Remote-access Guide

hsis remote access guide

by Jonas O'Kon Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

To request a new (or renew an expired) HSIS RSA Token:

  1. Log on to the HSIS support site at
  2. Select the "Remote Access" box
  3. Select the "Remote Access" link

Full Answer

What is the Health Services Information Services Remote Access Guide?

The Health Services Information Services (HSIS) Remote Access Guide serves as a point of reference for all remote access users. What is Remote Access? By definition, Remote Access is the ability to access a computer, network, or network resource from outside of the network’s firewall.

How do I get help with HSIs remote access?

Contact Us If you require assistance, please contact the Health System Information Services (HSIS) Help Desk via e-mail at or by phone at (205) 934-8888. Title HSIS Remote Access Guide Author White, Reggie

How do I request a new HSIs RSA token?

To request a new (or renew an expired) HSIS RSA token, log on to the HSIS support site, select the “Remote Access” box, and then click the “Remote Access” link. The Microsoft Authenticator is currently used to access applications like Outlook Web Access (OWA—email, calendar, and contacts) from home and other external networks.

What is HSIs?

What is HSIS? The Highway Safety Information System is a multistate database that contains crash, roadway inventory, and traffic volume data for a select group of States. Download our brochure (PDF, 590 KB) to learn more.


What is HSIS at UAB?

Health Services Information ServicesThe Health Services Information Services (HSIS) Remote Access Guide serves as a point of reference for all remote access users. What is Remote Access? remote access via the UAB Citrix Storefront. The UAB Citrix Storefront can be found at the following web address:

How do I access my UAB email from home?

Office 365 - Setup for Android DevicesFrom the Applications menu, select Email. ... Type your full email address, for example,Select Exchange account. ... Enter the following account information and select Next.Domain\Username Type your full email address in this box.More items...

How do I get my UAB email on my Iphone?

Office 365 setup for iOSGo to your device's Settings, scroll down to Mail, tap Accounts >Add Account.Enter your Office 365 email address, password and a description of your account. ... If you're prompted to enter server settings, enter the following and tap Next.Email: your full email address ( items...

What is your blazer ID?

What is a BlazerID? A BlazerID is a computer login name that the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has deployed campus-wide. It is roughly equivalent to the screenname/"buddy list"/username identifier you may have used to access online services such as Google, Yahoo, or America Online.

How do I add my UAB email to my phone?

Or, go to Settings in the app > Add account. Enter your email address and password. Tap Sign in....Set up email as IMAP or POPDomain\Username. Make sure your full email address appears. ... Password. Use the password that you use to access your email.Server. ... Port. ... Security type.

What email does UAB use?

UAB provides email services to faculty, staff, and students through Microsoft Office 365. UAB email and other electronic messaging technologies are intended for communication between individuals and clearly identified groups of interested individuals, not for mass broadcasting.

How do I change my UAB email password?

Enter your current password and click Sign in. 4) Once you have authenticated, click CHANGE PASSWORD on the Password tile. 5) Enter your current password, type your new password twice in the fields below, then click Submit.

How do I find my UAB student number?

If you are a UAB student, then you have a 9- character Banner ID number which starts with the letter 'B'. The registration form should accept either of these. If you are an employee of a UAB Health System affiliate such as HSF, UABHS, CEFH, etc., you will need to enter your Social Security Number (SSN).

What is HSIS?

The Highway Safety Information System is a multistate database that contains crash, roadway inventory, and traffic volume data for a select group of States. Download our brochure (PDF, 590 KB) to learn more. HSIS is managed by VHB under contract with FHWA.

How were the participating states selected?

The participating States were selected based on the quality and quantity of data available, and their ability to merge data from various files.

What type of token do you need for HSIS?

For HSIS systems and the hospital network, you will need two different types: an RSA Token and Microsoft's Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).

How to remotely connect to a desktop?

Remotely connecting to your office desktop can be easily facilitated by calling DOM IT HelpDesk. Depending on which network (Campus or Hospital) your office computer is on, you will need a VPN software (either UAB VPN or HSIS VPN) and native Remote Desktop tool to connect to your office computer. Contact DOM IT first.

Does UAB require VPN?

VPN software is necessary for certain UAB core/central applications. You can download UAB VPN from Installation instructions can be found there as well.

Does DOM IT have permission to place orders?

Please note: DOM IT does not have permission in Oracle/Lawson to place your orders. Please contact your own financial person for assistance.

Is HSIS VPN required?

HSIS VPN is necessary for remote access to most HSF financial and/or clinical applications. You can submit your own request for HSIS VPN and RSA token (for two-factor authentication) here. Be sure to ask for a FULL VPN profile.

Which VPN should be used for clinical staff?

Clinical employees should use the HSIS/Hospital VPN, while research and academic staff should use the Campus VPN.

What is Citrix for?

Citrix is primarily for the clinical users, HSF financial users, or researchers needing clinical data. HSIS Citrix provides remote gateway to many clinical (i.e. IMPACT), financial, collaborative applications. You will need a RSA token for the passcode.

Why use VPN on UAB?

VPN is used to connect remote users to UAB resources that are restricted for reasons of security and/or licensing constraints. VPN access is available for both campus employees and hospital employees.

Can Cisco VPN be used for both Campus and HSIS VPN?

The same Cisco VPN client can be used for both Campus and HSIS VPN profiles and can be interchanged.

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