Remote-access Guide

how to remote access opensuse

by Mohammad Ledner IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Remote Access to the openSUSE Linux Desktop

  • Activating Remote Desktop Access ...
  • Configuring the openSUSE Firewall to Allow Remote Desktop Access ...
  • Accessing a Remote openSUSE Linux Desktop ...
  • Accessing a Remote openSUSE Linux Desktop from a Windows System ...
  • Establishing a Secure Remote Desktop Session ...
  • Establishing a Secure Remote Desktop Session from a Windows System ...
  • Creating Additional Desktops ...

Launch the TightVNC viewer and enter localhost::5900 in the VNC Server text field and click on Connect. The viewer will establish the connection, prompt for the password and then display the desktop. You are now accessing the remote desktop of a Linux system on Windows.

Full Answer

Can I access my openSUSE desktop remotely?

Remote Access to the openSUSE Linux Desktop. One of the most powerful aspects of the openSUSE desktop (and Linux desktops in general) is the ability to access your own personal desktop remotely. This provides two extremely useful features.

What is SUSE Linux remote access?

By Remote access we really mean " Running programs on your SUSE Linux box while you sit in front of another machine ".

Why does openSUSE require an SSH server?

Before a secure connection is established the SSH server must be installed and running on the system to which the connection is to be established. Fortunately, this is installed and enabled by default when openSUSE is first installed.

How do I enable VNC on my openSUSE server?

Open the Services to allow selection menu and scroll until you find VNC: With VNC displayed in the Services to allow menu click on the Add button to add the service to this allowed list. Click on Next to apply the change and then the Finish button to exit the openSUSE configuration tool.


How to allow remote desktop access to opensuse?

This is achieved by enabling VNC service in the Firewall configuration tool. Click on Computer->Control Center and select YaST from the System category of the Control Center panel. In the YaST screen click on Security and Users and select ' Firewall from the left hand panel. the Firewall Configuration tool will subsequently load. Select Allowed Services from the list of options so that the following panel appear. Open the Services to allow selection menu and scroll until you find VNC :

What is openSUSE desktop?

One of the most powerful aspects of the openSUSE desktop (and Linux desktops in general) is the ability to access your own personal desktop remotely. This provides two extremely useful features. Firstly it enables you, or another person to view and interact with your desktop environment from another computer system either on ...

How to connect to 5900 port?

Enter 5900 as the Source port and localhost:5900 as the Destination and click on Add. Finally return to the main screen ny clicking on the Session category. Enter a name for the session in the Saved Sessions text field and press save. Click on Open to establish the connection. A terminal window will appear with the login prompt from the remote system. Enter your user login and password credentials.

How to get remote desktop to work on Windows?

Download and install TightVNC on your Windows system. Once installed, launch the TightVNC Viewer and in the resulting Connection details dialog enter the IP address or hostname of the remote system and press OK. Enter the password if one is required. The screen should load and display the remote desktop,

How to access Linux from Windows?

In order to access a Linux remote desktop from a Windows system the first step is to install a Windows VNC client on the Windows system. There are a number of VNC packages available for Windows. In this chapter we will look at TightVNC ( ).

How to set up remote desktop access?

The first step in setting up remote desktop access is to activate it and define some basic security settings. These settings are configured in the Remote Desktop Preferences dialog. To access this dialog, open the desktop Computer panel, select Control Center followed by System and click on Remote Desktop. When selected the following window will appear:

What does "allow other users to control your desktop" mean?

In other words the remote user can do anything to your desktop that they want using their mouse and keyboard as if they were sitting physically at the local system.

What does remote access mean in Linux?

By Remote access we really mean " Running programs on your SUSE Linux box while you sit in front of another machine ".

What is the first security requirement?

The first security requirement is authentication. That is verifying that the person asking for a remote connection is actually the person he says he is. The methods used in this paper do this by requiring the user to identify himself with his username, and verifying it with a password known only to that user.

Can you run a GUI on a server?

Maybe all you need is a " Remote Shell " on "Server". That is easy. But sometimes a shell is not enough. You may need to run a GUI (X-Windows) program remotely. There are several ways to do this. Each method fullfills different needs. Each method has it's advantages and disadvanteges. But in general the methods to execute GUI programs fall into the following categories:

Is the internet secure?

And last, but in no way least, comes encryption. The Internet is basically insecure. With the event of WLANs, most home networks are also Insecure! So you need to realize when it's possible for outsiders to spy on your remote connections.

Can VNC use a mouse?

VNC can use a "Virtual" GraphicCard, Keyboard, and Mouse on server. In this form you can start as many "Virtual Sessions" as "Server" has resources to handle. This allows multiple persons to work on "Server" simultaneously (using his/her local keyboard/mouse/screen ).

How long does opensuse leap live?

openSUSE Leap supports two different kinds of VNC sessions: One-time sessions that “live” as long as the VNC connection from the client is kept up , and persistent sessions that “live” until they are explicitly terminated.

What is the default VNCviewer in OpenSUSE Leap?

To connect to a VNC service provided by a server, a client is needed. The default in openSUSE Leap is vncviewer, provided by the tigervnc package.

How to edit a saved session in Remmina?

To edit a saved remote session, right-click its name in Remmina's main window and select Edit. Refer to Section 4.2.3, “Adding Remote Sessions” for the description of the relevant fields. To copy a saved remote session, right-click its name in Remmina's main window and select Copy.

Can a persistent session be accessed from multiple clients?

A persistent session can be accessed from multiple clients simultaneously . This is ideal for demonstration purposes where one client has full access and all other clients have view-only access. Another use case are trainings where the trainer might need access to the trainee's desktop.

Can you skip the configuration section?

You can skip this section, if you do not need or want to modify the default configuration.

Can you start a remote session without saving the connection details?

You can either start a previously saved session, or quick-start a remote session without saving the connection details.

Can you have multiple VNC sessions on one host?

This way you can choose the user which starts the session and, if supported by the login manager, the desktop environment. When you terminate the client connection to such a VNC session, all applications started within that session will be terminated, too. One-time VNC sessions cannot be shared, but it is possible to have multiple sessions on a single host at the same time.

Can you use grubonce to boot a hosted server?

Note: On a hosted server, it could be wise to don't use the default boot for the install, install on an other partition than the actual running system and use grubonce to boot the install. If ever the install fail, the next reboot will reboot the default running system.

Is VNC similar to openSSH?

This tutorial outline here how to install with openSSH. VNC is similar, and for serial console things are even easier. This tip is intended as a hint on how to get things done, not as an in-depth reference.

Can you automate a grub?

Downloading kernel and initrd as well as modifying the grub config can mostly be automated with the Setup GRUB for NFS install script.



  • This paper is designed to help you setup the remote access solution that best fits your needs Like many people, you are reading this page looking for help on connecting to your SUSE Linux box via the network. There are many ways to do this. You may have a specific need which you (and I) hope this paper will helpimplement a solution for. Or you may not know enough about theavailab…
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What Is Meant by Remote Access

  • By Remote access we really mean "Running programs on your SUSE Linux box while you sit in front of another machine". Now "Running programs on your SUSE box" could be done in a shell, or may require a full GUI environment. "while you sit in front of another machine" implies that you already have a running network, correctly setup, with TCP/IP communication between the 2 mac…
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Different Remote Access Requirements

  • So you got at least 2 computers. One of them is a SUSE Linux (we'll call it "Server"). And from the other "client" computer you want to run programs on "Server". Well let's start by listing the possible ways: Maybe all you need is a "Remote Shell" on "Server". That is easy. But sometimes a shell is not enough. You may need to run a GUI (X-Windows) ...
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Remote Access and Security Requirements

  • A very important requirement you need to consider is security. Here we can break security into 3 parts:
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