Campus Coronavirus Updates
See the University of Iowa coronavirus website for the latest information about COVID-19 and the university’s response.
If you require access to specific applications not listed or need help with these services, please contact your IT representative or the ITS Help Desk. Healthcare employees, please contact the HCIS Help Desk .
How to access ISU technology resources from off-campus
Most Iowa State University resources are easily accessible remotely with just an internet connection, but may require some setup. If you have questions or issues, submit a ticket to the IT Solution Center or call 515-294-4000 .
Remote Work Checklist
Contact your supervisor regarding remote work. Reference the Employee FAQ for the latest updates and resources available to faculty, staff and students.
Cisco Webex Meetings & Training
Attend training for instructors aimed to help boost engagement during class.
Internet Access
Internet access is a prerequisite of successfully working remotely. Speak with your supervisor if your internet options are limited.
If you require access to specific applications not listed or need help with these services, please contact the IT Solution Center at solution@iastate.edu, report an incident or call 515-294-4000.
Printer Support
By default, the printer that was set as your default printer for your workstation is also the default printer for your Remote Access session.
Save Files to your Local Workstation
You can save files to your local workstation from a Remote Access session by browsing to the folder and saving your file. Make certain you are aware of the exact save destination so you can retrieve the file at a later time.
Duration Time for a Remote Access Session
You are disconnected automatically after 3 hours of inactivity. After your session is disconnected, your session will be logged off 15 minutes after being disconnected. Any unsaved changes will be lost upon logoff.
Citrix Access Gateway (CAG)
CAG is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE). CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat.
Cisco AnyConnect VPN
The Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client is only for use on VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and is installed on all GFE laptops.
Azure Virtual Desktop
Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is designed for users with a Windows 10 (either VA-furnished or privately-owned) or personal Windows 11 computer. This is a good option for users who need access to a standardized VA desktop (PIV or eToken required).
PIV Issues?
Using the yourIT Self Service, you can now initiate your own 24-hour PIV exemption!
Tips for Telework
Place your router in a central area of your home and elevate it off the floor in an upright position.