Remote-access Guide

html localhost remote access

by Jerome Purdy Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I access my site from localhost?

For example, if you wanted to access the site from localhost:5000 enter 5000. In the Local address text box on the right, enter the IP address or hostname on which your site is hosted on the web server running in your development machine, followed by the port number. For example, if your site is running on localhost:7331 enter localhost:7331.

Is it possible to access to localhost from remote machine?

Is it possible to access to localhost from remote machine? You can use a service that provides a tunnel to your local service, such as localtunnel, pagekite or ngrok. These services simplify setting up remote demos, mobile testing and some provide request inspection as well.

How do I open an HTML file in a local host?

Originally Answered: How do I open an HTML file in a local host? localhost which is visited by going to http://localhost, is only possible by viewing a default web site on the local computer. No Internet is required, however the computer must have web server software running to host a web site.

How to make localhost accessible from another computer on Windows?

Here are the steps to make localhost accessible from any computer on the same local network. Make localhost accessible from another computer on Windows. Go to Windows Firewall settings and click on advanced settings.


How do I access my localhost remotely?

Open any browser you like and type http://localhost:9999 and it will work like a charm. After you are done using close the terminal SSH session.

How do I access localhost from another device?

Open your terminal or command prompt and type ipconfig and just press enter key. You'll see like these: Just look at your IPv4 address and write it anywhere. Step 3: View your application on other devices.

How do I expose my localhost Internet?

You are accesing localhost , meaning you have a web server running on your machine. To access it from Internet, you need to assign a public IP address to your machine. Then you can access http://:/ . Port number is normally 80.

How do I make my localhost accessible from local network?

You should follow these steps:Go to the control panel.Inbound rules > new rules.Click port > next > specific local port > enter 8080 > next > allow the connection>Next > tick all (domain, private, public) > specify any name.Now you can access your localhost by any device (laptop, mobile, desktop, etc).More items...•

How do I connect to localhost 8080?

Hold down the Windows key and press the R key to open the Run dialog. Type “cmd” and click OK in the Run dialog. Verify the Command Prompt opens. Type “netstat -a -n -o | find "8080"".

What is the URL for localhost?

For example, a locally installed website may be accessed from a Web browser by the URL http://localhost to display its home page. The name localhost normally resolves to the IPv4 loopback address 127.0. 0.1, and to the IPv6 loopback address ::1.

What is the IP address of localhost? default internal loop IP for the localhost is usually 127.0. 0.1 . This IP is different from the IP that identifies the computer on the network.

How can I access my website from outside my local network?

Use a VPN. If you connect to your local area network by using a virtual private network (VPN), you don't have to open your PC to the public internet. Instead, when you connect to the VPN, your RD client acts like it's part of the same network and be able to access your PC.

How do I host a localhost website?

3 AnswersInstall a webserver.Expose the port it runs on (probably 80) to the Internet. port forwarding from the router. public IP address assigned to the computer running the webserver.Set up an A record for your DNS to point to the IP address you are running the server on.

How can I access a web server from another computer?

6 AnswersOpen Terminal. app . It's under Applications->Utilities .Run ifconfig in the terminal. That shows you all the network interfaces on the machine. ... Verify that you can connect to that address from your server with nc -v 3000 . ( replace 3000 with the port your application is running on)

Can I access localhost from my phone?

You can access your host machine with the IP address "10.0. 2.2". This has been designed in this way by the Android team. So your webserver can perfectly run at localhost and from your Android app you can access it via "".

How can I access a web server from another computer?

6 AnswersOpen Terminal. app . It's under Applications->Utilities .Run ifconfig in the terminal. That shows you all the network interfaces on the machine. ... Verify that you can connect to that address from your server with nc -v 3000 . ( replace 3000 with the port your application is running on)

What is the IP address of localhost? default internal loop IP for the localhost is usually 127.0. 0.1 . This IP is different from the IP that identifies the computer on the network.

How is it Possible to Access localhost From Anywhere?

It’s possible through secure tunnel services online! These are services that provide you with a tunnel from the Internet to your machine.

Can you restrict access to a ngrok?

Like ngrok, you can restrict access via password:

Is proxylocal free?

ProxyLocal appears to be a much smaller-scale tunneling service that runs on Ruby. It is completely free and could be a good budget option for students and those needing a tunneling service very infrequently.

How to access localhost on Android?

In the Device port textbox on the left, enter the localhost port number from which you want to be able to access the site on your Android device. For example, if you wanted to access the site from localhost:5000 enter 5000.

How to map a custom domain?

To map a custom domain you must run a proxy server on your development machine. Examples of proxy servers are Charles, Squid, and Fiddler. To set up port forwarding to a proxy: Run the proxy server and record the port that it is using. Note. The proxy server and your web server must run on different ports. Set up port forwarding to your Android ...

What is custom domain mapping?

Custom domain mapping enables you to view content on an Android device from a web server on your development machine that is using a custom domain.

How to make localhost accessible from another computer?

Make localhost accessible from another computer on Windows. Go to Windows Firewall settings and click on advanced settings. 2. In the Inbound rules, click on “New Rule” option and a wizard window will pop up. 3. In the wizard there are five steps. In the first step you have to select type of rule . Since we are to allow traffic for a specific port.

What port is my web server listening on?

If you don’t know on which port your web server is listening on then it is the number that you specify after ” : ” symbol in URL bar of your web browser while opening localhost on your computer. Eg: If you type “localhost:8000” or “” to access localhost on your computer then your web server is listening on port number “8000”. But If you don’t specify any number, that is you only type “localhost” or “” then your browser implicitly enters default port. which is port number “80”. That means your web server is listening on port number “80”.

What does bind_address mean?

However, an explicit bind_address may be used to bind the connection to a specific address. The bind_address of “localhost” indicates that the listening port be bound for local use only, while an empty address or ‘*’ indicates that the port should be available from all interfaces. Share. Improve this answer.

How to find my IP address?

Search Google for ‘my i p’ and take a look at what your IP address is now.

What port is Chrome on Android?

For example, if your web server is using the custom domain chrome.devtools on port 7331, when you view the site from your Android device you should be using the URL chrome.devtools:7331.

How to see port forwarding status on Android?

To view the content, open up Chrome on your Android device and go to the localhost port that you specified in the Device port field. For example, if you entered 5000 in the field, then you would go to localhost:5000.

What is custom domain mapping?

Custom domain mapping enables you to view content on an Android device from a web server on your development machine that is using a custom domain.

What are some examples of proxy servers?

Examples of proxy servers are Charles, Squid, and Fiddler. To set up port forwarding to a proxy: Run the proxy server and note the port that it's using. Note: The proxy server and your web server must run on different ports. Set up port forwarding to your Android device.

How to change proxy settings on Android?

Configure proxy settings on your device # 1 On your Android device go to Settings > Wi-Fi. 2 Long-press the name of the network that you are currently connected to. Note: Proxy settings apply per network. 3 Tap Modify network. 4 Tap Advanced options. The proxy settings display. 5 Tap the Proxy menu and select Manual. 6 For the Proxy hostname field, enter localhost. 7 For the Proxy port field, enter the port number that you entered for device port in the previous section. 8 Tap Save.

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