How is this computer system for user authorization and authentication protected?
This computer system, and all the systems associated with this system for User Authorization and Authentication, are protected by a computer security system; unauthorized access to these systems is not permitted; and usage may be monitored.
What is the flexiplace policy for HUD?
This policy sets forth the authority, policy, and responsibilities for the administration of the Flexiplace Program, to include telework, remote work, and mobile work, within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for most full- and part-time employees.
How do I protect my HUD information when I telecommute?
Telecommuters must ensure that all HUD information is protected under the terms of the Privacy Act and HUD ADP security requirements. If a telecommuter is utilizing a personal home computer for telecommuting purposes, they are strictly prohibited from copying HUD related documents to the hard/floppy drive of the home computer.
What do you need to know about working for HUD?
Technology: The employee must have appropriate access to secure, reliable internet service that will accommodate remote access to HUD programs at the alternative worksite, if required to perform the duties of the position. 3.

How do I log into my HUD account?
You must have a valid WASS User ID and password to log in to HUD Secure Systems. There are two log on screens: one for HA users and one for HUD users: HA users should use: https://hudapps.hud.gov/HUD_Systems. HUD users should use: https://hudapps.hud.gov/ssmaster/
What is HUD secure systems?
HUD's Online Secure Systems provide a variety of tools for Property Managers, Owners, Agents and Service Bureaus of multifamily properties. To be able to access these tools, you must register as either a Coordinator or User.
What does HUD PIC stand for?
The Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) developed a state of the art system to improve the submission of information to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The IMS/PIC facilitates more timely and accurate exchanges of data between Housing Authorities (HAs) and Local HUD Offices.
How do I access eLOCCS?
eLOCCS is accessed through the HUD internet portal called Secure Systems.
What is Fassub?
Industry users access the Financial Assessment Subsystem – Multifamily Housing (FASSUB) through the Internet. However, if a user does not possess specific permissions for FASSUB, their ability to submit data is denied.
What is a 50058 HUD?
Form 50058 is a module of IMS/PIC, a system that collects, stores, and generates reports on families who participate in Public Housing or Section 8 rental subsidy programs.