What is the International Fire Code (IFC)?
The International Fire Code® (IFC ®) is a model code that regulates minimum fire safety requirements for new and existing buildings, facilities, storage and processes. The IFC addresses fire prevention, fire protection, life safety and safe storage and use of hazardous materials in new and existing buildings, facilities and processes.
What is the purpose of the IFC?
The IFC addresses fire prevention, fire protection, life safety and safe storage and use of hazardous materials in new and existing buildings, facilities and processes. The IFC provides a total approach of controlling hazards in all buildings and sites, regardless of the hazard being indoors or outdoors.
What is the International fire code for fire apparatus access roads?
Fire apparatus access roads shall be in accordance with this appendix and all other applicable requirements of the International Fire Code. D102.1Access and loading.
What certifications are available for the IFC?
Current certification programs specifically designed for the IFC include: Fire Inspector I, Fire Inspector II, Fire Plans Examiner, Certified Portable Fire Extinguisher Technician, Pre-Engineered Kitchen Fire Extinguishing System Technician, and Pre-Engineered Industrial Fire Extinguishing System Technician.

How far from a building is an aerial fire apparatus access road?
One or more of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located not less than 15 feet (4572 mm) and not greater than 30 feet (9144 mm) from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
How many fire apparatus roads are required for a two family dwelling?
Developments of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
How wide is a dead end fire apparatus access road?
Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet (45 720 mm) shall be provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
How many dwelling units are required for a multifamily project?
Multiple-family residential projects having more than 100 dwelling units shall be equipped throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
How many fire apparatuses are allowed in a 30 foot building?
Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144 mm) or three stories in height shall have not fewer than two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Can power lines be located over fire apparatus?
Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be placed with the approval of the fire code official.
What is the IFC code?
The International Fire Code® (IFC ®) is a model code that regulates minimum fire safety requirements for new and existing buildings, facilities, storage and processes. The IFC addresses fire prevention, fire protection, life safety and safe storage and use of hazardous materials in new and existing buildings, facilities and processes.
What is chapter 12 of the IFC?
Chapter 12 Energy Systems. Chapter 12 was added to address the current energy systems found in the IFC. It introduces a wide range of systems that generate and store energy in, on and adjacent to buildings and facilities. The expansion of such energy systems is related to meeting today’s energy, environmental and economic challenges. Ensuring appropriate criteria to address the safety of such systems in building and fire codes is an important part of protecting the public at large, building occupants and emergency responders. Previously, requirements for energy systems, such as standby power systems, PV systems and stationary battery systems, were scattered about in various locations in Chapter 6, which addresses building services and systems. However, with the addition of fuel cells and capacitor energy storage systems to the IFC, a chapter dedicated to such related issues needed to be created. This chapter provides an appropriate location for the addition of future energy systems.
What is Chapter 20 of the International Fire Code?
Chapter 20 Aviation Facilities. Chapter 20 specifies minimum requirements for the fire-safe operation of airports, heliports and helistops. The principal nonflight operational hazards associated with aviation involve fuel, facilities and operations. Therefore, safe use of flammable and combustible liquids during fueling and maintenance operations is emphasized. Availability of portable Class B:C-rated fire extinguishers for prompt control or suppression of incipient fires is required. As with other chapters of the International Fire Code, Section 2002 contains a list of terms that are defined in Chapter 2 and are applicable to the chapter contents.
What is the purpose of Chapter 10 of the IBC?
The general criteria set forth in Chapter 10 regulating the design of the means of egress are established as the primary method for protection of people in buildings by allowing timely relocation or evacuation of building occupants. Both prescriptive and performance language is utilized in this chapter to provide for a basic approach in the determination of a safe exiting system for all occupancies. It addresses all portions of the egress system (i.e., exit access, exits and exit discharge) and includes design requirements as well as provisions regulating individual components. The requirements detail the size, arrangement, number and protection of means of egress components. Functional and operational characteristics also are specified for the components that will permit their safe use without special knowledge or effort. The means of egress protection requirements work in coordination with other sections of the code, such as protection of vertical openings (see Chapter 7 ), interior finish (see Chapter 8 ), fire suppression and detection systems (see Chapter 9) and numerous others, all having an impact on life safety. Sections 1002 through 1030 duplicate text from Chapter 10 of the IBC; however, the IFC contains an additional Section 1031 on maintenance of the means of egress system in existing buildings. Retroactive minimum means of egress requirements for existing buildings are found in Chapter 11.
Where understanding of a term’s definition is especially key to or necessary for understanding of a particular code provision,?
Where understanding of a term’s definition is especially key to or necessary for understanding of a particular code provision, the term is shown in italics wherever it appears in the code. This is true only for those terms that have a meaning that is unique to the code. In other words, the generally understood meaning of a term or phrase might not be sufficient or consistent with the meaning prescribed by the code; therefore, it is essential that the code-defined meaning be known.
How many states have the IFC?
The International Fire Code (IFC) is in use or adopted in 42 states, the District of Columbia, New York City, Guam and Puerto Rico.
What is the International Fire Code?
The International Fire Code is designed to meet these needs through model code regulations that safeguard the public health and safety in all communities, large and small.
What is ICC training?
ICC provides a full suite of training courses geared specifically for the IFC. ICC instructors provide hands-on, practical problem-solving training and are available to teach on-site single or multiday courses. For more information, visit the ICC Learning Center.
What is the ICC certification program?
ICC offers certification programs for inspectors, examiners and technicians to the International Fire Code. Current certification programs specifically designed for the IFC include:
What is ICC ES?
ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) is the United States' leader in evaluating building products for compliance with code. A nonprofit, public benefit corporation, ICC-ES does technical evaluations of building products, components, methods, and materials.
What is a flexible model code?
This model code is flexible in that it allows for the use of alternative and innovative materials and performance-based methods in achieving code compliance.
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Windows operating systems: Follow the download instructions at https://remote.imf.org/vpn/ica32/windows.htm.