowing specific groups access to only what they need to get their jobs done, and expanding access from there on an as-needed basis.

Why is remote work important?

Remote work, while keeping employees healthy during this time, also increases the distractions end users face, such as shared home workspaces and remote learning for children. According to the SEI CERT institute, user distractions are the cause for many accidental and non-malicious insider risks. The current environment has also significantly increased stressors such as potential job loss or safety concerns, creating the potential for increased inadvertent or malicious leaks.

How to learn more about Microsoft security?

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us at @MSFTSecurity for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

What is data loss prevention?

Data Loss Prevention solutions help prevent data leaks and provide context-based policy enforcement for data at rest, in use, and in motion on-premises and in the cloud. Microsoft 365 already includes built-in data loss prevention capabilities in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Exchange, and OneDrive, as well as for third-party cloud apps with Microsoft Cloud App Security.

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