Setting up an iConnect for remote access is simple enough—port forwarding is handled automatically if you have a UPnP-compatible router; otherwise, you must manually forward port 443 for SSL (and in that case, you’ll also want to assign the iConnect a static IP, or at least a reserved DHCP address).
Full Answer
What is IBM iConnect access?
IBM iConnect Access enables enterprise users or guests of the system to seamlessly collaborate with diagnostic quality resolution regardless of location. Easily enable patient access to medical images through their health provider’s patient portal with IBM iConnect Access.
How can IBM iConnect access help with patient access to images?
Easily enable patient access to medical images through their health provider’s patient portal with IBM iConnect Access. Interactive segmentation with IBM iConnect Access enables 3D printing for healthcare.
How do I request access to the Citrix Access Gateway?
Form to request access to the Citrix Access Gateway. You must sign and fax to 205-638-6119. · The Training Sandbox is available from many machines inside Children’s of Alabama.
What is it like to work at iceconnect?
I've worked with Chuck, Mus and the Iceconnect team for the last 4 years and it's been a great experience. They're really friendly and always take the time to explain complex things in a simple, straightforward way. They're also flexible and are happy to adapt to different ways of working.

Universal viewing and image exchange
Share and exchange images across the enterprise with IBM iConnect Access, a FDA 510 (k) cleared and CE-marked zero-download universal viewer that enables collaboration through the viewing of DICOM and non-DICOM images in a single pane of glass.
Why IBM iConnect Access?
Integrate MIP, MPR, curved MPR, color volume renderings, sculpting, segmentation, and calcium scoring.
IBM iConnect Access details
Discover how IBM iConnect Access empowers collaboration across the enterprise.