Just do the factory reset option under the admin tab, then don't mess with any of the remote admin settings. By default DDWRT is locked down to not allow remote admin, you have to change the settings to enable remote admin. But it IS allowing remote admin.
Full Answer
How do I turn off Wi-Fi bands on DD-WRT?
Go to Wireless > Basic Settings page in DD-WRT settings Set Wireless Network Mode to Disabled for any band that you want to disable. Please note, older versions of DD-WRT or certain router models may not support this feature. Instead, users can turn off Wi-Fi bands via DD-WRT Wireless settings, as explained below.
How to access router remotely?
How to Access Router Remotely Part 1: Turn On remote sharing Turning on remote sharing on the router is easy. All you need to do is type the router IP or default gateway address in the web browser. Next, enter your username and password. Now, once you are in the router’s web portal, look for the Remote Managementoption.
How to enable SSH on DD-WRT?
DD-WRT build with working SSH SSH broken in 21061, fixed in builds >21676 2. Enable SSH service DD-WRT: Services > Services > Secure Shell > SSHd > Enable No need to enable SSH TCP Forwardingfor inbound connections.
What port does DD-WRT use for Wan?
80 [so modem web page can be accessed from WAN on port 8081 (as well as LAN on port 80)] Important: With WAN access enabled, set strongpasswords in both modem and DD-WRT. [edit]Alternate Method An alternate way to execute the above commands on startup if you have JFFS enabled is the following:

How do I access my DD WRT remotely?
Go to Administration -> Management -> Remote Access. Enable the necessary settings for remote Web or SSH access (note the WAN IP and port number), then in your main router forward that port to the WAN IP address of the Repeater.
What is the DD WRT default password?
adminThe default username is root and the default password is admin (from v23 SP1).
Is OpenWrt better than DD-WRT?
DD-WRT is a close, close second. It's proven to be a solid choice for custom router firmware, but it lacks in some features, customization, and update availability. OpenWrt is the best choice for most people with modern routers and with the time to sink into learning what exactly they can do with it.
How do I find my DD-WRT password?
Both routers have a password of "admin" by default. Click on "support and documentation" in your router's manufacturer's website to find out their default password.
How do I reset DD-WRT to default settings?
Turn the device on, and then hold the Factory Reset button for 30 seconds. After you release, it should be reset to the default username and password.
How do I change my DD-WRT WIFI password?
How do I change the wireless password in my DD-WRT Cloakbox VPN Router?Click on Wireless Tab.Click on the Wireless Security sub-tab.Change the WPA2/Personal Key to the value you like. ... Click Save.Restart the CloakBox.
What is the admin password for Linksys router?
admin”Linksys routers use “admin” as the default administrator password.
What does DD-WRT stand for?
DresDren-Wireless RouTerWhat Does DD-WRT Mean? DD-WRT (DresDren-Wireless RouTer) is a type of firmware for routers based on the Linux kernel. It was designed especially for 802.11a/b/g/h/n routers having the Broadcom or Atheros chipsets.
How to Turn Off WiFi Radio On A DD-WRT Router
Thankfully, DD-WRT offers a few easy options that you can utilize for turning off the WiFi completely, or just disabling the public broadcast of a wireless signal.
Disable WiFi In Older Wireless Routers and DD-WRT Builds
On older models, you can turn the WPS button into a radio toggle! This will allow you to be able to turn the Wi-Fi radio off physically by pushing a button on the router.
Benefits of DD-WRT FlashRouters
Our DD-WRT FlashRouters come with all of the tools you need to tweak your Wi-Fi radio and SSID broadcast options. On top of that, it comes with a heap of other features! Here’s a list of just some of them:
Best DD-WRT FlashRouters
Wondering which router might work for you? Take a look at our popular best DD-WRT routers page to find the right network centerpiece for your needs:
Where is Remote Management on Netgear router?
Some routers called it Remote Access and it’s usually found under Advanced Settings. On Netgear router, you can find this option under Settings > Remote Management.
How to share a router?
Part 1: Turn On remote sharing. Turning on remote sharing on the router is easy. All you need to do is type the router IP or default gateway address in the web browser. Next, enter your username and password. Now, once you are in the router’s web portal, look for the Remote Management option.
What is the IP address of a router?
8080. So, if your public IP address is, then you’ll have to type on the web browser. 1.
Can I connect an external hard drive to my router?
And finally, you can connect an external hard drive to your router and access it from anywhere.
Can I access my DDNS from my router?
So now that you have set up DDNS and remote access on your router, you can access it from anywhere via the Internet. In case you have an old router here are some tips on how to boost network on your old Wi-Fi
What subnet does DD-WRT use?
Note: Many modems come configured to use the 192.168.1.x sub net. This is the same subnet that DD-WRT uses for the LAN by default. You need to either set the modem to use a different subnet or set the router's LAN to use an IP in a different subnet such as so that they're not using the same subnet.
What is the best method to access modem interface?
A good, secure method for accessing modem interface (configuration) is SSH port forwarding, which can be accomplished with the following steps (with Apply Settings on each screen):
Does a router need an IP address?
In this case the router itself creates the PPPoE connection to the ISP server; but to work, the connection between the modem and the router must have an IP address. Usually the modem gives an address to the client; but this address will never be used except to access the configuration interface of the modem.
Is it good to have a router and a LAN port on the same subnet?
Modem and LAN should be different subnets as in the examples above. It's not good network topology to have router WAN port and LAN ports on the same subnet (even when 'it works').