Remote-access Guide

is port forwarding the same as remote access

by Osbaldo Roberts Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The core principles of port forwarding and port mapping are the same, but the scenarios used are different. We forward the local port to a remote port. We can call port mapping or port forwarding. The port of any IP that the computer can access is forwarded to the port of another server, we call it port forwarding.

Full Answer

What is port forwarding on a router?

Port forwarding simply maps the port on your router's IP address (your public IP) to the port and IP address of the PC you want to access. Specific steps for enabling port forwarding depend on the router you're using, so you'll need to search online for your router's instructions.

What is remote desktop port forwarding and how does it work?

Remote desktop allows you to access your computer system from a different computer or network. So, if you’d like to have full access to your main computer at all times, no matter where you are, you will need to set up remote desktop port forwarding on your home network. How to Configure Remote Desktop Port Forwarding?

What happens when someone tries to connect to a forwarded port?

In this case if someone tries to connect to the forwarded port on the remote host, then she/he will actually contact the local port on our machine. The remote host is "pretending" to have in the forwarded port what we serve in our local port in our machine. Lets see again a picture that will help to better understand it.

What is the difference between port forwarding and VPN?

Unlike Port Forwarding, a VPN provides multiple levels of security through tunneling protocols and security procedures such as password verification and encryption. Now, let’s briefly take a look at the Pros and Cons of each method:


Is remote access port forwarding?

This can be quickly done via remote desktop port forwarding. RDP port forwarding maps the port on your public IP address (router's IP) to the port and IP of the computer you want to access. Port forwarding allows you to anything you want to do on your PC remotely, as though you were using the PC itself.

What is port forwarding also called?

Port forwarding enables an external source network or system to connect to an internal source node/port, which typically connects to Internet services and an internal private LAN. Port forwarding is also known as port mapping, tunneling or punch through.

What is remote IP in port forwarding?

Remote port forwarding creates an incoming tunnel which can be used to bring a local computer into the public internet. An internet user can access a certain local host:port combination on a remote host.

What is remote access port?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft proprietary protocol that enables remote connections to other computers, typically over TCP port 3389. It provides network access for a remote user over an encrypted channel.

What are the dangers of port forwarding?

Is port forwarding safe? Port forwarding inherently gives people outside of your network more access to your computer. Giving access or accessing unsafe ports can be risky, as threat actors and other people with malicious intents can then easily get full control of your device.

Why port forwarding is needed?

Port forwarding is an excellent way to preserve public IP addresses. It can protect servers and clients from unwanted access, “hide” the services and servers available on a network and limit access to and from a network. Port forwarding is transparent to the end-user and adds an extra layer of security to networks.

What is difference between local port and remote port?

The local port is the port number on the local computer, in this case your Windows 2016 server. The remote port is the port number on the remote computer, in this case the client that is connecting to your SQL server.

How can I remotely access my IP address?

Remote Desktop to Your Server From a Local Windows ComputerClick the Start button.Click Run...Type “mstsc” and press the Enter key.Next to Computer: type in the IP address of your server.Click Connect.If all goes well, you will see the Windows login prompt.

What is the difference between remote IP and local IP?

turns out local ip is the packet's destination ip, and remote ip is the packet's source ip.

What is remote access on my router for?

The primary reason to access a router remotely would be to check up on data usage. This can give you a view as to who is using your network and what they are up to. In other words, it is a great tool for parents checking up on their kids and for anyone else worried about hackers and Wi-Fi thieves.

How do I open a port for remote access?

You can open the Remote Desktop Connection client by going to Run –> mstsc. Simply put, the default port for using the Remote Desktop Protocol is 3389. This port should be open through Windows Firewall to make it RDP accessible within the local area network.

What can you do with remote access?

Remote computer access is the ability to access another computer or network that isn't in your physical presence. Remote computer access allows an employee to access a computer desktop and its files from a remote location. This helps enable an employee who is working from home, for instance, to work effectively.

What is the difference between NAT and PAT?

In NAT, Private IP addresses are translated into the public IP address. In PAT, Private IP addresses are translated into the public IP address via Port numbers.

What is UPnP in networking?

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a networking protocol that enables devices to discover each other and connect without the need for manual configuration or user intervention. The protocol automates all the steps necessary for recognition and communication between devices on the same network.

Port Forwarding, Remote Access, & Other Goodies

Welcome to the fourth part of our usenet series. This section doesn’t really tell you anything usenet specific, but we are going to discuss a few common features so that we can get the most out of our usenet applications.

What is Port Forwarding?

Port forwarding is a fancy way of saying we’re going to forward requests for web pages from your router to different computers in your house. I think the best way to explain how port forwarding works, is to give you an example you’ll use.

How Do I Setup Port Forwarding In My Router?

It would be nice if I could give you a step my step screenshot and tell you how to forward ports on every brand of router, but unfortunately there are too many different model routers out there.

DHCP Reservation

Remember that DHCP thing I mentioned earlier? The key part of that initialism is “ Dynamic “. Your router dishes out local IP addresses dynamically, but what does that mean for you? Let’s again walk through a scenario. Suppose you’re all happy because your server is running on and you’ve got 8080 forwarding to that local IP address.

Dynamic WAN IPs and DynDNS

Everything listed above is all well and good if you know what your WAN IP address is. Your internet service provider uses a dynamic system to give you a WAN IP address so it’s going to change. Sure, today it’s but tomorrow it might be

What is an API?

API stands for “ Application Programming Interface “, we nerds love to make things sound complicated. APIs are like the computer version of that childhood game “ Simon Says “. Only instead of trying to get your little brother to shave the cat so he won’t lose a game, you’re telling a computer to do things for you.


Well let’s see, if you’ve been following us from the start, you know what usenet is. You have access to your local usenet server. You also have a media server that’s always on and running SABnzbd.

What is Remote Desktop Port Forwarding?

When you connect to your personal computer (PC) by using a remote desktop client, you create a peer-to-peer connection. So, you will need direct access to the host (your PC). You will need to “enable the access” if you want to connect to your system from outside the network it is running on.

How to forward ports on a router?

Set the forwarding ports to be 3389. Then enter the IP address of your local PC as the network these ports should be forwarded to. Once done, save the settings and, if necessary, restart the router.

What is Port?

A port is a point to which a computer, a process, a service, or an application connects.

What port do I need to connect to my remote desktop?

The port responsible for the Windows Remote Desktop service is 3389, i.e., you need to forward it to port 3389. If you or the PC you are connecting to is behind a router, you will first need to change the router’s settings to forward port 3389 from the router to the PC you’re connecting to. Here is how to do that:

What is the difference between a private IP address and a public IP address?

A public IP address is accessible to the outside world, whereas a private IP address is only used in internal networks. Whenever you request to gather information from the Internet, your device’s private IP address is sent along with the public IP address of your router.

What is remote desktop?

Remote desktop allows you to access your computer system from a different computer or network. So, if you’d like to have full access to your main computer at all times, no matter where you are, you will need to set up remote desktop port forwarding on your home network.

What is the purpose of port?

This is where ports come in. Ports ensure that a computer knows which application the data packets are meant for based on the port number.

What is port forwarding?

Port Forwarding: Allows remote computers to pass data to a specific computer or service within a private local-area network (LAN) by mapping traffic crossing specific ports to specified devices on the network. With Port Forwarding, the router is set to listen on a specific port for inbound traffic. If that port is contacted, information is then forwarded to the mapped internal resource.

What is the difference between VPN and port forwarding?

While there are positive and negative aspects of both methods, there are some major differences when it comes to security. Port Forwarding passes all data in what is referred to as “the clear,” which means packets can be captured and analyzed without much effort— providing a rather open door into the system for a skilled hacker. On the other hand, while a VPN requires additional steps to connect to the network, it provides superior security. Plus, with a VPN, all of the data is encrypted—making the information much more difficult to use if somehow it is intercepted.

What is VPN in LAN?

VPN (Virtual Private Network): A VPN allows the user to access the private local-area network (LAN) as if physically connected at the site.

Why do we need remote access to LAN?

The need for secure remote access to private LAN resources is no longer limited to large corporations with satellite locations or mobile employees. A growing number of homeowners and small business owners now have the same requirement. At the same time, many service providers use remote access to their customer’s network as a way to improve customer service while minimizing costs. By understanding how to configure and use a VPN, savvy network installers have one more tool for adding value to their customers.

How to create a user account on a router?

Create User Accounts: Input a user name, create a password for the user, and select if the user will have access to the local network or just to the router.

Can a router allow multiple ports?

Most routers will allow the creation of multiple port forwarding rules—even to the same device. Hackers can easily scan for open ports that can be used for breaking into internal systems. Forwards the user to the private network without requiring a password. Rules must be created for each device and internal resource.

How to enable port forwarding on router?

Enable port forwarding on your router. Port forwarding simply maps the port on your router's IP address (your public IP) to the port and IP address of the PC you want to access. Specific steps for enabling port forwarding depend on the router you're using, so you'll need to search online for your router's instructions.

What does it mean when you connect to a remote desktop?

When you connect to your PC by using a Remote Desktop client, you're creating a peer-to-peer connection. This means you need direct access to the PC (some times called "the host"). If you need to connect to your PC from outside of the network your PC is running on, you need to enable that access. You have a couple of options: use port forwarding or set up a VPN.

What does it mean to connect to a PC from outside?

This means you need direct access to the PC (sometimes called "the host"). If you need to connect to your PC from outside of the network your PC is running on, you need to enable that access. You have a couple of options: use port forwarding or set up a VPN.

Can RD client access PC?

Instead, when you connect to the VPN, your RD client acts like it's part of the same network and be able to access your PC. There are a number of VPN services available - you can find and use whichever works best for you.

What happens if someone tries to connect to the forwarded port on the remote host?

In this case if someone tries to connect to the forwarded port on the remote host, then she/he will actually contact the local port on our machine. The remote host is "pretending" to have in the forwarded port what we serve in our local port in our machine. Lets see again a picture that will help to better understand it.

What is the ssh flag for remote port forwarding?

The command as shown also in the picture is this ssh -R 8888: The - R flag is required to be specified to indicate the remote port forwarding. Keep in mind that if you would like to specify the user to connect as, in the remote server you can do it like this ssh -R 8888: myuser@

Is the remote host in the third block the same as the remote host in the fourth block?

In the picture above, the remote host with the remote port defined in the third block is not necessarily the same as the remote host in the fourth block!

Is SSH port forwarding a dark spot?

Although the concept of SSH port forwarding might be straight forward to some, it has its dark spots for others. In this article we will try to explain in detail local, remote and dynamic port forwarding and also see examples and tools that can be used in each case for both Windows and Linux.

What is port forwarding?

Port forwarding is a technique that is used to allow external devices access to computers services on private networks. It does this by mapping an external port to an internal IP address and port. Most online gaming Applications will require you to configure port forwarding on your home router. To understand port forwarding you need ...

Why is port forwarding important?

It is configured on home routers and it is necessary because home routers use NAT which isolates the home network from the Internet.

What is UPNP on a router?

Using the UPnP protocol an application can open ports on the router. The screen shot below is taken from my router and shows a standard port forwarding rule and one setup automatically using UPnP. Using UPnP is considered insecure and to be avoided if possible. However most routers come with UPnP enabled by default.

Why is UPnP more secure than port forwarding?

Because the ports aren’t left open it is considered more secure than port forwarding. UPnP ( Universal Plug and Play) You may have noticed that your games work OK on the Internet even though you have not configured port forwarding. This is most probably because the router as UPnP enabled.

What is IP1 port number?

Notes: IP1 is the IP address of your PC. Client port numbers are dynamically assigned and can be reused once the session is closed. Returning to Port forwarding.. On home or small office networks the router uses NAT (Network Address Translation) which allows internal devices to share a single external IP4 Address.

What does an external device send packets to?

External devices send packets to the external IP address and port.

What is the port number of a server?

The use of ports allow computers/devices to run multiple services/applications. Standard Port numbers are allocated to server services (0-1023) by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). e.g Web servers normally use port 80 and SMTP servers use port 25.

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