Where is access community health-Hutt Valley/National Office?
Access Community Health – Hutt Valley/National Office, providing Home Care services in Petone, Wellington, New Zealand. The following description is a generic description for the category and does not necessarily reference all the services/ procedures offered by Access Community Health – Hutt Valley/National Office.
What remote access options does Vava support?
VA supports remote access with two different applications 1. Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) and 2. CISCO RESCUE VPN Client. The Citrix Access Gateway is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) – CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat.
How do I request remote access to CAG or rescue?
Users would still need to request remote access and have their remote access accounts enabled for use with either CAG or RESCUE. You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network).
How do I access your remote legal services?
To access our remote service please fill in the webform below and provide as much detail as possible about your legal issue. The more information you give us the quicker we can be, if you do not give us the names of the other people involved we may not be able to help you. All of this information is kept confidential.

How to request remote access VA?
You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network).
How to disable automatic server selection in VPN?
In the VPN tab of the setting screen, uncheck Enable automatic server selection. Close the settings.
What is a rescue GFE?
RESCUE GFE provides a security posture check and ensures VA data is encrypted from the end device into the VA trusted network. Prior to the device connecting and being allowed onto the VA trusted network the system is checked for multiple security baselines.
Is PIV card reader site specific?
Today, the distribution of PIV card readers is site-specific. We are discussing the possibility of alternative distribution methods. If distribution processes or procedures change, we will provide updated instructions.
Does RESCUE GFE support Windows 10?
This software is installed on all GFE laptops prior to being provided to the user. Currently RESCUE GFE supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and MAC OSX.