Remote-access Guide

humboldt county remote access records

by Emory Kreiger Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How long does it take to get a record in Humboldt County?

Following completion of this form, your request will be processed by the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office Records Division within 7 to 10 business days. You will be notified when records are available for pick up. All fees are due at the time of pick up.

What is the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office?

The Humboldt County Sheriff's Office has an established process for requesting copies of cases and other information gathered during a law enforcement investigation entitled to specific individuals as defined in California Government Code § 6254 (f ): the victims of an incident, or an authorized representative thereof, an insurance carrier against which a claim has been or might be made, and any person suffering bodily injury or property damage or loss as a result of the below listed crimes. Additionally, autopsy and toxicology reports may be requested by any member of the public utilizing this records request process.

What is the county record unit?

Records Unit. The Records Division, under the direction of the Records Supervisor, is the county repository for criminal records, including criminal offender registrations.

Jury Summons Response

Respond to your online summons here. You will need your jury information to begin.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

View information and resources about resolving legal disputes through ADR.

Small Claims

Small claims court is a special court where disputes are resolved quickly and inexpensively.

What are Humboldt County Vital Records?

Humboldt County vital records contain details of life events that happen in the county. Vital records include records of county marriages, divorces, births, and deaths, and are available at different government agencies. Most Humboldt vital records are open to the general public. However, only a small group of authorized persons may obtain certified copies.

Are Property Records Open to the Public in Humboldt County?

Property records generated in Humboldt are public and open to the members of the public for retrieval and viewing. In Humboldt County, property records are housed and indexed with the Humboldt Court Clerk. However, the Humboldt County Property Assessor also maintains an online searchable portal. The Humboldt county court clerk has its office located at:

Are Humboldt County Criminal Records Public?

Access to Humboldt County criminal records varies, depending on the information and requester. For instance, California law allows access to certain employers of labor, such as public utility organizations, security outfits, child or elderly care organizations, and other similar requestors. Interested persons arrested or charged for various offenses may also obtain copies of personal records. However, Humboldt County law enforcement agencies do not process other third-party requests for criminal records.

What is the county recorder?

The County Recorder is responsible for the recordation, scanning/microfilming and indexing of Real Estate Transactions, Mining Claim Locations and Assessment Work, Contracts, Leases, Judgments, Marriage Certificates, UCC / Fixture Filing Statements, Liens, Maps and other Miscellaneous Documents.

What is the recorder's office?

The Recorder’s Office is pledged to provide the public with efficient, quality service and accurate, legible and easily retrievable records and to provide safe and well organized storage of those records.

Does the county recorder give legal advice?

The County Recorder does not provide legal advice of any kind (per Nevada Revised Statutes 7.285). The County Recorder does not provide information regarding property taxes or change of address for tax statements (this information is available from the County Treasurer ).

Humboldt County Court Caseload Data and Trends

Depending on the local authorities practices, and political and economic climates, court case tallies will vary from year to year in specific areas of Humboldt County, CA.

Most Popular Court Cases

You can tell a lot about an area by the types of legal issues that appear in county courts.

Juvenile Delinquency in Humboldt, CA

Unfortunately, in many areas of the Humboldt County, juvenile delinquency offenses are on the rise. There are many reasons for the inflation in youth offenders. The juvenile sentence in California often depends on the severity of the crime, the number of charges, and other family matters.

What is the court of appeals in Humboldt County?

In the state of Nevada, the Court of Appeals has the power to oversee any lower court case in which one party appeals. These lower courts often refer to one of the 16 superior or trial courts found across Nevada’s 16 counties, including Humboldt County. Humboldt County residents can access court records at:

Who was the city of Humboldt named after?

It was named after the Humboldt River, which was named by John C. Frémont, after Alexander von Humboldt, a German naturalist, traveler, and statesman.

What is state records? is a privately owned, independently run resource for government-generated public records. It is not operated by, affiliated or associated with any state, local or federal government or agency.

Is StateRecords a consumer reporting agency? is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA") and should not be used to determine an individual's eligibility for personal credit or employment, tenant screening or to assess risk associated with a business transaction. You understand and agree that you may not use information provided by for any unlawful purpose, such as stalking or harassing others, and including for any purpose under the FCRA.

Can you access public records in Humboldt County?

Humboldt County citizens can access and copy all public records. Humboldt County citizens have the right to access these files since Nevada passed the Public Records Law in 1911. Members of the public in Humboldt County can obtain public records in-person at:

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