Remote-access Guide

how to test remote access to rest api

by Dr. Cynthia Heaney MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is REST API automation testing?

An API or Application Programming Interface is a set of programming instructions for accessing a web-based software application. There are mainly 4 methods involve in REST API automation testing like GET, POST, Delete, and PUT. We need to check response code, response message and response body in API Testing test cases.

What is reqbin REST API testing?

The ReqBin REST API testing tool works in your browser and does not require a desktop app or browser plugin. You can test your REST API with GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE request methods, send JSON data, and custom HTTP headers.

How do I test a microservice with a REST API?

You can also use this for end-to-end testing of your entire microservice in an environment with the mock created above. One way to do this is to inject TestRestTemplate into your test class, and use that to call your REST API in place of clientFunctionUnderTest from the example.

Why is it important to test your rest application?

Because it’s through testing that we infer the quality of products. A quality REST app is an indication of rigorous testing done right. In this post, I’ll show you three ways you should be testing your REST application.


How do I access REST API from remote?

If you want to access your API from another machine, you can use the IP address of the server. On Windows, you can know this address by typing ipconfig in a command line. On Linux, it would be ifconfig. Later, you can try to work with machine name instead of the IP address.

How do I test connection to REST API?

Steps for Testing REST APIStep 1) Open Advanced REST client. ... Step 2) Enter the URL of API to test. ... Step 3) Select the HTTP method. ... Step 4) Provide Headers set. ... Step 5) Confirm the Headers set. ... Step 6) Provide required Body content. ... Step 7) Submit the details to start the test.

How do I test API access?

API testing flow is quite simple with three main steps: Send the request with necessary input data. Get the response having output data. Verify that the response returned as expected in the requirement.

How do you write a test case for REST API?

How to write a REST API test case with Java scriptUse describe to create a script step. Every request should be in a step. ... To pass data to the next step or next N step use the following syntax: complete( DATA ) . ... To validate your results, call an assert method to validate the endpoint response.

How do you perform an API test?

API Testing Best PracticesTest for the typical or expected results first.Add stress to the system through a series of API load tests.Test for failure. ... Group test cases by test category.Prioritize API function calls so that it will be easy for testers to test quickly and easily.More items...

How do I test API postman?

In this article, we will learn how to do simple API Testing using Postman.Go to your workspace in Postman.Click on the + symbol to open a new tab.Enter the API Endpoint where it says, “Enter request URL” and select the method (action type GET, POST, etc.) for that request as shown below.Click on the Send button.

What is SOAP and REST API testing?

An API is designed to expose certain aspects of an application's business logic on a server, and SOAP uses a service interface to do this while REST uses URIs. While SOAP APIs are designed after the functions that the API exposes, REST APIs are designed after the data.

What is API testing example?

API tests use extreme conditions and inputs when analyzing applications. This removes vulnerabilities and guards the app from malicious code and breakage. API tests can be integrated with GUI tests. For example, integration can enable new users to be created within the app before a GUI test is performed.

How can I tell if an API URL is working?

7 Ways to Validate that Your APIs Are Working CorrectlyInvalid response codes.Invalid response headers.API time-outs.Slow API response with respect to response data bytes.Incorrect required data in JSON responses.Missing required text in response bodies.Slow response for customers in specific locations.

What are some good rest API test cases?

An API example and a test matrixTest Action CategoryTest Action DescriptionValidate headers:As in #1Performance sanity:As in #1Validate status code:1. Verify that an erroneous HTTP status code is sent (NOT 2XX) 2. Verify that the HTTP status code is in accordance with error case as defined in spec30 more rows

How can we automate API testing?

Automate Your API Tests with PostmanUnderstand the API. Explore API Doc → Import API specification. ... Build test suite. Write and run individual tests Doc → Verify in Postman Collection Runner. ... Work and verify with your team. Invite teammates to a workspace. ... Integrate with DevOps lifecycle. Export test suite.

What is REST API automation testing?

REST Assured is a Java library for testing RESTful APIs. It is widely used to test JSON and XML based web applications. Furthermore, it fully supports all methods including the GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE. Still, you are required to have Java, Maven, TestNG, and IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc.)

What do you test in API testing?

API test actionsVerify correct HTTP status code. For example, creating a resource should return 201 CREATED and unpermitted requests should return 403 FORBIDDEN, etc.Verify response payload. ... Verify response headers. ... Verify correct application state. ... Verify basic performance sanity.

What is API testing for beginners?

API Testing is a sort of software test that verifies Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The goal of API testing is to ensure that programming interfaces are functional, reliable, fast, and secure.

What framework to mock out rest APIs?

If on the other hand you want to "mock out" the rest APIs in that there is some sort of server giving you responses, which would be more in line of integration testing, you could try one of the many framework out there like restito, rest-driver or betamax.

Can you use Spring RestTemplate with mockrestserviceserver?

If you use Spring RestTemplate you can use MockRestServiceServer. An example can be found here REST Client Testing With MockRestServiceServer.

Can you unit test a client?

If you want to unit test your client, then you'd mock out the services that are making the REST API calls, i.e. with mockito - I assume you do have a service that is making those API calls for you, right?

Can you use testresttemplate in a test class?

You can also use this for end-to-end testing of your entire microservice in an environment with the mock created above. One way to do this is to inject TestRestTemplate into your test class, and use that to call your REST API in place of clientFunctionUnderTest from the example.

Does Spring Boot automatically establish REST?

Because OtherApiHooks is a @RestController in the test tree, Spring Boot will automatically establish the specified REST service when running the SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.

Can you use mockito in a test?

Configure your test class to use a WebEnvironment (a running server) and now your test can use Mockito in the standard way, returning ResponseEntity objects as needed:

What are the methods used in REST API testing?

There are mainly 4 methods involve in REST API automation testing like GET, POST, Delete, and PUT.

How to get Advanced Rest Client?

Select the “Advanced Rest Client” icon under chrome’ s app section – chrome://apps/

What are the different types of API testing methods?

In general API's are like below, they have server name, paths.., etc. There are mainly 4 types of API Testing methods: GET, POST, Delete, and PUT. GET - The GET method is used to extract information from the given server using a given URI.

What is API in programming?

An API or Application Programming Interface is a set of programming instructions for accessing a web-based software application. In other words, a set of commands used by an individual program to communicate with one another directly and use each other's functions to get information. For example, a Google website can have API for various functions ...

What do we need to test for API?

Mainly, for Web API Testing, we need to check response code, a response message, and response body.

What does Rest stand for in web services?

Rest stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style and an approach for communication used in the development of Web Services. REST has become a logical choice for building APIs. It enables users to connect and interact with cloud services efficiently.

What is GET method?

GET – The GET method is used to extract information from the given server using a given URI. While using GET request, it should only extract data and should have no other effect on the data.

What is Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) APIs?

The Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) APIs provide various Refinitiv data and content for developers via easy to use Web based API.

How to create an API collection?

You can create the APIs Collections by clicking the Collections tab, then click the right menu and choose the New Collection menu.

Can you export HTTP request?

You can export the HTTP Request Collection and Environment to the JSON files. The exported Collection JSON file will contain everything such as the Collection structure, HTTP URL, Request Body, Header, Tests, etc. Then you can share the JSON files with your colleagues to create the same HTTP test environment.

Does Thunder Client support scriptless testing?

The Thunder Client also supports the scriptless testing feature that lets you create basic tests via GUI-based without any manual script like the Postman. You can create the test cases in the Tests tab.

Can tokens be embedded in code?

Please be informed that all of your request information including the credentials, tokens will be embedded in the code too, so please be careful when sharing the snippet code.

Can you use defined variable in HTTP?

You can use the defined variable with the following syntax in your HTTP Request URL, Request Body, Header, and even the Test.

Does Environment JSON file contain credentials?

Note: Please note that the exported Environment JSON file always contains all of your credentials. Please clear your credentials, tokens before exporting the Environment and share them with your peers (or add to software version control).

Why is the UI test at the top of the test pyramid?

UI Tests. In the test pyramid, the UI test stands at the top because it’s the type of test you write after all modules and components have been integrated. Unlike the unit test or integration test, a UI test isn’t limited to a module or a unit of your application; it tests your application as a whole.

What is UI test for ecommerce app?

A UI test for our e-commerce app could verify that users can access the homepage and, within a certain amount of time, click on a link to view a product. We could do this with Nightwatch.js, an end-to-end testing package for Node.js apps, as follows:

What is a unit test?

A unit test verifies a small portion of your code independently from other modules of your application. If you’re not writing a “Hello World” app, usually your app will contain services and modules that are interconnected.

What is a test in refactoring?

Tests are controls that ensure that the intended behavior is preserved while you implement your changes. When you refactor code, you want to make sure you’re not accidentally modifying an existing behavior. Without tests, it’s difficult to know when you cross the boundary of refactoring. Tested code gives confidence.

Why is testing code important?

Tested code gives confidence. Nothing is as terrible as customers finding the bug you should have detected during tests. The more automated tests you have in your code, the more confident you become. Some bugs are very difficult to catch, regardless of how good of a programmer you are.

Is a unit test fast?

Nor are we testing the entire module; we’re testing a unit of work (a method) independent of other modules. Because a unit test does test a unit of code, it’s usually fast, and it always should be. If your unit tests take longer to run, chances are you’re doing something wrong.

Is it okay to test the module and leave the unit of work?

Isn’t it okay just to test the module and leave the unit of work? Again—no, it’s not! It’s the unit of work that makes up a module. The nastiest bug I’ve seen in production as an engineer happened at the unit level. If your code suffers defects at the unit level, it’ll propagate to your entire application.

What is the purpose of testing REST API?

The goal of testing REST API is to check individual functions. You need an application to interact with sample APIs, which are activities that require a testing tool and a code.

Why is REST API testing important?

REST API testing is the only reliable way to achieve this goal. From protecting users from malicious code to maximizing time efficiency, this tool can transform your UI.

What Is an API?

API is a set of rules for software that validates the capabilities of a new application in terms of performance, operations, and security. It uses rules to enable programs to connect to other files. Developers create APIs on servers to activate communications with clients.

What Is REST?

Developers created REST - a software architectural technique for designing networked applications - to guide the development of the World Wide Web. This method focuses on reducing latency and boosting security. Today, many software companies use it as a set of guidelines for creating reliable web services.

Why are APIs important?

APIs Ensure Proper Implementation: In software development, complex codes may sometimes lead to bugs. It’s impossible to prevent bugs when building software, but an API can help check a system’s functionalities to detect and fix them.

What are the four aspects of APIs?

Check that APIs Follow Proper Security Protocols: Here are four aspects to consider when you’re enhancing your site’s safety: parameter tampering, injection, input fuzzing, and unhandled HTTP systems.

What is a usability test?

Usability tests, also called user experience tests, measure the user-friendliness of a software. Experts run them to determine and fix defects that hinder seamless consumer operations. Remember to test the entire customer journey when using them, from logging in to authentication and purchase. Any error in the process can lead to lost clients.


Rest API Testing For Developer Experience

Hitch developer community portal co-founder Bruno Pedro told SmartBear that one value of the REST API is in creating and automating functional testing. “Testing REST APIs lets you confirm that a controlled input always generates predictable responses.” He went on to say that in order to have successful functional testing,
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The Three Levels of API Testing

  • “APIs, by their nature as being over-the-wire [or network protocol], allow for testing at a variety of levels: behavioral, contractual, and solution-oriented.” API architect and founder of LaunchAny API strategy and design agency James Higginbotham breaks down API testing into these three essential aspects: 1. Behavioral API testing ensures that it delivers expected behavior and handl…
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What You Need to Know For Testing Rest Apis

  • The basics of good API testing — and good software testing really — are the same — you have to do it early, often and continually, and much of it can be automated. What makes testing REST APIs particularly easy is because of the clear relationship between the data, made even clearer when used in conjunction with Hypermedia APIs. “Again in Hypermedia there are a lot of standar…
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Further Resources

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