We have no plans to allow admin access remotely to Hubitat Elevation. As others have said, the best bet is a VPN. It doesn't have to be built into your router. There are several good standalone VPN solutions that can work. OpenVPN is so lightweight, you could run it on an rPI or similar and forward the ports on your router to it.
Full Answer
How do I Manage my hubitat elevation hubs remotely?
You can securely administer all your Hubitat Elevation hubs with an optional monthly subscription to Remote Admin. Easy remote administration enables you to set rules, manage devices, and adjust settings while away from home. NOTE: Remote Admin is an optional subscription service and is not required to access your hub from a local network.
What is the cost of hubitat remote admin?
Remote Admin is offered as an optional subscription service to anyone running 2.2.6 or later for $2.99/month. One subscription gives you Remote Admin for all Hubitat Elevation hubs on your account. Your Remote Admin subscription renewal may be cancelled any time and your Remote Access will remain available until the end of the subscription period.
What is hubitat and how does it work?
Hubitat is a non-internet dependent home automation hub and has complete local processing. Having the ability to backup and restore not only your apps but all of your devices, as well. This is a feature that everybody wants, but does not have."
How do I switch between hubitat and dashboard?
You can switch between Hubitats using a single instance of the Android app. Use Teamviewer. It's easy, works reliably and is free. For dashboards, just use the url provided for Cloud access to your dashboards and access them using the Chrome browser. OMG please don’t... Not a hubitat thing.. Just not a good idea security wise on any IOT devices..

Can I control Hubitat remotely?
You can securely administer all your Hubitat Elevation hubs with an optional monthly subscription to Remote Admin. Easy remote administration enables you to set rules, manage devices, and adjust settings while away from home.
How do I access Hubitat dashboard remotely?
If you need a user to have access to multiple Dashboards, you will need to share the Dashboard Menu Links with them. Using a mobile device, you can capture the QR code for Dashboard Local and Cloud links, or you can copy the URL from the link above each QR code.
Is there a monthly fee for Hubitat?
Hub Protect is offered as an optional subscription services to anyone running 2.2. 6 or later for $29.95/year. Each hub requires its own subscription. If you receive a warranty replacement hub via Hub Protect, your Hub Protect subscription will be transferred to the new hub.
Does Hubitat have an app?
The Hubitat Elevation mobile app is now available for iOS in the Apple App Store and for Android devices in Google Play Store. The mobile app allows users remote access to their Hubitat Dashboards to monitor and control devices from anywhere with an internet connection.
Is Hubitat going out of business?
The bad news is that for U.S. and North American users, the Hubitat device is currently sold out. Home Assistant and Home Assistant Blue: Now we're getting to a class of automation software that you can download on your own computing device and tweak to your heart's content.
Does Hubitat have WiFi?
You can also add a compatible WiFi dongle to allow your hub to join a WiFi network without the need to attach an Ethernet cable. NOTE: WiFi dongles are not included with Hubitat Elevation. For maximum reliability, connect Hubitat Elevation to your network with an Ethernet cable whenever possible.
Should I use Hubitat?
It takes time to master Hubitat, but if you want to make the best out of your smart home and have many smart home devices, Hubitat is an excellent choice for you. The Hubitat offers amazing compatibility with devices, as well as tight-knit security.
What can Hubitat do?
Hubitat is a non-internet dependent home automation hub and has complete local processing. Having the ability to backup and restore not only your apps but all of your devices, as well. This is a feature that everybody wants, but does not have."
What is wink hub?
The Wink Hub allows your diverse collection of smart products to speak the same wireless language, so that you can easily control them—and customize their interactions—from the Wink app. CONNECTION. Required to connect Wink Hub Compatible products to the Wink app.
Does Hubitat work with Home Assistant?
I just got into Home Assistant a few weeks ago (spun it up as a VM) and quickly found the Hubitat Integration for Home Assistant integration and it hit me just like you - use Hubitat for the devices that require radios.
Does Hubitat support HomeKit?
When you share the virtual device from Hubitat Elevation via Hoobs, the HomeKit Controller integration in Home Assistant will bring it into Home Assistant. So you simply create a basic automation in Home Assistant for the two states of the HomeKit enabled Xiaomi devices.
How do I add a phone to Hubitat?
Install the Hubitat Mobile app on Android Install the Hubitat Elevation mobile app on the Android phone you want to have presence detection capabilities, and when prompted choose the link Allow in settings. NOTE: Presence detection is optional.
Does ActionTiles work with Hubitat?
You will be able to use the Hubitat Elevation platform with ActionTiles for an extended period of time, free of charge, while we iron out any kinks that come up. When the integration will be deemed stable, a standard 14-day free trial period will begin after advanced notice.
What is Maker API?
From Hubitat Documentation. This API is a simple HTTP GET API that allows you to get the status of your authorized devices and interact with them.
How do I remove Hubitat dashboard?
Go to the Hubitat Dashboards app and select the dashboard you want to delete. Scroll to the bottom and select Remove.
What is Hubitat home automation?
Hubitat is a non-internet dependent home automation hub and has complete local processing. Having the ability to backup and restore not only your apps but all of your devices, as well. This is a feature that everybody wants, but does not have.".
Is Hubitat a non-internet hub?
"I am thrilled that I finally found a product that I can rely on. Hubitat is a non-internet dependent home automation hub and has complete local processing. Having the ability to backup and restore not only your apps but all of your devices, as well. This is a feature that everybody wants, but does not have."
Is Hubitat a cloud based solution?
By combining the advantages of local automation processing with cloud IoT connectivity, Hubitat's innovative Hubitat Elevation hub ensures personal data privacy and is more reliable and responsive than competitive cloud-based solutions. Hubitat Elevation is compatible with popular home automation devices, comes with a variety of built-in apps, and has an active user community to share ideas, insights and solutions.
Why reboot my hub?
Please reboot the Hub to ensure Remote Admin will be available for your hub.
Can you remotely manage Hubitat?
You can securely administer all your Hubitat Elevation hubs with an optional monthly subscription to Remote Admin. Easy remote administration enables you to set rules, manage devices, and adjust settings while away from home.
Is remote admin required to access hub?
NOTE: Remote Admin is an optional subscription service and is not required to access your hub from a local network.
Hubitat Elevation Remote Access Backdoor
I recently got into home automation and Hubitat seemed to be the king of local/cloud-free hubs. Had some issues with some rules, and while working with support, found out they have an undocumented remote access into the hub, including full read access to logs and devices.
Hubitat Elevation Platform update 2.2.9 is now available
Another update, another step forward towards improving user experience. Adding a device to Hubitat Elevation has never been easier.
Physical switch push not seen by Hubitat - help
I just switched from Vera to Hubitat and added some existing eVolve smart z-wave dimmer switches. The switches work fine but the Hubitat does not see physical switch pushes, only digital. This makes programming some scenes impossible. Any ideas to get Hubitat to see the physical button push? Thanks
Blue Iris with external motion sensor & SMS
Goal: When a 3rd-party motion sensor goes off, take a snapshot from an IP camera (Hikvision) and fire a picture text off to my phone.
Do I need an Echo for Dots to work with Hubitat?
Basically, the title. I want to use Alexa for voice control but I also want to have the control and zwave options with Hubitat.