Remote-access Guide

hws remote access

by Leta Romaguera Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Accessing campus computers remotely requires the Splashtop Business App. If you have used Splashtop in a previous semester you should already have this installed on your computer. 1. Open the Splashtop Business App 2. Click Single Sign-On Login 3. At the HWS log in screen, enter your HWS credentials

Full Answer

Who created the Hobart and William Smith guide for academic continuity during disruption?

Note: This document was adapted from a document created by Jenae Cohn and Brian Seltzer, Stanford University, California. Their work was outstanding and served as the basis for Hobart and William Smith Colleges guide for Academic Continuity During Disruption.

How to work from home?

Working from home can be challenging, and a routine is more important than ever – especially if your classes are offered asynchronously. Think about how you can create a structured day. Some good practices include: 1 Try to do as much work as you can early in the day, or at least during daylight hours. 2 Try to start each day at the same time; sleeping in on “late” days is like giving yourself jetlag every other day! 3 Divide your day into manageable “chunks” – spend 1-2 hours at a time on one course, then take a short break and move on to something else. 4 At the same time, don’t multitask or microtask: give yourself long enough at a stretch to complete a reading, or a module, or a problem set. 5 Schedule frequent breaks to get up and move! Outdoors if possible, but definitely away from your phone or laptop. 6 Work with your family to make sure that they understand your schedule, and that you will need to stick to it. If they know that you need to spend 2:00-3:00 pm reading for your 3:30 Zoom meeting, they won’t ask you to walk the dog at 2:30. 7 Just like on campus, make sure to schedule time for exercise! 8 Make sure you are scheduling free time and mealtimes, and give yourself an end-time each night. Draw some boundaries around your academic work so that you can relax and spend time with family.

Is working from home important?

Working from home can be challenging, and a routine is more important than ever – especially if your classes are offered asynchronously. Think about how you can create a structured day. Some good practices include:

Do my accommodations still apply during remote instruction?

Yes, all accommodations should still be honored during this period. Please note that CTL does not have specific information about how each course will be delivered. Reach out to your instructors to discuss how changes in instruction will impact you.


Hobart and William Smith Colleges considers working remotely to be a viable alternate work arrangement in cases where individual, job and supervisor characteristics are best suited to such an arrangement. Working remotely allows an employee to work at home or in a satellite location for all of their regular workweek.

Remote Worker Policy

Hobart and William Smith Colleges considers working remotely to be a viable alternate work arrangement in cases where individual, job and supervisor characteristics are best suited to such an arrangement. Working remotely allows an employee to work at home or in a satellite location for all of their regular workweek.

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