How do I get remote access to Inova?
Call 1-855-MY-INOVA (855-694-6682) Common Questions Provides remote access to Inova applications. Note: This access method requires a connection client. Provides remote access to the Inova Radiology system for authorized referring Physicians and business partners.
How do I get help with Inova?
Need Help? Call Us. Call 1-855-MY-INOVA (855-694-6682) Common Questions Provides remote access to Inova applications. Note: This access method requires a connection client. Provides remote access to the Inova Radiology system for authorized referring Physicians and business partners.
What information is included in the Inova network?
Inova's secure network for its affiliated physicians includes Inova-related information as departmental information, medical staff announcements, on-call schedules and continuing education opportunities. Note: This access method requires a connection client.
What is Inova’s partnership with EpicCare?
Inova and Advanced Practice Strategies (APS) have teamed up to offer online, free continuing medical education for advanced fetal monitoring and assessment. EpicCare’s mobile apps keep you connected with your patients, your practice and your fellow physicians, wherever you are – 24/7. Haiku is EpicCare’s mobile app for the iPhone® and Droid®.

Physician access from InovaNet
Inova's secure network for its affiliated physicians includes Inova-related information as departmental information, medical staff announcements, on-call schedules and continuing education opportunities. Note: This access method requires a connection client.
Referring physician PACS access
Provides remote access to the Inova Radiology system for authorized referring physicians and business partners.
Provides specialized VPN access for users that require extended application access. Note: This method requires a connection client and administrative level access on your PC.
APS education for fetal monitoring
Inova and Advanced Practice Strategies (APS) have teamed up to offer online, free continuing medical education for advanced fetal monitoring and assessment.
EpicCare Mobile Apps
EpicCare’s mobile apps keep you connected with your patients, your practice and your fellow physicians, wherever you are – 24/7. Haiku is EpicCare’s mobile app for the iPhone® and Droid®. Canto is the mobile app for the iPad®.
Get ready to get better
Our doctors, nurses and Child Life specialists will help make your child’s stay as pleasant and comfortable as possible.
Cheerful spaces, private rooms, video games and a playground provide extra comfort to aid in healing. Mom and Dad can even stay in your room.
Ratings by Demographics
This rating reflects the overall rating of Inova and is not affected by filters.
Great opportunity
Absolutely loved this job caring for patients, had lots of good experience for medical school without having to have a certification after graduating from college. I had a wonderful boss and great team of nurses to work with.
Okay place to work
Terrible workload especially for day shift nurses. Self scheduling sucks, management can change your schedule anytime
Excellent experience
My experience is of an intern, hence it will differ from that of a regular employee. I had a wonderful mentor which made for a rich, varied experience.
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