Remote-access Guide

how to setup kodi for remote access

by Anjali Schroeder Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

  1. Turn on the following settings in Kodi to enable using a smartphone or tablet remote: Settings → Services → Remote control → Allow programs on other systems to control ...
  2. Many smartphone remotes also display additional library data, such as images and summaries. This setting allows that extra data to be transmitted to your remote app. ...
  3. Optional. This should be enabled by default already. Zeroconf makes it easier to find your Kodi install on your local network without having to know the exact IP address.

Follow the below steps to setup Kodi Remote in Windows.
  1. Launch Kodi and click on the gear icon at the top of the page.
  2. Select Settings and click on System Information.
  3. Make a note of MAC address and IP address which is required to configure the remote-control app in your smartphone.
  4. Now navigate back to Kodi's Home.
Jun 13, 2019

Full Answer

How do I enable remote control on Kodi?

First, click on the cog icon in the top-left corner of the screen to jump to Kodi’s Settings menu. From here, select “Service Settings.” In “Service Settings” select “Control” from the left column. Here you want to enable the option that reads “Allow remote control via HTTP” underneath the Web Server subheading.

How to configure Kodi to allow Yatse to remote control it?

You need to configure Kodi to allow Yatse to remote control it. Just select your Kodi version below to see the steps. • On Windows platform you need to have Apple Bonjour installed. (Comes bundled with iTunes or with this tool ). Required by Kodi not Yatse. • This part is only needed for auto discovery, you can still use manual configuration.

What are the different types of Kodi remotes?

9 Types of Kodi Remotes Available 1 MCE Remotes. MCE refers to Media Center Edition. ... 2 RF Remotes. Using RF Remotes (or Radio Frequency remote controllers) is yet another way with which you can control Kodi media center. 3 CEC Remote Control. ... 4 Game Controllers. ... 5 Smartphone. ... More items...

How do I connect to Kodi from another computer?

Web Interface If you want to access or control Kodi from a web browser, you can do it using the default web interface. For example, if you want to control it from the same computer, you go to http://localhost:8080/ and enter the credentials to log in.


Can I access my Kodi remotely?

If you need to access your Kodi media system remotely you can use a web browser. Kodi is designed to be easy to navigate on the big screen, but there are times you may want to access it through your computer.

Does Kodi have a web interface?

Kodi comes with an amazing feature that lots of people don't know about: the web interface. Recently updated to a new version called Chorus2, the web interface is a great way to control the playback of media on your Kodi system from another device.

How do I use Yatse on Kodi?

Detailed steps Allow installation of non official Add-ons. From the home screen of Kodi select Settings. Go to System settings. Go to Add-ons and enable Unknown sources. ... Add Yatse Add-On repository. From the home screen of Kodi select Settings. Go to File Manager. Choose add source. ... Install the Yatse Add-On.

How do I use DLNA client on Kodi?

On the Kodi server enable the setting Look for remote UPnP players in Settings → Services → UPnP / DLNA. Select Play with... and a list of UPnP clients will be listed. If playing to a Kodi client, ensure the client has the setting Allow control of Kodi via UPnP enabled in Settings → Services → UPnP.

What is Yatse?

About Yatse: Kodi remote and cast Enhance your Media Center with the best rated, most complete, easy to use and stable Kodi remote control for Android available. Yatse provides everything you have ever wanted to enhance the usage of your beloved media center.

How do I install a4kSubtitles?

Steps to install a4kSubtitles:Go to the KODI File manager.Click on Add source.(Optional) Name it a4kSubtitles-repo.Head to Addons.Select Install from zip file.When it asks for the location select a4kSubtitles-repo and install a4kSubtitles-repository. ... Go back to Addons and select Install from repository.More items...

How do you cast with Yatse?

How to use Yatse: Kodi remote and cast1 Current Media Center: This show your current Media Center. ... 2 You can bezel swipe from the left to show the menu. ( ... 3 Power button: Send power commands to the current player.4 Cast button: Select your target player to stream your media. (More items...

How do I install browser on Kodi?

How To Install The Chrome Launcher Add-on For KodiNow save the zip file to your desktop or other easy to access location.Go to your Kodi home screen.Click on Add-ons.Click on the icon that looks like an open box.Click on Install from zip.More items...•

How do I install Google Chrome on Kodi?

Downloading Chrome launcher. Navigate to the Addon Manager icon again and choose "Install from repository". Navigate to Program addons and scroll to select Chrome launcher, and select Install from the default addon settings page in Kodi. After you install it, configure it to run in debug mode if it has any issues.

How do I access files on Kodi?

To access any files stored locally, tap on Files. Tap on Add videos as seen in the Movies section, and browse through your files to find the folder that you want to be displayed. Select that folder, and it will now show up in the Add video source section. You can choose a name for this media source and then tap on OK.

What is Kodi Remote?

The Official Kodi Remote for iOS is a full-featured, open source remote control for Kodi Media Center. It features library browsing, now playing informations and a direct remote control. It's freely available on AppStore

How to add a host to Kodi on iPad?

Open the Official Kodi Remote on your iPhone / iPad which you downloaded and click on Add Host.

What is zeroconf in Kodi?

This should be enabled by default already. Zeroconf makes it easier to find your Kodi install on your local network without having to know the exact IP address.

When did Kodi launch the Kore app?

Kodi launched their official remote control app, Kore, at the end of May 2015.

Can I connect my phone to my Kodi?

Make sure your phone and your Kodi device are on the same network. If you don’t connect your phone to your home wireless network, you’ll need to do so before you setup Kore.

Can you control Kodi with a tablet?

Kodi can be controlled in several different ways, including both a physical remote control as well as using your smartphone or tablet. This page will link to both the official Team Kodi remote control apps and additional remote apps made by the community, as well as tell you how to enable smartphone/tablet app control in Kodi.

How to enable remote control on Kodi?

Under the “Application control” subheading enable “Allow remote control from applications on this system” and “Allow remote control from applications on other systems.” This may take a minute or two so just be patient while it does its thing. Once it’s finished, go back to the main Settings menu within Kodi. From here click or tap on “System information.” Jot down the IP address listed here, as you’ll need it in a bit. That’s all for the tweaks within Kodi; now we have to jump back into the Kore app.

How to change the service settings on Kodi?

First, click on the cog icon in the top-left corner of the screen to jump to Kodi’s Settings menu. From here, select “Service Settings.”

How to connect Kodi to Kore?

This will bring you to the Manual configuration screen. Be aware that you’ll need the info that you jotted down earlier to complete this step. In the “Media Center Name” field, enter “Kodi.” In the address field pop in your IP address as it appeared in the “System information” menu within Kodi. Finally enter the “Port” value and the username and password in the appropriate fields. Tap on the “TEST” button and wait a moment. When the connection between Kore and Kodi completes, you’ll receive a message reading “All done.” Finally, tap on “Finish.”

Is Kodi the oldest media management program?

When it comes to media-management programs, Kodi is one of the oldest and most popular. Kodi supports tons of useful add-ons, automates metadata collection for all of your media libraries, can run on virtually any device, and on top of all that, looks fantastic. The only downside? Depending on what you’re using, navigating the Kodi interface can be a bit of a hassle. Fortunately, there is an official remote called Kore that allows you to remotely control Kodi from your Android phone.

Can Kore talk to Kodi?

Getting Kore to see and talk to your Kodi installation is as easy as ticking a few boxes, so let’s get started. Note that for this walk-through I am using Kodi v17 Krypton, as this is the most recent stable build available. If you’re using a different version of Kodi, the screenshots won’t be much help, but you should still be able to follow the instructions.

How To Enable Remote Control in Kodi?

To be able to use a Kodi remote, you need to enable the support for it. You can do that from the settings menu.

How to control Kodi media center?

Using RF Remotes (or Radio Frequency remote controllers) is yet another way with which you can control Kodi media center. The RF remote uses a USB dongle and communicates using the 2.4 GHz radio signals. When connected to a PC, it acts like a pair of keyboard and mouse which helps you to easily navigate through Kodi.

What is MCE remote?

MCE refers to Media Center Edition. This means that these type of remotes are compatible with media server centers (specifically Windows Media Center or similar). Unlike others, MCE remotes are cheap and often come within the range of $20 and lower.

Can you use a Kodi remote with a CEC?

If you have a CEC-compatible remote, you do not have to invest separately for a Kodi remote. 4. Game Controllers. Yes, you can use utilize your game controller to control Kodi media center. However, it is not as easy as using a remote or a mouse to navigate around.

Can you use a keyboard as a remote for Kodi?

Keyboard Control. Of course, you have a Keyboard and a mouse, which you can use as a Kodi remote as well. You have to know the default shortcuts assigned and the button mapping to control Kodi. You can learn more about the keymap and the shortcut keys on Kodi’s Keyboard controls wiki page. 9.

Can you control Kodi with home automation?

However, you will need someone with the required technical knowledge to configure it for you.

Do you need to change the port number for remote control?

In addition to these options, you should also setup a username and password. You do not need to change the port number unless it is specifically required in your case. If you fail to enable remote control via HTTP on 8080 port – you can try troubleshooting it with a different port.

What is Kodi used for?

Kodi is primarily designed for the home theatre using the 10-foot user interface principles controlled with a remote control. Alternatively a (wireless) keyboard can be used.

What is MCE remote?

MCE Remotes - Infrared remote controls made for computers that follow the MCE standard. These remotes should work with Kodi out-of-the-box on Windows and Linux.

Does Kodi work with remote control?

Note: If your remote control does not work with your hardware, it will not work with Kodi. Follow the manufacturers instructions to set up your remote control with your hardware first. The following pages contain general information and may not help you outside of Kodi.

How to install a repository in Kodi?

The commonest practice of installing Kodi repositories is adding the repository source URL into Kodi File Manager > go to Kodi Add-on browser > click Install from ZIP file > select the added File Manager source URL > install the remotely stored repository ZIP file

How to install addons on Kodi?

After you install a Kodi repository, you can go to Kodi home menu > click the box icon > Select Install from repository > select the installed repository, to browse for and install desired addons from it.

What is a Kodi repository?

Kodi repositories are containers of a selection of Kodi addons. The developer repository always contains the essential scripts and dependencies the addons need to function and Kodi addons installed from repositories can be automatically updated when a higher version comes out.

What are the addons for Kodi?

There are various Kodi addons that provide media codecs, add context menus options, for playing games, offer media information, change the way your Kodi looks, download and display subtitles and more.

Why can't I install Kodi builds?

Reasons not to install Kodi builds: 1. Settled configurations mean limited customizations. 2.

How to get skins on Kodi?

Click the cog icon from the upper-left quadrant of Kodi home screen > Select Interface > Highlight Skin tab > Click Skin from the Look and feel section on the right side > Click the Get more button to download new skins > Select your preferred skin.

What is Kodi media player?

Kodi itself is a plain media player program that plays videos from your local storage. One of the greatest part of Kodi is the support for different types of third-party developed Kodi addons for a wide scope of customizations.

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