Remote-access Guide

iis express remote access visual studio 2012

by Mr. Kennedi Yost Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

There are three simple steps to remote access on a local project. Go into Visual Studio and tell the project to run under IISExpress. You can right-click on the web project and select “Use IISEXpress”:

Full Answer

How do I access my IIS Express application from another machine?

Normally when you run an application in IIS Express, it’s only accessible on http://localhost: [someport]. In order to access it from another machine, it needs to be bound to your public IP address as well. Open* D:Users [YourName]Documents[&IISExpress&]configapplicationhost.config *and find your site.

How do I connect to a remote computer using Visual Studio?

Click Attach Open the remote computer's website. In a browser, go to http://<remote computer name>. You should see the ASP.NET web page. In the running ASP.NET application, click the link to the Aboutpage. The breakpoint should be hit in Visual Studio. Troubleshooting IIS deployment

How do I find the IIS deployment breakpoint in Visual Studio?

You should see the ASP.NET web page. In the running ASP.NET application, click the link to the Aboutpage. The breakpoint should be hit in Visual Studio. Troubleshooting IIS deployment If you can't connect to the host using the host name, try the IP address instead.

Is the latest remote tools version compatible with earlier Visual Studio versions?

The latest remote tools version is compatible with earlier Visual Studio versions, but earlier remote tools versions aren't compatible with later Visual Studio versions. (For example, if you are using Visual Studio 2017, download the latest update of the remote tools for Visual Studio 2017.


Can IIS Express be accessed remotely?

Normally when you run an application in IIS Express, it's only accessible on http://localhost:[someport]. In order to access it from another machine, it needs to be bound to your public IP address as well.

How do I use Visual Studio with IIS Express?

Configure IIS express on visual studio Select the web application project and open properties -> select the web tab -> under server's select IIS express-> Specify the project URL. Now open the project folder and . vs folder (Hidden) -> Config -> applicationhost.

How do I connect to IIS Express?

How It WorksOpen a command prompt.Locate the installation folder, then run this command: cd \Program Files\IIS Express.To view the usage string, run this command: Select /config to either run your site from a configuration file or use /path to run your site from an application folder.

Does IIS Express come with Visual Studio?

Yes, Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta allows you to build and test web applications using IIS Express instead of the built-in ASP.NET Development Web Server (also known as Cassini). IIS Express is not included with VS 10 SP1 and will need to be installed separately.

What is the difference between IIS and IIS Express?

An important difference is the way worker processes are managed. In IIS, the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) silently activates and deactivates Web applications and the user has no direct control. In IIS Express, there is no WAS and the user has full control of application activation and deactivation.

How do I use IIS Express instead of local IIS?

Switch IIS Express To Local IISOpen the properties of the web project (Northwind. Server) and go to the "Web" tab.Change the Server from "IIS Express" to "Local IIS"Click on the button "Create Virtual Directory"

What user does IIS Express run as?

IIS Express and IIS use the ApplicationHost. config file, which specifies global settings for sites, application pools, handlers, etc. IIS Express uses a default, user-specific ApplicationHost.

What port is IIS Express using?

By default, you can use IIS Express to run your website using a non-reserved port such as 8080. However, using a reserved port such as 80 or 443 requires work.

Is IIS Express free?

Internet Information Services (IIS) 10.0 Express is a free, simple and self-contained version of IIS that is optimized for developers. IIS 10.0 Express makes it easy to use the most current version of IIS to develop and test websites.

How do I enable IIS Express in Visual Studio 2015?

Answers In Solution Explorer, right click the your project and click Properties. In the left tab, click Web. Select IIS Express, check out your Project Url, then create Virtual Directory.

How do I enable IIS Express in Visual Studio 2017?

Select the ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio Solution Explorer and click the Properties icon, or press Alt+Enter, or right-click and choose Properties. Select the Debug tab. In the Properties pane, next to Profile, For IIS Express, select IIS Express from the dropdown.

How do I enable IIS Express in Visual Studio 2015?

Answers In Solution Explorer, right click the your project and click Properties. In the left tab, click Web. Select IIS Express, check out your Project Url, then create Virtual Directory.

How do I create a virtual directory in IIS Express?

1. Right-click on your Project properties and go to the Web tab and provide the URL for the required Virtual directory and click on the button Create Virtual directory. This option edits the ApplicationHost. config file.

How do I disable IIS Express in Visual Studio 2017?

2 AnswersRegister C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i.Open Project-> Right Click Select Properties-> Select Web Tab-> Select Use Local IIS Web Server & uncheck the Use IIS Express checkbok -> Specify Project Url.

How to enable remote access in IIS?

In IIS click on the server node and find the "Management Service" icon. Enable remote access and configure a dedicated IIS User for remote deployment (These will be the credentials that will go in the user name and password boxes).

What is the site level in IIS?

At the site level in IIS assign this user to manage the website.

Where is IIS Express accessible?

Normally when you run an application in IIS Express, it’s only accessible on http://localhost: [someport]. In order to access it from another machine, it needs to be bound to your public IP address as well. Open* D:Users [YourName]DocumentsIISExpressconfigapplicationhost.config *and find your site.

Where are IIS Express configuration files stored?

They are now separate per project, and stored in / {project folder}/.vs/config/applicationhost.config. Which is much better, in my opinion, just don’t forget to add .vs/ to your .gitignore/.hgignore files!

How to allow incoming connections in Windows 7?

First, start an administrative command prompt. Second, run these commands, replacing with whatever IP and port you are using:

Can IIS Exress and VS be accessed in the same network?

Most ppl said that the web-project (IIS-exress and VS in debug mode) cannot be accessed in the same network, but you proofed them wrong

What server does Remote Debugger work on?

The remote debugger is supported on Windows Server starting with Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2. For a complete list of requirements, see Requirements.

How to install ASP.NET 4.5?

Use the Web Platform Installer (WebPI) to install ASP.NET 4.5 (from the Server node in Windows Server 2012 R2, choose Get New Web Platform Componentsand then search for ASP.NET)

How to debug ASP.NET application?

To debug an ASP.NET application that has been deployed to IIS, install and run the remote tools on the computer where you deployed your app, and then attach to your running app from Visual Studio.

What is the UDP 3702 port?

UDP 3702 - (Option al) Discovery port enables you to the Find button when attaching to the remote debugger in Visual Studio. To open a port on Windows Server, open the Start menu, search for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. Then choose Inbound Rules > New Rule > Port.

What is the port number for Visual Studio 2019?

On Visual Studio 2019, you should see <remote computer name>:4024. On Visual Studio 2017, you should see <remote computer name>:4022. The port is required.

How to add trusted sites in Internet Explorer?

Add the trusted sites by going to Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > Sites. Add the following domains.

What is Web Deploy 3.6?

Web Deploy 3.6 for Hosting Servers provides additional configuration features that enable the creation of the publish settings file from the UI.

Where is IIS Express config?

You can get to the IIS Express settings applicationhost.config by going to IISExpress[&config in your documents folder. &]

Where is the applicationhost.config file in Visual Studio?

The location of the 'applicationhost.config' file is under the project directory in '.vsconfig'.


I inherited a ASP.NET website which was hosted at The site was coded with absolute links throughout of the form /subdirectory/path/to/resource. However, when Visual Studio 2012 spins up IIS Express to host the site locally, the site is hosted at http://localhost:port/.


I don’t know if there’s a more elegant way of solving this problem, but here’s what ended up working for me. I did this through the Visual Studio IDE, but it was rather inelegant (I had to pretend to create a new project to get to the only dialog box that would allow me to do it).

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