Why can't I remote access HSBC Virtual Connect?
It looks like your remote device doesn't meet HSBC's security standards for remote access to HSBC Virtual Connect. Check and confirm the following conditions of your Microsoft Windows or macOS device: Your operating system is fully up to date with all the latest security patches. Check for any available updates and apply them to your device.
Does HSBC offer part-time jobs?
In 2021, HSBC announced that it would be making a permanent switch to remote work for its call center employees and moving to a hybrid work model for other team members. Flexible jobs posted in the past include part-time and remote opportunities.
What benefits does HSBC offer its employees?
This may vary according to your role and location. HSBC ’ s approach to remuneration consists of four main elements: A range of benefits, which may cover areas such as work-life balance, insurance and savings, health and personal development Employee share plans and discretionary pay awards based on performance
What is the pay structure at HSBC like?
This may vary according to your role and location. HSBC ’ s approach to remuneration consists of four main elements: Fixed pay. Annual leave. A range of benefits, which may cover areas such as work-life balance, insurance and savings, health and personal development. Employee share plans and discretionary pay awards based on performance.

How many employees are required to have a CEP with HSBC?
To avail of CEP with HSBC, a minimum of 10 employee accounts are required to be maintained by the corporate relationship along with formal acceptance of the terms associated with the Corporate Employee Programme.
What is HSBC wellness?
The Bank conducts financial wellness seminars designed to inform and empower you to manage major life events through financial planning. To know more or schedule a session for your corporate, reach out to your HR representative or our HSBC Corporate Account Manager.
What is IBC banking?
Our IBC (International Banking Centers) can support employees to setup banking accounts before they arrive in a new country, you can put our global expertise to good use.
What is Premier account?
An account with exclusive privileges to give you the Premier experience.
Does HSBC have a waiver?
Under the HSBC Corporate Employee Programme an employee of the corporate holding a salary account can avail of a waiver on the Total Relationship Balance (TRB) or Average Quarterly Balance (AQB), on the category of the accounts as may be applicable. However, such waivers will be subject to the employee being a part of the corporate and the account under CEP receiving a salary credit for three consecutive calendar months. In an event the above is not being met or in case the customer ceases to be an employee of the said corporate the account shall be subject to maintenance of the required TRB /AQB (as may be applicable) failing which the account shall levied with service charges towards non-maintenance of balance.
About HSBC
HSBC, which was founded as the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in 1865, is now one of the world's largest financial services corporations. As an employer, HSBC places great emphasis on its values of diversity, inclusion, and sustainability, which guide its assessment of prospective candidates.
For Research: Past Remote and Flexible Jobs at HSBC
We include these past jobs as a way for you to explore what kinds of remote and flexible jobs HSBC has hired for in the past and might be likely to hire for again in the future.
What is HSBC's commitment to work?
As part of HSBC’s commitment to an open, supportive and inclusive working environment, we recognise that our employees have different personal circumstances and want a suitable work-life balance. We support our staff to adopt flexible and alternative ways of working where possible, including working from home and different hours.
What are the benefits of HSBC?
HSBC ’ s approach to remuneration consists of four main elements: 1 Fixed pay 2 Annual leave 3 A range of benefits, which may cover areas such as work-life balance, insurance and savings, health and personal development 4 Employee share plans and discretionary pay awards based on performance
What is HSBC's remuneration?
HSBC ’ s approach to remuneration consists of four main elements: A range of benefits, which may cover areas such as work-life balance, insurance and savings, health and personal development. Employee share plans and discretionary pay awards based on performance.
Can you search for roles worldwide?
You can search the majority of our roles worldwide using the ‘All locations’ option. However we advertise some roles locally so you may wish to narrow your search to a specific country or territory if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
Can HSBC Global Wallet be used in multiple currencies?
HSBC Global Wallet users can make and receive payments in multiple currencies using a single account.