How can I take my next ICC certification exam?
Taking your next ICC certification exam is now more convenient, more comfortable and more efficient than ever before. With ICC PRONTO, you can take many of ICC’s exams online, at your convenience, from any secure location. ICC currently offers 100+ exams on the PRONTO testing platform. Visit our Exam Catalog to get started!
How do I contact ICC staff for help with cdpaccess?
If you'd like to contact ICC staff for help with cdpACCESS you can reach us by emailing cdpACCESS@iccsafe.org Trouble Logging In?
Where can I find more information about remote virtual inspections (RVI)?
For more information, read the Code Council's "Recommended Practices for Remote Virtual Inspections (RVI)" Available for free download or purchase print copies via the ICC Store. We'd love your feedback and thoughts on Remote Virtual Inspections.
Why take an ICC Pronto online exam?
With advanced exam security features you can be confident in the integrity of the testing process and exam results. Plan your exam for the day and time most convenient for you—PRONTO is available 24/7. Eliminate the waiting period and know your results immediately upon exam completion. Curious about what an ICC PRONTO online exam is all about?

Can you take ICC Test Online?
With ICC PRONTO, you can take many of ICC's exams online, at your convenience, from any secure location. ICC currently offers 100+ exams on the PRONTO testing platform. Visit our Exam Catalog to get started!
How much does the ICC exam cost?
ICC Contractors Authorized Voucher Price ListVoucher TypeCurrencyExam PriceICC Contractors Authorized $100 PPD VoucherUSD100.00ICC Contractors Authorized $115 PPD VoucherUSD115.00Feb 3, 2020
What is the ICC certification?
What is the ICC Certification Exam? The International Code Council (ICC) has developed and oversees testing programs and certifications for building code enforcement and construction professionals throughout the United States. Their goal is to educate on proper safety procedures.
What is the ICC website?
ICC - International Code Council - ICC.
How hard is the ICC exam?
The E2 Commercial Electrical Inspector Certification exam is an open-book exam. The exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions and requires a minimum passing score of 75 percent. You have 3.5 hours to complete the test.
How do I study for the ICC exam?
Get in the Study Zone!Buy Code Books / References. If you know which references you need for your exam, you can purchase your reference books through the ICC Store. ... Review Your Exam's Content Outline. ... Take Courses with ICC Training.
How many ICC certifications are there?
23 certificationsContractor and Trade Certifications ICC offers 23 certifications for various contractor and trade professions, including building contractor, residential building contractor, journeyman plumber, master plumber, maintenance electrician,and low-voltage electrician.
What is an ICC code specialist?
A Code Specialist Designation is granted after a candidate passes a specific examination module and obtains various certifications in code enforcement, plans examination, residential inspection, and/or commercial inspection in a specific trade.
What are ICC materials?
On the other hand, ICC mainly focuses on fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) that is lightweight, strong and rustproof material made of a polymer matrix reinforced with fibers such as carbon and glass.
What can the ICC do?
The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.
Is ICC online?
Take a look at our robust online course selection! These courses you can take at your leisure on your schedule! Looking for a courses specific to an ICC Standard? Look no further, they are all here.
What states are not party to the ICC?
Believe it or not, the three first world powers – United States, Russia, and China – aren't part of the ICC, each for its own particular reasons.
How much does a certification cost?
AWS Professional Certification Exam Costs – $300AWS Professional CertificationCostAWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional$300AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional$300Feb 25, 2019
How much does the CCNA 200 301 exam cost?
$300The 200-301 CCNA exam price is $300.
How much does CCIE exam cost?
A CCIE is a long-term career goal worth considering for IT professionals serious about their networking careers. Exam costs: Written exams are $450. Lab exams are $1,600 per attempt (available only at specific Cisco sites worldwide). Pearson VUE is Cisco's authorized test delivery partner.
How much does it cost to take the CCNA exam?
Exams CostLevelExamPrice in $USD, plus taxAssociate level examsCisco Certifed Network Associate (200-301) CyberOps Associate (200-201) DevNet Associate (200-901)$300Professional level examsCCNP Core exams (350-xxx)$400CCNP Concentration exams (300-xxx)$300Expert level examsCCDE Written exam (400-007)$4507 more rows
Remote Virtual Inspections
Remote Virtual Inspections (RVI) are a method of inspection that allows the needed inspections to proceed in a timely manner by the owner or contractor located on the jobsite and the inspector or inspection teams performing the inspection remotely.
We'd love your feedback and thoughts on Remote Virtual Inspections. Click here.
If you would like to schedule someone to speak to your organization about cdpACCESS, please email cdpACCESS@iccsafe.org and we will be happy to arrange a webinar for you.
Support Options
ICC is committed to supporting our members as we translate into cdpACCESS for our code development process. You can find help any of the following ways:
Featured Events
Home Educator Day Fri, Feb 25 @ 8:30 am - 12 pm East Peoria Campus, Academic Building, Tranquility Room, 209A/210A The ICC Home Educator Day is a special event designed for home-educated students preparing for college and their parents.
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