Remote-access Guide

irs needs fips remote access

by Raven Heidenreich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

IRS Publication 1075, Tax Information Security Guidelines for Federal, State, and Local Agencies (Pub 1075) requires that all access to federal tax information (FTI) occurs from agency-owned equipment. It also requires that any remote access has multi-factor authentication implemented. Remote access, defined by Pub 1075, is any access to an agency information system by a user communicating through an external network (i.e. the internet). These requirements are more important as agencies. looking to reduce costs, allow employees to work from home or telework.

Full Answer

What are the encryption requirements of NIST and FIPS 140-2?

To define in simple terms the encryption requirements of Pub. 1075, NIST controls and FIPS 140-2 and provide recommendations to agencies on how to comply with the requirements in technical implementations (e.g., remote access, email, data transfers, mobile devices and media, databases and applications.

What is FIPS certification and why is it important?

FIPS compliant is the minimum standard that must be met for government endpoints. FIPS validated or certified demonstrates security that goes beyond that minimum. To be FIPS 140-2 certified or validated, the software (and hardware) must be independently validated by one of 13 NIST specified laboratories.

What are the requirements for remote access?

It also requires that any remote access has multi-factor authentication implemented. Remote access, defined by Pub. 1075, is any access to an agency information system by a user communicating through an external network (i.e. the internet).

What is remote access to information systems?

NIST SP 800-53 defines remote access as any access to an organization information system by a user (or an information system) communicating through an external, non-organization-controlled network (e.g., the Internet).


Can federal tax information be accessed remotely?

All agency employees and contractors accessing FTI data remotely from an external network through an Internet web portal are required to be authenticated by an application that utilizes a two-factor authentication mechanism.

What is the IRS 1075?

Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (“IRS 1075”) sets standards for information security, guidelines, and agreements for protecting US government agencies and their agents that access federal tax information (FTI).

Does the IRS share information with law enforcement?

IRC 6103(i)(1) provides that, pursuant to court order, return information may be shared with law enforcement agencies for investigation and prosecution of non-tax criminal laws.

What personal information does the IRS have access to?

We may collect personal information about you (such as name, email address, Social Security number or other unique identifier) only if you specifically and knowingly provide it to us. We will use your information to process requests for certain services or information.

Who does IRS 1075 apply to?

Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (IRS 1075) provides guidance for US government agencies and their agents that access federal tax information (FTI) to ensure that they use policies, practices, and controls to protect its confidentiality.

What is the two barrier rule for FTI?

The minimum IRS protection standard requires two barriers to access FTI under normal security (secured or locked perimeter, secured area or containerization). The two barrier rule applies to FTI beginning at the FTI itself and extending outward to individuals without a need-to-know.

Does the IRS share information with other agencies?

Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 6103 authorizes the IRS to share tax information by entering into agreements with governmental agencies for tax administration purposes. Comparable laws allow agencies to share their information with the IRS.

Can the IRS release tax information to third party?

Tax Information Authorization You can use Form 8821 to allow the IRS to discuss your tax matters with designated third parties and, where necessary, to disclose your confidential tax return information to those designated third parties on matters other than just the processing of your current tax return.

Are IRS investigations public record?

By law, tax records may not be disclosed to any individual unless authorized by IRC Section 6103.

What accounts can the IRS not touch?

Insurance proceeds and dividends paid either to veterans or to their beneficiaries. Interest on insurance dividends left on deposit with the Veterans Administration. Benefits under a dependent-care assistance program.

Can IRS check your bank account?

How would the IRS use the bank information? The IRS could look for discrepancies between a taxpayer's total bank deposits and withdrawals and their reported income. If someone's bank account grows by a million dollars in a year when their reported income is just $50,000, the IRS might have a few questions.

Why does the IRS want to verify my identity?

In some instances, you will need to verify your identity and tax return information with the IRS. This helps prevent an identity thief from getting your refund.

When the IRS loses a court case and issues a Nonacquiescence what does that mean for a taxpayer?

Tax Treaties. When the IRS loses a court case and issues a nonacquiescence, what does that mean for a taxpayer? The IRS disagrees with the stance of the court and will continue to litigate the issue in the future. Treasury regulations have different purposes.

Which of the following is considered a tax preparer under the tax preparer regulations?

Which of the following is considered a tax preparer under the tax preparer regulations? Someone who employs another person to prepare, for compensation, a substantial portion of any return of tax under the income tax provisions of the Code.

What best describes the two barrier rule?

Shawn Finnegan: Secure storage is based on the concept of minimum protection standards, or the two-barrier rule. Basically, there must always be two barriers between someone who is not authorized to see the FTI and the information itself.

How is FTI disposed?

The approved method of destruction of IRS FTI is shredding.

What is the FIPS 140-2 encryption mechanism?

1075, Section 9.4.3 Email Communications states that if FTI is included in email, whether the message itself or as an attachment, it must be encrypted using a FIPS 140-2 validated mechanism.

What is FTI encryption?

In order to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of FTI, data encryption is an essential element to any effective information ...

What is the purpose of encryption and tunneling?

Encryption and tunneling protocols are used to ensure the confidentiality of data in transit. Agencies should use IPSec or SSL encrypted VPN solutions and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), IPSec or L2TP tunneling protocols to establish VPN connections.

What is the purpose of a VPN in FTI?

The key feature of a VPN is its ability to use public networks like the Internet without sacrificing basic security. Encryption and tunneling protocols are used to ensure the confidentiality ...

What is NIST 140-2?

1075, NIST controls and FIPS 140-2 and provide recommendations to agencies on how to comply with the requirements in technical implementations (e.g., remote access, email, data transfers, mobile devices and media, databases and applications.

How to encrypt a zip file?

Agencies are requested to adhere to the following guidelines to use encryption: 1 Compress files in .zip or .zipx formats, 2 Encrypt the compressed file using Advanced Encryption Standard, 3 Use a strong 256-bit encryption key string, 4 Ensure a strong password or pass phrase is generated to encrypt the file and 5 Communicate the password or pass phrase with the Office of Safeguards through a separate email or via a telephone call to your IRS contact person. Do not provide the password or passphrase in the same email containing the encrypted attachment.

What is the encryption requirement for 1075?

1075, Section 7.1.2, Encryption Requirements, the Office of Safeguards recommends that all required reports, when sent to the Office of Safeguards via email, be transmitted using IRS-approved encryption methods to protect sensitive information. Agencies are requested to adhere to the following guidelines to use encryption:

What is FIPS compliance?

FIPS Compliance is mandatory for US government endpoints, which means that all computers used for government work must be FIPS compliant. Government/federal organizations, subsidiaries, and their contractors must ensure FIPS compliance as they handle information protected by federal government rules.

Why is FIPS 140-2 important?

Here’s Why it Matters. The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 is an important IT security benchmark and U.S. government standard issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). FIPS 140-2 validation is required for the sale of products with cryptography modules to the federal government.

What is the FIPS 140-2 validation?

The FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validation should give agencies, and private sector organizations that support government agencies, confidence that BeyondTrust Secure Remote Access can meet the security needs of the most demanding environments.

What is secure advanced web access?

Secure Advanced Web Access to Applications and Cloud Platforms: It is vital that privileged users (remote workers) have access to the tools and resources they need, regardless of where they are or what device they are using. Organizations can provide an additional layer of security to web/thick applications with our Privileged Remote Access product by providing internal and external remote users a simple, secure method to access their workstations, internal and cloud infrastructure, and web/thick applications from wherever they are. After the job is done, organizations have a detailed and complete audit trail regarding any remote access sessions.

What port is remote connection through?

Remote connection security: Every remote connection is outbound through Port 443, requiring no firewall changes. You can define permissions for every session, whether for attended or unattended access.

Why is remote access important?

With workers becoming increasingly distributed and operating outside a corporate office , it’s more important than ever to improve security and manageability around remote access. In a typical week, government/public sector organizations, on average, have 124 third-party vendors logging into their systems/network. With so many remote access points, and often, sub-optimal visibility, auditing, and security controls over this access, it’s only a matter of time before a weak link in remote access is compromised—either via an employee, or a third-party vendor. In early 2021, the world has already been shaken by a number of cyberattacks and breaches involving the government sector and remote access, including one brazen attack that attempted to poison a community’s water supply by leveraging a consumer-grade remote support tool.

What is the enforcement of least privilege?

Enforcement of least privilege: Applies granular permissions to manage teams, users, roles, and session permission settings. This helps ensure users stay productive and on task, while minimizing the threat surface.

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