Remote-access Guide

install-windowsfeature remote access

by Dave O'Reilly Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Install the Remote Access Server Role

  1. On Server Core console, type PowerShell to start.
  2. Install Remote Access feature by Install-WindowsFeature RemoteAccess Then, type Restart-Computer to restart the computer.
  3. Once rebooted, install Remote Access PowerShell module by: Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-RemoteAccess-PowerShell No need to restart the computer.
  4. Install the Routing feature by:

Full Answer

How to install remote access PowerShell on Windows Server 2016?

On Server Core console, type PowerShell to start. 2. Install Remote Access feature by Then, type Restart-Computer to restart the computer. 3. Once rebooted, install Remote Access PowerShell module by:

What is the RemoteAccess Windows PowerShell module?

The RemoteAccess Windows PowerShell module is a role administration tool for the Routing feature. You can install the Routing feature with management tools (Install-WindowsFeature -Name Routing -IncludeManagementTools) to make the Install-RemoteAccess cmdlet available.

What is the use of install-windowsfeature?

The Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet installs the specified features on a computer that is running Windows Server 2012 R2, or on an offline virtual hard disk (VHD) on which Windows Server 2012 R2 is installed. This cmdlet works similarly to the installation of roles and features in Server Manager, with an important exception: the cmdlet does not ...

What are the different ways of installing Windows Server roles and features?

There are five (5) different ways of installing Windows Server roles and features, three (3) of them are from the command line or PowerShell. Let's take a look at the different PowerShell cmdlets for installing Windows Server roles and features:

What is the install feature in Windows Server 2012?

What is a parameter that installs one or more available features on a specified remote computer?

What is a cmdlet in Windows Server 2012 R2?

What parameter to use to mount a VHD?

Where is the VHD on a computer?

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How to Install Windows Features with PowerShell? -

To install windows features on the server, Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet is used . Install-WindowsFeature Windows-Server-Backup -LogPath C:\Temp\Installfeatures.txt -Verbose. In the above example, Windows-Server-Backup feature will be installed on the local server and logs will be stored at location C:\Temp and file name InstallFeatures.txt. PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-WindowsFeature ...

Different ways for installing Windows features on the command line ...

The *-WindowsCapability cmdlets were added in Windows 10 and Server 2016+, they are similar to the Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature cmdlet but also have the ability to download packages from Windows Update or a local repository if they are not accessible on the machine itself.

PowerShell - Install-WindowsFeature (and family) missing on Windows 10?

We have some Powershell scripts used to set up various dev/test/prod environments and one of them installs and configures IIS. Unfortunately these scripts don't appear to be working under Windows 10 at this time because the Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet is missing.

How to Get Windows features using PowerShell? -

To get the windows features and roles available or installed using PowerShell, you need to use the Get-WIndowsFeature cmdlet. That is obvious that Windows features and roles are available only on the server operating systems not on the client operating system.

What is install-remoteaccess cmdlet?

The Install-RemoteAccess cmdlet performs prerequisite checks for DirectAccess (DA) to ensure that it can be installed, installs DA for remote access (RA) (includes management of remote clients) or for management of remote clients only, installs VPN (both Remote Access VPN and site-to-site VPN), and installs Border Gateway Protocol Routing.

How are DA users authenticated?

User authentication: All DA users are authenticated using their domain user name and password.

Can you move a DA installation to another?

Note: This cmdlet cannot be used to move from one DA installation type to another. Run the Set-DAServer cmdlet to move one DA installation type to another.

Is force tunneling disabled?

Force tunneling is disabled for the clients.

Can a VPN be installed on multiple sites?

Note: A multi-site deployment case VPN can only be installed one site at a time. Note: In a S2S case, the cmdlet will install it on any one available node in that entry point.

What is Get-RemoteAccess?

Get-RemoteAccess - Displays the configuration of DA and VPN (both Remote Access VPN and S2S VPN).

What is Add-RemoteAccessRadius?

Add-RemoteAccessRadius - Adds a new external RADIUS server for VPN authentication, accounting for DA and VPN, or one-time password (OTP) authentication for DA.

What is enable-daotp?

Enable-DAOtpAuthentication - Enables and configures OTP authentication for DA users.

What is add-vpns2sinterface?

Add-VpnS2SInterface - Creates a site-to-site (S2S) interface with the specified parameters.

What is add-damgmtserver?

Add-DAMgmtServer - Adds the specified Management servers to the DA deployment.

What does "disable-remoteaccessroutingdomain" mean?

Disable-RemoteAccessRoutingDomain Disables remote access functions for a routing domain.

Can Remote Access be installed using PowerShell?

The following Remote Access role services can be installed using Windows PowerShell.

How many ways to install Windows Server roles?

There are five (5) different ways of installing Windows Server roles and features, three (3) of them are from the command line or PowerShell.

How to add roles and features to a server?

Open the Server Manager on the Windows Server. 2. Click on Add roles and features which can be found in the center of Server Manager. Another way is to go to Manage which can be found in the upper right corner, then click on Add Roles and Features.

Is there a role in Windows Server?

There's a lot of roles and features for Windows Server, but there are also many different ways of installing these. It's good to know the different ways of installing these roles or features, because if you're using an operating system without a Graphical User Interface (GUI) there will be no Server Manager to perform the simple "next-next-next" ...

Can you use wildcards to find features?

This list is very long and it's difficult to find the feature that we want, so we can use wildcards to easily find the feature that we want.

Can PowerShell install Windows Server?

Installing Windows Server features with PowerShell is very quick and efficient, this can also be automated with scripts.


I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine running on 2012 R2 Hyper-V host. I open and elevated Powershell prompt on this domain-joined virtual machine and enter


I can get by with Install-WindowsFeature DirectAccess-VPN -includeManagementTools -Restart. It installs the management tools and puts up a notification for the configuration wizard.

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I can get by with Install-WindowsFeature DirectAccess-VPN -includeManagementTools -Restart. It installs the management tools and puts up a notification for the configuration wizard.

What is the install feature in Windows Server 2012?

The Install-WindowsFeature cm dlet installs the specified features on a computer that is running Windows Server 2012 R2, or on an offline virtual hard disk (VHD) on which Windows Server 2012 R2 is installed. This cmdlet works similarly to the installation of roles and features in Server Manager, with an important exception: the cmdlet does not install management tools for the features by default. To install management tools such as snap-ins on a target server, you must add the IncludeManagementTools parameter to your command.

What is a parameter that installs one or more available features on a specified remote computer?

Installs one or more available features on a specified remote computer. This parameter accepts only one computer name . If this parameter is not added, or no computer name is specified, the default target is the local computer.

What is a cmdlet in Windows Server 2012 R2?

This cmdlet is equivalent to and replaces Add-WindowsFeature, the cmdlet that was used to install roles, role services, and features in Windows Server 2008 R2.

What parameter to use to mount a VHD?

Add the ComputerName parameter to specify the target computer you want to use to mount the VHD. If the ComputerName parameter is not specified, then the local computer is used. The computer that you are using to mount the VHD must be running Windows Server 2012 R2. Any local path, such as D:myFolder, that is specified by using this parameter is always relative to the target computer.

Where is the VHD on a computer?

The VHD can be on a local disk on the target computer, or on a network shared folder. If the VHD is in a network shared folder, then the value of this parameter is a UNC path to the VHD. In this case, the computer account of the computer that you are using to mount the VHD must have read and write permissions (Read/Write permissions in the File Sharing dialog box, or Full Control on the Security tab of the folder Properties dialog box) on the shared folder, or the VHD will not be accessible. Local loopback UNC paths are not supported. Use either of the following formats for the computer account: DOMAINSERVERNAME$ or SERVERNAME$.

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