Remote-access Guide

____ is the preferred communications protocol for remote access communications

by Mr. Zion Kessler Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The primary remote access protocols in use today are the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Remote Access Services (RAS), and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

Full Answer

What are the different types of remote access protocols?

The primary remote access protocols in use today are the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Remote Access Services (RAS), and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

What is the communication protocol?

The communication protocol is the media or channel between two or more communicating devices. By using the communication protocols, two devices can connect and communicate with each other. Without communication protocol, devices can only be connected but not communicated.

How does PPP support multiple network protocols?

PPP can support multiple network protocols by using protocol-specific network control protocols (NPCs). Because it can run over numerous physical media types and features error-checking functionalities, PPP has almost entirely replaced SLIP.

What is a remote access client?

A service that allows a client to connect with and log on to a server, LAN, or WAN in a different geographical location. After connecting, the client can access files, applications, and other shared resources (printers) like any other client on the server, LAN, or WAN. Remote access methods


What is a remote access protocol?

A remote access protocol is responsible for managing the connection between a remote access server and a remote computer. It's necessary for desktop sharing and remote access for help desk activities.

Is a network protocol IT allows administrators to access a remote computer in a secure way?

Remote desktop protocol (RDP) is a secure network communications protocol developed by Microsoft. It enables network administrators to remotely diagnose problems that individual users encounter and gives users remote access to their physical work desktop computers.

Which protocol is used for encrypted remote access to a server?

IPsec. Internet Protocol security (IPsec) can be used as a remote access tunneling protocol to encrypt traffic going over the Internet.

Which two of the following are common protocols used to access emails stored on a remote mail server select all answers that apply?

SMTP and Email There are three common protocols used to deliver email over the Internet: the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), the Post Office Protocol (POP), and the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). All three use TCP, and the last two are used for accessing electronic mailboxes.

Which protocol is best to use to access the remote network devices?

The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a protocol, or technical standard, for using a desktop computer remotely. Remote desktop software can use several different protocols, including RDP, Independent Computing Architecture (ICA), and virtual network computing (VNC), but RDP is the most commonly used protocol.

Which of the following protocol is used by remote login?

Notes: Telnet is a protocol used to log in to remote computers. terminals over the Internet or a TCP/IP computer network.

What is the best remote access authentication?

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Level Security is the most secure remote authentication protocol. It uses certificates on both the client and the server to provide mutual authentication, data integrity, and data confidentiality.

Is SSH A protocol?

SSH or Secure Shell is a network communication protocol that enables two computers to communicate (c.f http or hypertext transfer protocol, which is the protocol used to transfer hypertext such as web pages) and share data.


Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft proprietary protocol that enables remote connections to other computers, typically over TCP port 3389. It provides network access for a remote user over an encrypted channel.

What is POP3 and SMTP?

SMTP is referred to as PUSH protocol, and POP3 is called a POP protocol. SMTP sends the email from the device of the sender to the mailbox from the mail server of the receiver. POP3 lets you retrieve and organize emails from the mailbox on the mail server of the receiver to the computer of the receiver.

What are the two major protocols used for accessing emails from server?

There are two primary protocols used by email client applications to retrieve email from mail servers: the Post Office Protocol (POP) and the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). Unlike SMTP, both of these protocols require connecting clients to authenticate using a username and password.

What is POP3 and IMAP?

POP3 is an abbreviation for Post Office Protocol 3. IMAP is an abbreviation for Internet Message Access Protocol. Introduction. The POP is an Internet standard protocol on the application layer that the local email clients use for retrieving emails from any remote server over the TCP/IP connection.

What secure protocol is recommended for network address translation?

IPsec is the secure protocol recommended for network address translation. Layer issue. A router is a device for the network layer, yet as a NAT device it is required to tamper with the transport layer in the form of port numbers.

What secure protocol is recommended for time synchronization?

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is one of the oldest Internet protocols in use. It enables the synchronization of clocks on computer networks to within a few milliseconds of standard universal coordinated time (UTC). It is a crucial component of Internet security.

Why is IPsec considered to be a transparent security protocol?

"Why is IPsec considered to be a transparent security protocol? - IPsec is designed to not require modifications of programs, or additional training, or additional client setup. - IPsec uses the Transparent Encryption (TE) algorithm."

Which Windows utilities can you use to access the network and sharing center?

There are several ways to launch the Network and Sharing Center. One way is to launch the Run window by pressing the " Windows + R" keyboard keys , type "control.exe /name Microsoft. NetworkAndSharingCenter" and press OK. This works in all versions of Windows that include this feature.

What is remote access protocol?

A remote access protocol is responsible for managing the connection between a remote access server and a remote computer. It’s necessary for desktop sharing and remote access for help desk activities. The primary remote access protocols in use today are the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), ...

What is PPP protocol?

PPP is a remote access protocol that allows you to implement TCP/IP. It establishes a connection via point-to-point links (i.e., dedicated leased lines and dial-up). PPP is used most often for remote connections to LANs and ISPs. PPP utilizes the Link Control Protocol (LCP), which tests the link between client and PPP host ...

How to use PPTP?

To use PPTP, you’ll have to set up a PPP session between the server and the client, usually over the internet. Once the session is established, you’ll create a second dial-up session. This dial-up session will use PPTP to dial through the existing PPP session.

What is LCP in PPP?

PPP utilizes the Link Control Protocol (LCP), which tests the link between client and PPP host and specifies PPP client configuration, to communicate between host and PPP client. LCP allows PPP to support authentication negotiation, in addition to compression and encryption negotiation between the client and the server, using encryption control protocols (ECPs) and compression control protocols (CCPs). PPP can support multiple network protocols by using protocol-specific network control protocols (NPCs). Because it can run over numerous physical media types and features error-checking functionalities, PPP has almost entirely replaced SLIP.

What is PPTP in a network?

PPTP is a remote access protocol, based on PPP, created by Microsoft. It’s used to establish virtual connections across the internet via PPP and TCP/IP, enabling two networks to use the internet as their WAN link while retaining the security benefits of a private network.

What is managed services provider?

As a managed services provider (MSP), you likely already work with remote access protocols on a daily basis. But learning how to best explain the various types of remote access protocols and their advantages and disadvantages to customers is critical in helping them understand your decisions—and why they should trust you and your services.

Can you use a RAS modem on a Windows server?

With a RAS setup, you can connect a modem to a Windows 2000 or Windows NT server and configure the modem as dial-out only, dial-up only, or a combination of the two. RAS can only provide LAN access to remote users. It doesn’t let LAN users use the modem to, for example, dial their AOL account.

Why do companies use VPNs?

Numerous companies today interconnect their users and branch offices through VPNs, because in addition to having low implementation and maintenance costs, it offers high integrity and reliability of the data trafficked.

What is L2TP tunneling?

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) is an encapsulation protocol that, while not providing any confidentiality or authentication by itself, relies on an IPSec encryption protocol to provide privacy to remote network users. L2TP connections, also known as virtual lines, provide inexpensive access for remote users as it enables the corporate network server to manage the IP addresses assigned to their remote users. In this way, L2TP can guarantee confidentiality, authentication and integrity.

What is SSL VPN?

SSL VPN (Secure Sockets Layer) is a format that can be used in two ways, some solutions offer direct web access without the need to install a connection client, and others, via client. The basis of information transport through SSL and its sub-protocols, ensuring communication and security between the points involved. This type of VPN has gained a growing number of users because of the ease of use and interoperability with mobile devices, which are increasingly being used by employees in transit who need to securely access company information.


Serial Line Internet Protocol (Slip)`

Point-To-Point Protocol

  • PPP is a remote access protocol that allows you to implement TCP/IP. It establishes a connection via point-to-point links (i.e., dedicated leased lines and dial-up). PPP is used most often for remote connections to LANs and ISPs. PPP utilizes the Link Control Protocol (LCP), which tests the link between client and PPP host and specifies PPP client ...
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Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol

  • PPTP is a remote access protocol, based on PPP, created by Microsoft. It’s used to establish virtual connections across the internet via PPP and TCP/IP, enabling two networks to use the internet as their WAN link while retaining the security benefits of a private network. PPTP is a great option because it’s simple and secure. To use PPTP, you’ll have to set up a PPP session be…
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Windows Remote Access Services

  • Windows 2000 and Windows NT let users dial up a server and connect to both the server and the server’s host network. This is referred to as RAS, which is used in smaller networks where a dedicated dial-up router would not be possible or practical. With a RAS setup, you can connect a modem to a Windows 2000 or Windows NT server and configure the modem as dial-out only, di…
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Remote Desktop Protocol

  • Finally, there is the RDP, which is very similar to the Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) protocol used by Citrix products. RDP is utilized to access Windows Terminal Services, which is a close relative of the product line provided by Citrix WinFrame. RDP offers the same core functions as ICA, although there are some limitations. RDP provides remote access for Windows clients o…
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